Lebanon-Israel Both Prepared to Blow


My note is at the top of the article, which I just posted on www.restoretherepublic.net !

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Comment by Nikki on August 7, 2010 at 5:10pm
Thanks for the links, I'll look for the videos you mentioned.
Comment by Ironsides on August 7, 2010 at 2:26pm
Ha! He set up a Holocaust Education Act. This morning I discovered a site which is 24/7 real-time streaming live-feed. In succession I watched two documentaries, and learned info' I never before learned.

The first was on Ruby-Ridge, and the next was Waco. There was an attempt to pull another Waco Holocaust against the organization 2000 of us had been kicked out of, between 1989-92. So, I really take note of the level of smear-campaigns, which justify governments to heavily persecute religious cults.

As mad as I was against the power-drunk leadership inside our organization, I sure as hell was not going to let my inside friends and families be incinerated, without alot of people going down who directly led the events.

It turned out that I wasn't able to do much about it, because I wasn't totally on my own for another year-and-a-half. When I had recovered from a respiratory failure, and was able to score my own apartment with home-care services, I went to work online to find a bounty-hunter.

During those years '96-2000, the arrests and trials blew over in all three countries.--And there was a message-board where some of our enemies were communicating on. Things eventually got resolved, but I've been pretty sensitive to the depths law-enforcement will go, when their strings are pulled by Israelis.

Here are the links to this TV station:

Comment by Nikki on August 7, 2010 at 12:15am
Florida Rep. Ron Klein is one of the representatives in Congress who want to pull Lebanese military aid. I wonder why...

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