If You Control the Gold, and Money is Tied to Gold, You Control the Money Supply

If You Control the Gold, and Money is Tied to Gold, You Control the Money Supply.

Why do You think that China keeps upping the amount of gold They are importing?  Why do You think Germany is now asking for gold back?  Given that if You tie money to gold You can control the money, having gold, and therefore/thereby control the society that money supports…  It’s pretty clear that, with the swelling of a push to drop the oil and go back to a gold standard, there are Those who position Themselves.

I ask why We need a system of money at all?

I will claim as fact that We have the means to have all the energy We can use and for free.  And the reason We have money, tied to gold, is that Some may control Others.

Bold claims, but consider:  what gives the gold the power is what it represents.  It represents energy.  More specifically, it represents meaningful energy expended.  The reason We have an exchange system at all is because Somebody put forth the energy to do something and the end commodity had value.

In the beginning, when One needed the product of anOther’s energy – effort, if You will – and had to ask that Other, the trade or offering was an expression of meaningful energy expended.  The force that moved this expression of an exchange of meaningful energy into such things as beads, shells and gold was a drive for convenience.  Beings have a drive for convenience, and when a system of money develops because energy – effort out of necessity and not purely from the heart – is scarce, control is guaranteed to be in the hands of those who have the money.

So I thought, if a way to both supply the energy and get things done, handle necessity, accepted and expended lovingly, with both a Betterment and a Self-Education Ethic, any Beings could live richly and peacefully in this universe.

I can look around the web to see that Our level of robotics on this planet is fully capable of doing all the necessary work that none of Us wants to do.  And I have researched and contemplated the resources on this planet, keeping in mind that Humans have already transmuted lead to gold but the cost of the energy (Ah!) to do it was equal to making an ounce of gold that cost a million or so of 1970’s dollars…  Hmmmm.

(So cost restricts creation, I realized.)

And though moneyed interests have pushed the idea that there is no energy access but to scarce and costly sources, more and more are becoming aware of what I know.  We CAN draw on the energy We swim in.  “If the universe is made of mostly “Dark” Energy…can We use to run Our cars?”  Yes, yes We can, and a whole lot more.

So here We sit with the way to eliminate the NEED for money in all its forms.  No need to trade to survive.  No need to barter.  No need for beads and shells and coins and bills and checks and electronic funds.  Go to the web and if You want it a robot will deliver.

I wondered what would be created in a society of Humans wherein each Individual was given free reign of Their time on this planet – which would be the result if Humanity had all the energy It needed, with robots to do anything We don’t want to do but need, or want the end result of.  What I saw is a society that honors Betterment over doing work.  I saw a society that values Self education beyond the basics, creating – CO-creating – lives for ALL of Us as might be Our bliss. 


With this as the goal, The Humans on this planet can, Now, CAN choose this.  [shrug]

So again, I ask, Why have money at all?

Money, which opens the doors to greed, toadying, scheming, cheap junk products… Motives to hide free energy, hide cures, cheat People, lie to People to keep Them docile, exterminate most of the planet – eventually…when the last dime is sucked dry from Us as We die with those cures hidden and They watch Us.  Laughing.  All the way. To…the bank.

Yeah.  Why, indeed.

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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 5, 2013 at 2:28pm

CP, You say to control Self - and I agree to an extent, but to abdicate the Will to find a solution while caring for Self will leave Self with nothing as They steamroll over Human rights and abilities to provide for Oneself.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 5, 2013 at 2:24pm

I did not say that hoarding gold make One rich, Capt.  I said if money is tied to gold and You control the gold, You control the money supply...which puts You in control of DEBT - as You said.

Comment by Christopher on March 5, 2013 at 12:02pm

I still think, that what is much more important, is to try and control your life or survivability.

Control what you have to eat - grow your own - you can't eat gold or silver.

Mind you; if you had the gold or silver, you can then buy your food...or anything for that matter. 

Comment by suzie on October 25, 2012 at 7:04pm

I agree that usury (interest ) is immoral and our system was not designed that way by the originators of the way we created money ~ 

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 25, 2012 at 10:58am

Well.  That didn't work too well.  Try again:  The problem is not whether money is backed by anything - beads and shells have worked just fine as units of exchange. The problem is INTEREST.  Once interest is added, there is no way to pay off the debt.  If governments issue money backed by zilch, as long as no interest is charged, the system will work just fine.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 25, 2012 at 10:53am
Comment by suzie on October 25, 2012 at 12:43am




Comment by Central Scrutinizer on October 24, 2012 at 10:14pm

RIP US Gold Standard ~1972~

(thank tricky Dik, for he's not a crook)

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