The Typical Liars Claiming Communists are not Aggressively Poised

For years we have seen the trend in Democrat talking points, in leftist governed nations of the world, and among the Marxist propagandists who claim to be patriots merely preaching isolationism while denying the aggression of China, Russia, North Korea, and Cuba. They attacked the CIA for operating Asymmetric warfare against Central and South America Communist dictatorships in the western hemisphere when under the Monroe Doctrine, the US made a pledge long ago to protect the western hemisphere against hostile ideologies and regimes.

Image result for US Navy partoling South China sea

False talking points

They accuse interdiction of Communist expansionism as hawkish and influenced by defense contractors looking to sell more implements of war. They deny incidents at sea such as Chinese and Russian vessels ramming US Navy warships on routine patrol keeping international shipping lanes free of hostile actions of China who violates international maritime jurisdiction building artificial islands hundreds of miles into the South China Sea and using them as jet fighter runways and missile launch platforms. China has been bullying all of its neighbors for some time with territorial disputes over islands belonging to Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines always making grave threats of attack. Yet, we are told by those who would rather believe the lies of the Communist regimes that their incursions of foreign air space are okay. That their threats of attack display the peaceful intentions of a human right violating republic that imprisons thousands of their people for demonstrating against such tyranny.

Image result for Chinese live war games around Taiwan

Chinese aggression really?

The Chinese in a series of border skirmishes with India have been mutilating the bodies of Indo soldiers killed during these clashes. India has been forced to spend billions while constantly innovating their avionics in order to meet the continued pressure of China’s hostility. When China threatens to attack Japan, Australia, and the Philippines in the event that they form an alliance with the US in the event of retaliating against an invasion of Taiwan, we have fools who tell us that Communist hostile intentions are somehow not aggressive or war mongering. As we speak, Russia’s Vladimir Putin is holding European energy hostage as he regularly cuts off supplies creating panic and excessive utility prices. President Trump warned the EU correctly that if they prioritized reliance upon Russian crude there would be grave consequences and he was right.

Image result for Chinese live war games around Taiwan

No hostility to see here

We are told that it’s the US and the west who are the aggressors and that the Communists are merely reacting. Oh really? Tell that to the Taiwanese when a record 68 Chinese fighters and bombers enter their Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) requiring interception. As China conducted live fire exercises in every body of water surrounding Taiwan for more than a month simply because Nancy Pelosi was going to make a visit to the land of Formosa, the Chinese claimed a state of potential war existed! The peace loving Chinese also threatened to shoot down the US plane carrying Nancy Pelosi, but nah those comedic Chinese always horsing around and making threats they never follow through on, right?

Image result for 2 US warships enter Taiwan straits recently

The making of a paper tiger

Only after a month did the US Navy dare enter the Taiwan Straits with 2 war ships which are considered to be international waters. They just recently finished their entry and departure, but the reaction of the US Navy was typical of the weakened Biden presence among our allies ever since the fall of Afghanistan, which Biden had been warned if the American military suddenly withdrew that ally would fall, and they did. The US left 5 billion in weaponry and a strategic base just 40 miles from the Chinese border as the Taliban now conduct human rights violations all over the country. Not to mention hundreds of Americans never rescued and left behind the lines to fend for themselves or be rescued by privately funded patriot groups. 13 US servicemen and women died for nothing due to a suicide bomber at Kabul International Airport as the Biden White House actually bribed the Taliban with millions of dollars not to all-out attack the bottled up refugees and US forces.

Image result for Hugo Chavez kissing Barack Obama

In our own hemisphere

Venezuela in the western hemisphere, once a prosperous producer of crude oil and tropical produce was the very diamond of Central America. Caracas, the capital city was often the site of famous boxing matches, international diplomatic meetings, and manufacturing. Under the gradual infiltration of Communist insurgency and President Chavez, a once dynamic and economically viable nation slipped into food riots and grave shortages, the very signature of the Marxist scourge that plagues civilization.

Image result for North Korean attacks pn South Korea

Oh those peace loving North Koreans

Over the years in the often turbulent waters and borders between North and South Korea there have been 75 unprovoked military attacks from the north up until 2016. Numerous maritime incidents have occurred with the North Koreans attacking the South Korean navy in limited engagements involving torpedoes and salvos being fired. North Korea who has at least 250 thousand of its people imprisoned in concentration camps even abducted an American female TV journalist who was taken hostage for several months before being released. But, gosh aren’t those poor Communists constantly being harassed by the hawkish west only doing their best to survive? Wake up stupid!

