The photo shows the gunman lying face down in the street with his arms held behind his back in handcuffs and a pool of blood nearby

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Comment by Glass FX on December 6, 2015 at 11:23pm

However; me & myself see's it  .... you always have an angle

Comment by Glass FX on December 6, 2015 at 8:21pm

you could really get your teeth in that DEEP!   Just saying!   Script re-writing!

Comment by Less Prone on December 6, 2015 at 7:44pm

This false flag seems to have been a very sloppy one.

Comment by Glass FX on December 5, 2015 at 7:14pm

The people who organize such events, and pay/play them out at lightning sped done with cavalier attitudes to any and all people one can only surmise.

The facts that we know so far is,

1)  Orignal reports of 3 gun-men of large build white but masked, the wife weight 90 lbs (so how could she be large and carry all the equipment said/claimed by authorities?)

2) What happened to the 3rd gunman?  How did he disappear with hundreds of people around?

3) The wife was updating the facebook page, that was anonymously made, when the shoot-out occurred.  Why would you update a facebook page while in a gun battle for your life?

4) Why did they use a car registered to them, if they were going disguised with masks?

5) Why were CNN and other media allowed to dirty up a crime scene under investigation?  Unless that if something were found to exonerate these young couple, would now be thrown out of court due to the fact that the scene is now tainted, and can now be said someone from the media planted it there.

6) why were the FBI in charge, when it was not operational jurisdiction?  We know all about the FBI protecting known criminals such as the CLINTONS in the Vince Foster murder case.( to name just 1 case )

7) why was not the New Orleans mass shooting reported on the exact same day?

Clearly this was a psi-op, put together on the fly to protect OBAMA's bungle climate speech in Paris, where he stated that mass shooting do not happen in other countries, when clearly there were two in Paris this year, and 1 in NOVEMBER 13th.  Does this elude to that those were known false flag attacks?

This has fallen apart before it ever began, and people know it, and the government fears it, that the population does not believe the lies that tell.

Comment by nil_db on December 5, 2015 at 5:34pm

The 'cuffed corpse' photograph is particularily disturbing.
Do we know yet, where it "surfaced" from?

Comment by Glass FX on December 4, 2015 at 11:28pm

This shows the government killing innocent people to promote an agenda to grab guns.  They who were involved need to be arrested and tried by a public court of citizens and no judges or lawyers, and quickly executed in public after interrogations and finding all complicate.. with an open call to seize all government agents to be removed from office and tried for treason and murder and when applicable, accessory to these crimes.

Comment by Tara on December 4, 2015 at 10:13pm

It makes no sense at all... more BS!

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