JFK - The Case for Conspiracy Part 1 (1993)

For whatever reason, Google videos are incapable of being posted on snardfarker.ng.com.

A few hours ago I posted a video on Restore the Republic, and tried to post it here. I thought it did post, until I read comments later that there was no video.

Since then I've tried several times to repost the url, the code both in My Video section, and even in a blog.--No go!

So, if anyone reads this Wall message, all I can do is post the url to the video.--And I highly recommend watching this video.


Through the years I watched Oliver Stone's JFK three times. However, this video was produced after his flick, in '93.--And I think this information goes much further than Oliver Stone's movie.

When this documentary by Robert Groden gets to the part, where they believed that the secret-service officers who turned the crowds away from going after the gunman, were mere imposters, sirens went off in my head, that those secret-service officers were probably part of the operation.--Not imposters!

In my opinion, this investigative reporting suggests to me that a few Federal governmnent departments were involved in the whole deal. Who really controlled the government was obviously the the Money-Masters he had insulted in a speech earlier.

It seems that this site can only accomodate YouTube, but this video is not there at all. So, please load that Google link, and the video is worth watching.

Views: 187


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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on January 16, 2011 at 10:59pm

IMO, one of the best KennDoc's put out here, I ran across it a couple year's ago on DVD, its part of a long BBC series, "The Power of Nightmares" think its like 6 hours worth of good stuff, here's a segment i liked called

"Baby its cold outside"


Comment by Les on January 16, 2011 at 8:59pm

I just watched the whole documentary, most amazing and indepth one I have seen.  The Jesse Ventura doxumentary on the Kennedy assassination conspiracy was also very good.  It goes into the warren commission and how all the people that were involved with it moved up in the world of American politics.  There is most definitely more going on behind the scene than meets our eyes.


  What makes me laugh is that people are so dumbed down that they think the govt actually cares for them, when in actuality, they have plastic coffins ready for all those people.  See, they do care for you.  A usurper once said  "fired up and ready to go".  I guess that it was the pilsbury dough boy that said it about the fema camp ovens

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on January 15, 2011 at 10:19pm

I could....but then I'd have to kill ya.....lol

ok, the secret to it is.......................................................................................................................


cut&paste embed code ;)

Comment by Nikki on January 15, 2011 at 8:16pm
I have seen a few google videos successfully embedded.  Hollywood, do you want to share the secret for those of us who are IT deficient?
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on January 15, 2011 at 8:13pm

Ya simply gotta have my superior IT skillz ;)


Comment by truth on January 15, 2011 at 7:54pm

Sorry about the delay. There are so many post around here lately hard to keep up :)


ning blocks a lot of scripts, this includes google videos by the way

Comment by Nikki on August 1, 2010 at 11:09pm
Thanks for the link it was an excellent documentary. I remember watching a History Channel show that attempted to explain the "magic bullet" theory, do they seriously think we are that stupid?
I too have had trouble embedding videos that are not from YouTube but usually I'll get an error message that it's missing an 'embed code' or something similar.

Just saw these on LewRockwell.com, re JFK & RFK:

"Destroying the New World Order"



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