Image result for putin threatening nuclear war

Are you serious?

However, we will have the ever intellectually challenged who will call Vladimir Putin an enviable strong man for Russia who is somehow resisting the “New World Order” when he is pounding Ukraine into rubble and making the remaining Eastern Bloc nations nervous as he pursues his ambition of resurrecting the old Soviet Union. NPR in 2012 broadcast a radio show honoring Vladimir Putin because he liked the Chubby Checkers song “Strawberry Hill” as he was interviewed many Russians looked on contemptuously as it was Putin who had locked up and had their family members who were tortured, and they wonder how an American news network could feature this murderer. We recall without sentimentality the known role of Putin as a former KGB Agent who enjoyed beating people up during interrogations. Don’t you know it takes a real he man and humanitarian to beat the snot out of someone tied to a chair or chained up, but Putin in the eyes of some miscreants, seems to be a hero. Oh, yes those peaceful Communists and their undeserved reputations for hostility and worldwide domination. So unfortunate!

Image result for Putin singing Strawberry Hill




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Comment by Doc Vega on September 1, 2022 at 5:13pm

Parrhesa, I'm sure you'll consider this article to be justifiable brutality if not more mainstream lies. Normally I don't consider the mainstream media good for anything espcially even NPR.

Cries from Putin's torture pit

John Sweeney reports on the horror of a Russian prison camp in Chechnya

Special report: Russia
Special report: crisis in Chechnya

Sat 14 Oct 2000 20.11 EDT

Inside the prison camp at Chernokozovo, they call it the 'elephant'. 'They put a gas mask on your head. Your hands are cuffed behind your back, so there is nothing you can do. And then they close off the breathing tube and you start to choke.'

The torture victim, a small, wiry Chechen man, knelt down and made the sound of a man suffocating: 'The "elephant" was the worst.'

A second victim spoke of a refinement of the 'elephant': 'Once the gas mask was on, they would choke you, so you were gasping to breathe. And they would let go and you would breathe in deeply. And then they would squirt CS gas down the breathing hole. It was so bad just the sight of the gas mask in the room would make people confess to anything.'

The 'elephant' is just one instrument of torture used by the Russian occupation forces in Chechnya, revealed today in a joint investigation by The Observer and the BBC's Radio Five Report.

Russian security forces have mounted a series of cover-ups to hide evidence of abuses from the Red Cross and the Council of Europe. In the small Chechen village of Katyr Yurt, a torture victim blinded in one eye spoke of the screams he heard each night while inside Chernokozovo. The screams were so bad local people were forced to move away because they found them unbearable.

'At night,' he said, 'the things you heard were just terrible. Every night they would take people out of the cells. They screamed. They had their teeth bashed in, their kidneys smashed in. You could hear them being beaten from the cell. So then they would turn the music up loud, so you couldn't hear the screams.'

The youngest victim we met was 17. He was living in a refugee city in Ingushetia, next door to Chechnya. We shall call him Peter. He sat in front of us, head bowed, terrified of eye contact: 'They handcuffed your arms behind your back and hooked the cuffs to a chain so you were suspended from the ceiling, with all your weight bearing down on your hands and shoulders. And then they would use you like a punchbag. They called this "the swallow". They'd hold you for half a day like that.'

But this wasn't the worst torture for the teenager: 'They put me in a cell. There was something chemical in there. They cuffed my hands behind my back and said, "Go on, swim". I practically lost my sight when they shoved my head in there. There was also something else, a barrel full of water with a cage on top. You couldn't get out of there.'

Peter drew us a map. Painstakingly, Chernokozovo came to life. Barbed wire, steps down to his cell, the punishment tank where he was dunked in the chemical that left him blind for days.

The second victim - Richard - corroborated much of Peter's story and added his own account of agony: the 'meat-rack'. 'They crank a pulley to stretch you with chains attached to your legs. While they stretch you, they hit you with rubber truncheons, bottles full of water, targeting the kidneys.'

