Finally ( it is for the mighty efforts of whistleblower W. Smith (B.Young) that darkness is coming to light ) ~ This is about your people if you're from : Pats of Australia, parts of Canada, Argentina, France, the Nordics, and Scotland & Nz. An introduction to to the hidden study. ( at this point its safe to discuss, unless perhaps your in France ) 

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Comment by Less Prone on March 5, 2024 at 11:39am
Comment by cheeki kea on March 5, 2024 at 7:58am

you're right LP They are in panic mode sorting out how to massage up the data to try fit it in to what has already been leaked. Looks like they are out to create just two groups for 12+yrs (fully vaxxed and "unvaxed" ) The mRNA one shot recipients will be deemed as unvaxxed as will all under 12s so the data reports will be false and stats inaccurate but as fit for purpose as they think they'll get away with. Their purposes. Not sure if they'll try they same stunt on the worldwide data they are in charge of but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. This study was recently funded for another two yrs ! ( At first they spoke about hosting data for 300 million people but that's now down to 99 million so the whole thing must have got very messy for them.)~~ Anyways we know what to expect going forward. 

Comment by Less Prone on March 3, 2024 at 3:34pm

The cabal is fighting tooth and nail to keep this away from the news. If they succeed we'll have more of the same, another plandemic, more false claims  and propaganda, lockdowns, forced vaccinations and even worse. It has got to stop. The truth must come out and the crimanals investigated, prosecuted and behind bars with all their criminally gathered wealth taken and paid as compensation to vaccine victims and their families. Not to forget those who lost their jobs because of the lies.

Comment by cheeki kea on March 3, 2024 at 7:40am
Comment by cheeki kea on March 3, 2024 at 7:33am

 Thanks for the blog feature, this encourages me to go on even though the urge to do so is a little muted due to it's depressing nature so I'll be bland and simply say that if any health study emerges from nz one should be cautious due to poor performance in prior studies. ( and total disasters ). I'll put links as examples of what is already known for anyone interested now that the world spotlight is on the whistleblower, leaked local data, and the worldwide vax info from the selected countries. 

Comment by cheeki kea on February 23, 2024 at 6:42am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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