Many of US, THE PEOPLE, including some who PAID OFF THEIR HOMES, lost them due to FRAUD, and have been turned into the streets and criminalized by the policies that governments create. Consider as well that the U.S. government is "BORROWING APROX 8 TRILLION with a "T" dollars a year, and also own the patent on "ebola". 

OUR  MONTHLY PAYMENTS of mortgages and credit card companies ENABLE ALL OF THIS!!!!

5 U.S. Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To...

How much of the money spent on war, including droning and bombing innocent sleeping People and wedding parties (90% OF ALL WAR CASUALITIES ARE NON COMBATANT CIVILIANS) could have been spent instead on cleaning up Fukushima or the Gulf of Mexico instead of destroying others for profit?? Japan has not only hired homeless People to clean up the nuclear plant, and some are paid only $36 pr day!

Find your bank  and the ties to "terrorism". What are the ramifications of continuing to enable profit over PEOPLE??? WHERE IS THE MORAL OUTRAGE??? WE HAVE THE HIGH GROUND AND OUTNUMBER THEM GREATLY!

Then check out "What Say You??"
Perhaps "WE the PEOPLE" should think about OUR OWN "October Surprise"

Taken from Wall Street & Banking Crimes:- Full article here

This is a summary of the “crimes” listed in this article. Source citations can be found in the subsections below. Note: There have not been any known criminal charges relating to these activities. Some are civil cases brought under a legal theory of tort and/or breach of contract and some are enforcement actions brought by administrative agencies such as the SEC or FEC but are not formal criminal charges against the banks.!!!!!!!

  • Predatory, deceptive and abusive lending related to mortgages
  • Securities fraud, including creating investment vehicles designed to fail
  • Accounting fraud
  • Brokerage fraud
  • Bribery of government officials
  • Undisclosed conflict of interest in financial analysis and advice
  • Lying to shareholders and investors
  • Robbing consumers with abusive overdraft fees
  • Robbing homeowners by overcharging them by hundreds or thousands of dollars, when they were already in bankruptcy and foreclosure
  • Robo-signing of false affidavits and other legal documents
  • Discriminatory lending practices

"Too Big to Jail" Confirmed by U.S. Attorney General

As The Hill reported, US Attorney General Eric Holder testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 2013 where he remarked, "I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy," he said. "And I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large." [5]


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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 14, 2014 at 5:19am

Then in that way We are on the same page.  [smile]  And since I see a way to create vastly better on this planet, I cannot do nothing.  I must work towards that betterment.  I have a very strong Betterment Ethic.

Comment by Damonne Travis on October 13, 2014 at 3:41pm
In my beliefs, we don't just sit on our duff 's and wait on something spectacular to come down and save us. That happens after some significant events takes place.
Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 13, 2014 at 1:50pm

I thank You for Your concern.  I have had revelations but have been shown a very different view of things - if You're interested, I will elaborate.  Let Me ask though...  Do Your beliefs preclude action even when an earthly solution presents itself?  Though I know it is not in the bible, it has been said that God helps Those who help Themselves...  Peace unto You, as well.  [smile]

Comment by Damonne Travis on October 12, 2014 at 7:46pm
I pray that YHVH reveals "himself" to u. Shalom / peace
Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 12, 2014 at 3:17am

While I respect Your beliefs, Damonne, I will not wait around for someOne else to "save" Me.  Not ET, not the government, not anything supernatural.  There is a solution to the useless eliters, here and now, and I will move forwards in sharing it as widely as I can.  Please see My blog here:

Comment by Damonne Travis on October 11, 2014 at 11:02pm
I believe that all the facts stated here, are true and the Babylon government will be reserved for the day of judgement. According to revelation 20.11-15. Thanks be to YHVH.
Comment by Amaterasu Solar on October 9, 2014 at 12:42am

@ziggy:  Not only is the IRS not American, the present imposter corporation masquerading as "government" is foreign-owned.  Look up the Act of 1871.  Though specifically for the District of Columbia, it is now what is claiming control of the country.  It is foreign-owned (The Crown, the Vatican, and others).

Comment by ziggy784 on October 8, 2014 at 10:06pm

impersonation. (18c) The act of impersonating someone. Also termed personation.false impersonation. (1878) The crime offalsely
representing oneself as another person, usu. a
law-enforcement officer, for the purpose of deceiving someone.See 18 USCA §§ 912-917. Also termed false personation.(Cases: False Personation ~~ 1.]
All legal names are CROWN COPYRIGHTED so they belong to something or someone else. YOU ARE GUILTY OF A CRIME USING A LEGAL NAME WITHOUT PERMISSION

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on October 8, 2014 at 8:46pm

Getting to the core of our world wide problems there.  Great!

So who are the ones at our local levels who are standing in the way of all of us breaking these monopolies - the police.  Mercenaries for the banks et al.

Aside from TAXING RELIGION etc., people everywhere have to get the police onside to enable the Masses to stop paying mortgages and rents to banks, and to not be forced out of their homes.

A well researched plan has to be formulated and spread worldwide so everyone knows exactly how to continue the various essential services and utilities etc, if and when a correction like this breaking the banks occurs.

Fortunately, though this is a huge thing to even draft, but fortune has it that the same concept has been known and detailed for over 100 years.

And etc...

Hi-bye!  [Spooks are going me heaps lately. Got a bunch of them but a kilometre from my forest camp!  MI-6 I think, plus an American or two from N.C. and Washington.  PoS!  ME? Paranoid?  FUCK 'EM!  This is WAR!  8-) ]

Comment by ziggy784 on October 8, 2014 at 8:01pm

. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)All federal and state elected officials, appointed administrators, federal police, sheriffs and judges receive their paychecks through OPM, the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is owned by the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their Banking Empires, which is treason...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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