He also underwent 'the swallow' and electric shock torture. Richard said that one day in the summer a Red Cross representative - a French woman called Catherine - came to Chernokozovo. Could he tell the Red Cross about the beatings and torture? 'No, the guards had come round before and told us we would be tortured if we did.'

The Red Cross has confirmed that one of their delegates visited Chernokozovo; her name was Catherine and she was Belgian.

Our third witness is a man of 20 who has the voice of an 80-year-old. He screamed so much when he was being beaten that his vocal cords snapped. In a pitiful whisper, he too spoke of the usual welcome at Chernokozovo, the beatings, having to crawl into the interrogation room and ask for permission to enter.


While he was there a man was beaten to death: 'I don't remember the date, but they took him out of the cell one evening. We heard them shouting "Crawl, crawl". They were beating him and we heard him screaming. Then, the next morning, they led four of us into his room. His body was lying there. They'd broken all his ribs. They forced us to carry him out and dressed the body in the Muslim manner. We dressed the body, covered up with sacks, and they took us back to the cells. I don't know what they did with the body.'

All of our witnesses were interviewed separately. Although the Chechens, who have lost the war against Vladimir Putin's greater forces, have every reason to blacken the name of the Russian occupiers, the victims independently supplied such detail of torture that their evidence must be conclusive.

Another witness, Paul, 22, spent a month in Chernokozovo, where he says rape was commonplace, until his family bought him out for $500 (£340) - a year's pay. He had been put in the fridge, where they had to stand without moving a muscle. If they twitched, they were beaten. Paul suffered broken ribs, a cracked vertebra and a mock execution: 'They led me to the corridor. One of them cocked his sub-machine gun. They'd taken the first bullet out of the clip. They put the gun to my temple. As one pulled the trigger, the other clubbed me down. The others could see this from their cells. I'm already dead in their eyes. Then they dragged me out.'

The torture described is so systematic it cannot be the work of a rogue unit acting on its own. Following allegations of torture at Chernokozovo by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, the Council of Europe was allowed to inspect the camp in March. At the same time, torture victims were taken out of Chernokozovo and put on a prison train that ran up and down branch lines. None of the survivors who were held in the basement - where the worst atrocities were carried out - saw anyone from the international agencies below ground. Neither Amnesty nor the Council of Europe mentions the basement at Chernokozovo - indicating the prison authorities kept it hidden.

The latest dispersal technique is to dump prisoners in pits - holes in the ground where the bitter cold of winter is a torture in itself.

One witness who had been held in a pit last month said: 'It was freezing. At night they would chuck in smoke canisters and let off CS gas. They threw stones down on us. It was the contraktniki - mercenaries - who did it.'

His family paid a ransom of $1,300 (£900) and they let him go. The Russians kicked him out of an armoured personnel carrier in the middle of Grozny with a bag on his head, leaving him for dead.


Putin - whose style has been admired by Foreign Secretary Robin Cook as 'open and refreshing' - has denied that torture is used by his forces in Chechnya.

Our last witness was eight months pregnant when thrown into a pit. 'They left me there for two or three days. There was no toilet in the pit. They urinated on me. They had stripped me down to my underwear; it was freezing, with snow on the ground.' They beat her repeatedly, she said, because she had helped the fighters in the First Chechen War, which ended in 1995.

When the baby was born, she said, its face was bruised black and its skull deformed.

John Sweeney reports on Radio Five Report at noon today.

Comment by Parrhesia on September 1, 2022 at 3:01pm

No government is without corruption, but the NATO alliance is the military arm of the UN and One World Government.  They are the Cabal.  This is how they did it:

NATO: The UN’s Military Arm   NATO: The UN's Military Arm - The New American

Supporting NATO intervention is supporting the UN/NWO, endless wars and death.

Comment by Less Prone on September 1, 2022 at 2:41pm

Corruption here, corruption there, corruption everywhere. Did we ever expect that our own governments would become our enemies? People turn a blind eye to one side and point at that enemy, predetermined by our, oh so wise leaders. This is a bullshit game where it does not matter what crimes you commit, as long as you are on the "right" side,... the side of the Cabal. 

