The Magical Mystery That Escaped us and the Beatles

Image result for The Beatles


The year is 1975 and it seems the world just cannot do without another Beatle’s reunion! As a result a number of fateful twists occur that always make the emotions of millions of hearts around the world experience joy again. Yet, for all this excitement there is also consideration for the members of the band themselves and how their temperaments will react. At first, John Lennon flatly denies he wall accept any kind of arrangement before agreeing that, yes indeed he misses collaborating with Paul, Ringo and George who have often been frustrated by the lack of attention that their material has received and have jokingly referred to watching John and Paul in the studio as the “John and Paul Show” as they await the two song writing giants to come to terms with each other’s plans.

Image result for Ringo album cover with Klaatu

But in the rarified atmosphere of the musical universe, oddities begin to emerge. A new band comes onto the scene and earns a smash hit from the charts its name is “Klaatu” a band that does not list the names of the individual members leaving to speculate it’s a secret project of the Beatles as all instruments are played much the way John, Paul, George, and Ringo would play. It is s known fact that Ringo is a huge fan of science fiction, and that Klaatu is the name of an alien robot who lands on earth in the novel and movie as he guards his master having an important message for mankind, in the movie,“ The Day the Earth Stood Still.” So, the theory makes sense only the vocals don’t match which could have been achieved by having a guest musician for lead vocals or using a midrange sampler to change the frequency characteristics of the lead vocals. The theory seems plausible.

Image result for John and Yoko

Both John and Paul have admitted they’ve gotten together privately to share musical ideas. When interviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine, Lennon admits that he’s been practicing up on the song “Help” lately, reveals no date of reunion etched in stone. The Beatles have all played on each other’s solo efforts except Paul. George has appeared on several of John’s LP’s just as Ringo has, but neither John or Paul have played on each other’s records. That is about to change as secret negotiations are being made for a reunion, either a performance or two for the world to see, maybe more, but nothing the Beatles do not want to do drift back into the old pressures of trying to meet the demands of a greedy record label while being pressed to write new songs at the same time. Yet, sometimes even the gods fail and the fate of what is to be never materializes in the course of events. In 1981, very close to a deal and having already done several demo tapes in anticipation of the reunion John Lennon is shot to death on the street by John Hinckley. Now, Beatle fans realize the dream is over!

Image result for Beatle videos Free Bird Now and Then

Regardless, in 1995 thanks to Yoko Ono, several demo tapes are handed over to Paul that John had partially finished circa 1977 in anticipation of a Beatle come back. The song “Free as a Bird” is unveiled on MTV and takes the No. 1 spot for the music video of the year. The 3 remaining Beatles had a joyful reunion and despite the tragedy of Lennon’s death, complete all but the Song entitled “Now and Then” due to John’s vocals being entangled in the piano track. George loses interest in the project but McCartney tries a daring maneuver running the song through Chat GPT to see if the new artificial intelligence can extract the single vocal track of Lennon’s voice apart from the distortion of the piano. It works and the Beatles do a legendary job of finishing the song and getting another hit more than 50 years after they break up! 

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