As many of You know, I have been managing at the behest of a friend.  Sadly, My friend cannot pay the rent any longer on My 16X16 cabin ($300 mo/inc util, plus phone & interweb) and there is no work for old arthritic ladies in these parts.

So... I will likely be packing My stuff and figuring out what to do with My two cats - breaking My heart to have no place for the two I rescued from certain death at the shelter, and who I adore with all My heart...  Maybe I will hitchhike to Rainbow.  Maybe I will find rides around the country with truckers like I did for three months back a year and a half ago.  Who knows.

All I know for sure is that in the abundance paradigm, I would not have this heart-wrenching requirement.  There will be no NEED to pay rent.  There will be no homelessness.  I can order a home on the web - precreated or built for Me by Those whose bliss it is to build.  Yet still I live in scarcity.

And the point here is that I will be offline for some indeterminate length of time - will not know how, when or where I will have access to the web again after I must leave here.

So...  PLEASE spread the solution to this scarcity crap.


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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on September 29, 2013 at 10:14pm

I had a good ending on this.  Yes, Beau and Domino are still with Me.  A local Individual stepped up and helped out and My friend is getting enough work to cover rent for now.

I do appreciate Your concern.  If You know of someOne willing to take the burden of $600 a month off My friend in support of My work, that would be awesome.  And if not, it's still awesome that You care.  [smile]

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on July 2, 2013 at 9:58pm

Good to hear!

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on July 2, 2013 at 9:57pm

Just so everyOne knows - between Your generosity and some help locally, I'm set for a couple more months.  Thank all of You and especially those who pitched in!

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on June 28, 2013 at 11:16am

I have tried to get on disability. The issue is that My particular rheumatological condition has normal SED rates, and the doctors I have been to think I am faking because They are NOT rheumatologists.

30ish years ago the head of Rheumatology at Kaiser Permanente in L.A. discussed this with Me and said that, though unusual, normal SED rates can occur in rheumatological conditions.

And NOW... I am in a state where I have to PAY to see a doctor - HOW I might pay is left to Me to figure out.  And even then, it is likely to be money wasted because the doc will see the normal SED rates and think I'm faking it.  [sigh]

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 27, 2013 at 8:59pm


Comment by Amaterasu Solar on June 27, 2013 at 8:55pm

Between rent and phone and interweb... $400 a month.  I do think Your CC works at the GoFundMe site...

Yeah, in the state I live in I have to either have kids or be 65+ to get more than food stamps.

Comment by Gustavo Paredes on June 27, 2013 at 6:39pm

Ok, I understand, you've not being harassed or death threatened, after all, too many activists keep working on their own pocket, didn't know you were not supported or held up by any public institution. A pity I cannot send support through paypal or my debit card, I'll see how I can help. How much support do you think you are going to be counting on (number of people) for every month ??? An average.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on June 26, 2013 at 1:38pm

If any are interested in donating (GODS I hate to ask!!!), I have a GoFundMe page set up:

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