Comment by Less Prone on September 1, 2022 at 11:21am

What are we to tell countries like Russia to behave while we have our back yard full of skeletons buried underground, out of the public view? A division of the world into two opposites of the Communist and the Capitalist is misleading. A better division is Totalitarian vs. Free countries, where the latter is a tiny minority. It's hard to say which one. None of us here belong to a truly free country anymore. The so called western world is burdened with destructive illusions of saving the planet, false feminism, sexual promiscuity and sex confusion,  propaganda and lies, replacement of the white with POC and so on.

The leaders of countries like the US, Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. have their governments and public (dis)servants replaced with Neomarxist WEF lackeys. This is a sad observation and we have been warned about this already for seventy years if not more. This was all planned to happen. The American presidential election was stolen as the will of the American people was not acceptable to the Usury Cabal.  Finland is run by a drug addict prime minister and a bunch of loosers and perverts, all bought out to serve the globalist agenda. And tell me about Ukraine. Take a close look at the leaders of the "free" Western world. None, but none of them is working for their own people, all are bought out.  There are some contradicting voices in the minority kept out of the way and political assassinations are the ultimate silencer.

And  what about China? We can call them a communist country, but first of all they are totalitarian, in extreme. They did not spontaneously evolve into this sad state of affairs  but were led in by the Cabal. The Corbett report has some good background of the western world putting it all together. David Rockefeller, one of the godfathers of it, was extremely satisfied of Mao Zedong's government. 

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose." David Rockefeller,The New York Times August 10, 1973.

What about Russia and the conflict with Ukraine? Just look what we have published here, it's all a big circus. The USA with over nine hundred military bases abroad is not defending democracy and freedom, lacking the both of them itself. Russia, at least, is not pested by the decadent ideologies rampant in the west. It is by no means perfect, but at least they are free of that. President Eisenhower warned us about the unholy union of the government and the military industrial complex. Add the self appointed chosen tribe on top of that to ice the cake. The world is a grand chess board where even our leaders are just pegs in the game.

Comment by Parrhesia on August 31, 2022 at 6:46pm

One can find "Russia, Russia, Russia" articles all day long in MSM.  Not one outlet is going to place the blame where it belongs, on NATO/US interference in Syria and Ukraine.  This kind of shit: "Putin falsely accused the Ukrainian government of committing atrocities against its Russian-speaking minority."  That is a blatant lie.  His accusations were not false, there were 12,000 to 20,000 civilians killed since 2014 by the Ukrainian government, encouraged by the US government to ignore the Minsk Agreement.  For years he asked the international community to help put a stop to it, to no avail.

"Putin's rule has been characterised by endemic corruption, the jailing and repression of political opponents, the intimidation and suppression of independent media in Russia, human rights violations"

This is what the Ukrainian government has been doing.  Hell, the US government has political prisoners (J6), censorship of independent media and intimidation (our Resident just threatened us again with F15s).  "Always accuse the other side of what you are doing" - Karl Marx

But "Rah, Rah" when NATO bombs countries like Yugoslavia:

March 24, 1999, when Belgrade was bombed, the children’s hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out by military planners as a strategic target.

NATO stated that to “save the lives” of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the building which housed the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators. What this meant that was that the entire hospital was for all sakes and purposes destroyed and many of the children died.

The intervention was in violation of international law. President Milosevic at the 1998 Rambouillet talks had refused the stationing of NATO troops inside Yugoslavia.  Apparently over 750 bases outside the US weren't enough.  If NATO aren't the most aggressive bastards known to mankind, why have they had a military presence in all but three countries in the entire world?  But OMG, let's worry about "Russian aggression".


The brutal murder of Gaddaffi and many civilian casualties.  To this day, Libya is a failed state.

Kuwait, Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Somalia...the list goes on.  

The US and NATO are war criminals and murders (Gaddaffi for one example) many times over, but Putin goes into Donbass to help people that have been under attack from the Ukranian government since 2014, after he made several requests from the international community to help end the attacks and he's a war criminal.  Ukraine isn't though.  Nobody with critical thinking skills can believe that.  To make it very clear, I mean anybody who tries to use MSM's BS claims to prove Russia is bad is brainwashed beyond redemption.

Comment by Doc Vega on August 31, 2022 at 4:59pm


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin[c] (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who has been serving as the president of Russia since 2012, having previously served between 2000 and 2008.[7][d] He was the prime minister of Russia from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012.

Putin worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel (podpolkovnik), before resigning in 1991 to begin a political career in Saint Petersburg. He moved to Moscow in 1996 to join the administration of president Boris Yeltsin. He briefly served as director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and secretary of the Security Council, before being appointed as prime minister in August 1999. After the resignation of Yeltsin, Putin became acting president and, less than four months later, was elected outright to his first term as president. He was reelected in 2004. As he was constitutionally limited to two consecutive terms as president at the time, Putin served as prime minister again from 2008 to 2012 under Dmitry Medvedev. He returned to the presidency in 2012 in an election marred by allegations of fraud and protests and was reelected in 2018. In April 2021, following a referendum, he signed into law constitutional amendments including one that would allow him to run for reelection twice more, potentially extending his presidency to 2036.[8][9]

During his first tenure as president, the Russian economy grew on average by seven percent per year,[10] following economic reforms and a fivefold increase in the price of oil and gas.[11][12] He also led Russia during a war against Chechen separatists, reestablishing federal control of the region.[13][14] As prime minister under Medvedev, he oversaw a war against Georgia as well as military and police reform. During his third term as president, Russia annexed Crimea and sponsored a war in eastern Ukraine with several military incursions made, resulting in international sanctions and a financial crisis in Russia.[15] He also ordered a military intervention in Syria against rebel and jihadist groups.[16] During his fourth term as president, he presided over a military buildup on the border of Ukraine. Putin falsely accused the Ukrainian government of committing atrocities against its Russian-speaking minority,[17] and in February 2022, he ordered a full-scale invasion of the country, leading to widespread international condemnation, as well as expanded sanctions and calls for Putin to be pursued with war crime charges.[18]

Under Putin's leadership, Russia has experienced democratic backsliding and a shift to totalitarianism. Putin's rule has been characterised by endemic corruption, the jailing and repression of political opponents, the intimidation and suppression of independent media in Russia, human rights violations, and a lack of free and fair elections.[19][20][21] Putin's Russia has scored poorly on Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index, and Freedom House's Freedom in the World index. Putin is the second-longest currently serving European president after Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus.

Comment by Doc Vega on August 31, 2022 at 4:57pm


Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, April 26, 2022. © 2022 AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko

Two years ago, Human Rights Watch analyzed who bears command responsibility for war crimes in Syria’s Idlib province, the one part of the country still controlled by the armed opposition to President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. There, we documented 46 cases in which the Russian-Syrian military alliance hit hospitals, schools, markets and apartment buildings. The lack of any legitimate military target in the vicinity strongly suggests that these attacks were deliberate and unlawful. We determined that command responsibility for these apparent war crimes went all the way to the top – to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In determining Mr. Putin’s responsibility in Syria, we noted that he is commander-in chief of Russia’s armed forces and had been regularly briefed about Russian military operations in Syria, including during a visit to Damascus at the height of military operations in Idlib. Rather than express disapproval, he reportedly conferred the Hero of Russia award, the nation’s highest honour, on two generals who had overseen military operations during the offensive in Idlib. One of these generals, Alexander Chaiko, now oversees Russia’s Eastern Military District, and in March, he reportedly visited Kyiv Oblast to present Russian troops with medals prior to their withdrawal from Ukraine in the following days.

Now, with Russian war crimes apparently being committed in Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine, determining who bears command responsibility will again be an important focus of the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation that has already begun. As in Syria, an analysis to prove whether Mr. Putin and other senior Kremlin officials knew or should have known of such crimes by troops under their command, and failed to stop them, should now be done.

We don’t know exactly what information reaches Mr. Putin, but it is difficult to imagine that he is oblivious to the massive global media attention to, for example, the summary executions in Bucha or the indiscriminate bombardment of Mariupol and Kharkiv. Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer reportedly spoke to Mr. Putin about such crimes during their meeting on April 11, and indeed, Mr. Putin has demonstrated knowledge of these reports by denying them. In addition, with Russian delegates present, the United Nations Security Council, General Assembly and Human Rights Council have addressed Russian atrocities in Ukraine.

The decisive issue will thus lie in determining whether he took steps to stop them and to punish those who committed them. On this issue, Mr. Putin and the Kremlin seem to be digging a deeper and deeper hole. A commander respecting their legal obligations, upon learning of such atrocities, would immediately order troops to stop. Instead, Mr. Putin has declared reports of these war crimes to be “fake,” as if signalling to Russian troops not to worry about committing them because the Kremlin will help to cover them up.

Mr. Putin has also appointed General Aleksandr Dvornikov to command all military operations in Ukraine. Gen. Dvornikov was among the military leaders who, working with Syrian forces, had directed Russia’s war-crime bombing campaign in Syria between 2015 and 2016, including the destruction of Eastern Aleppo. As he did for other commanders credibly implicated in war crimes, Mr. Putin honoured Gen. Dvornikov with the Hero of Russia Award. By doing so, Mr. Putin again appears to be tacitly giving the green light for more such atrocities in Ukraine.

Mr. Putin even bestowed honours on the Russian military brigade that has been accused of massacring civilians in the Ukrainian village of Bucha, saying that its “skillful and resolute actions” are “an example of the performance of military duty, courage, selflessness and high professionalism.”

Even if the ICC were to charge Mr. Putin for war crimes committed in Ukraine, would that make a difference? His actions suggest that he feels secure in the Kremlin, and that no one would dare to arrest him in his nuclear-armed nation. But Mr. Putin, in essence, is betting on remaining president-for-life. That is a difficult position for any aging war criminal to maintain. Indeed, others have not managed it successfully, including former presidents Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, Hissène Habré of Chad and Charles Taylor of Liberia.

Justice has a long memory, and one never knows when it might be possible. Demonstrating responsibility for war crimes in Ukraine is important not only as a matter of justice, but also for the possibility of deterring further commission of such crimes today.

A Ukrainian friend in Minnesota asked, "What if Putin bombs the cemetery in Lviv where my parents are buried?"

In Ukraine, even the dead are not safe.

We are overwhelmed with outrage, grief and anger at the devastation. Russian President Vladimir Putin is guilty of the four most heinous human rights abuses: war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression. It is important to consider the four crimes, each one a unique type of horror. Together they violate every principle of human rights. They are defined in the Rome Statute, the foundational document of the International Criminal Court.

The U.S., Australia, Britain, Canada and the European Union have accused Russia of war crimes in Ukraine and accused Putin of responsibility for those crimes. War crimes are attacks against civilians, especially children; acts of sexual brutality; destruction of humanitarian aid operations and humanitarian safe corridors; wanton annihilation of towns and villages; the use of forbidden weapons such as thermobaric bombs, the largest non-nuclear explosive devices in the world; torture and mutilation of civilians; destruction of historic monuments; violence by an occupying force and more.

The legal definition of genocide is the intent to exterminate, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group — and the group here is the Ukrainian people. Genocide involves killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm; deliberately inflicting conditions to bring about the group's physical destruction in whole or in part; preventing births and forcibly transferring the children to another group.

Putin is exterminating the Ukrainian people by destroying more than a thousand towns, leaving the residents without food, water, heat, light or medicine; preventing births by bombing maternity hospitals; displacing 6.5 million people with explosives and artillery; forcing another 4 million people, mostly women and children, to flee across Ukraine's borders for safety, and forcibly transferring 2,389 children to Russia. The U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights reports that at least 4,000 civilians have been murdered, with actual numbers likely to be far higher.

Rape is specifically a crime of genocide. As reported in the Guardian, "Gang-rapes, assaults taking place at gunpoint, and rapes committed in front of children are among the grim testimonies collected by investigators."


Crimes against humanity are like genocide in their brutality, but they are widespread or systematic attacks against any civilian population, not against an identifiable group. An estimated 285,000 foreigners were residing permanently in Ukraine, and thousands more temporarily, including about 16,000 African students, when the war began. They are victims although they are not Ukrainian, with Russia therefore carrying out both crimes against humanity and genocide.

The final international crime is that of aggression: The illegal use of force, invasion, bombardment, military occupation and attack by one state on another state. The illegal invasion that began on Feb. 24 is the worst violence in Europe since World War II.

It is clear that these four crimes are occurring, each with specific elements. Putin must face charges for all four crimes.

There is precedent for multiple charges against a single perpetrator because of the breadth of the crimes. An example is the prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic, former Serb leader who faced 66 counts of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.

Where can Putin be held to account?


Four investigations are currently underway.

One is at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. This court adjudicates interstate disputes and already has ruled that Russia "shall immediately suspend the military operations that it commenced" on Feb. 24.

The second is at the International Criminal Court (ICC), also in The Hague. Russia is not a party to the ICC but that doesn't prohibit the ICC from investigating and issuing arrest warrants against individual Russians.

The third is in federal court in Germany using the legal strategy of universal jurisdiction, which allows crimes that are so heinous to be prosecuted almost anywhere in the world. Other countries must initiate similar trials in their own domestic courts to encourage justice throughout the world.

The fourth is the European Court of Human Rights. This court has also already issued a ruling: Russia must "refrain from military attacks against civilians and civilian objects, including … schools and hospitals."


Although the rulings do not carry enforcement provisions, they are steps toward accountability.

Legal expert Jennifer Trahan suggests, in the online forum Just Security, that the United Nations General Assembly should create a hybrid criminal tribunal for the crime of aggression to be agreed to between the U.N. and the government of Ukraine.

This tribunal would be a multilateral approach. Member states recently demonstrated overwhelming support for a resolution condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine (141 member states in favor, five against). The General Assembly is also the most appropriate body for action because Russia can paralyze the Security Council through its veto power; this allows a "sidestep" to that roadblock. There is precedent for this type of tribunal with the Special Court for Sierra Leone, agreed upon by Sierra Leone and the U.N., and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), formed by Cambodia and the U.N.

Russia's aggression must be prosecuted in a multilateral forum — now. There cannot be sustainable peace without justice.

Ellen J. Kennedy is executive director of World Without Genocide and an adjunct professor of law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law. Bradley Lehrman serves as pro bono general counsel to World Without Genocide. He is a partner with the Minneapolis law firm Soffer Lehrman Law Group.

Comment by Parrhesia on August 31, 2022 at 1:28pm

You are the one calling Russia communist when it stopped being communist over 30 years ago.  Move along with the times, it is not the 1940's either.  Your ex-sister-in-laws father was a Ukrainian Nationalist who supported Stepan Bandera who was convicted of orchestrating the 1934 assassination of Poland's Minister of the Interior, Bronislaw Pieracki.  His group was also responsible for the massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, many were tortured to death.  Most of whom were women and children.  "Ethnic Cleansing"  And you call Putin a murderer and scream Russian brutality while pointing to supporters of this behavior as icons.  The crimes of the Ukrainian Nationals is proven and documented.  Still waiting on your proof of Putin's convictions for the crimes you allege he commited.

Comment by Doc Vega on August 31, 2022 at 11:51am

Parrthesia You have been a Putin apologist for quite some time and that clashes with fact. You can change terminology all you want you can call Communism Progressivism. You can call Marixism a liberation ideology you can call yourself a Democrat when in truth due to the failed and anti-American policies of the that party, which by the way, has no business on Capitol Hill, they are, in fact, utilizing nothing but Communist philosophy just as former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov so accurately described. Putin is no hero but he is a murderer and if that's the kind of leader you romanticize that's your business. After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 the Russian mafia basically took over the Russian government while Soviet generals and high ranking officers sold Russian missiles, munitions, and even fissionable material to the higest bidder and even terrorist groups. I don't know where you come up with your rationale. Also, I have an ex-sister in law who was Ukrainian, her father fought in the underground against not only the Nazis but the Russians who were decimating the country. They actually looked upon the Nazis as liberators from Russian brutality until they found out the Nazis weren't any better. 

Comment by Parrhesia on August 30, 2022 at 9:07pm

The Russian Federation is not communist and has not been communist since the fall of The Soviet Union.  Putin held no political office until after it was no longer the USSR.   Why did you include Putin in the "communist list" when even the "intellectually challenged" know these facts?  Is it jealousy because he is intelligent and well-educated?  Or because he is disciplined through his training in martial arts?   Or he's a real man in a leadership role and that intimidates you?

Provide evidence that he enjoyed beating people up or murdered anyone and hearing it on talk radio is not proof.  You presume to know what these people were thinking... "many Russians looked on contemptuously as it was Putin who had locked up and had their family members who were tortured, and they wonder how an American news network could feature this murderer." (NPR - What a joke.)   BTW, it's "Blueberry Hill", in 2010, the scene was a children's charity dinner in Putin's native St. Petersburg.  

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