Think! Are you a Useful Idiot? America is full of Them

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Yuri Bezmenov, a defected KGB agent who arrived in Canada gave several lectures throughout the US during the Reagan Administration warning unwary Americans that the US was sliding into the socialist trap and it had progressed even further than his colleagues could have wished for. Yuri, was disturbingly correct when he said that people were so thoroughly indoctrinated that they would not believe that Communism or an overthrow of our society would either not happen of not be so bad. Even as they were being shipped to a concentration camp would they fail to realize the gravity of the situation! Today, I fear, we are in much worse shape. Just as the KGB worked on a long range outcome that would take decades to see the fruition of, we have arrived at that heart breaking summit of disinformation and lawlessness.

Image result for yuri bezmenov useful idiots


Useful idiot: Definition-One who refuses to acknowledge the downfall of his or her country after years of false narratives known as asymmetric warfare of propaganda. 2) One who is too oblivious to see the danger of adverse ideology and its corrosive effects on their society? 3) The low information voter who casts a vote without even knowing how destructive his or her party really are or that they don’t even care 4) Those who cannot distinguish between being ruled or governed, they live in their little bubble of reality denial.

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The symptoms

How can you tell if you are a “Useful Idiot” or not? Do you bother to seek meaningful information on why you are being overtaxed, why you have no privacy, why your political representatives don’t feel a need to honor the oath they took to defend and uphold the US Constitution? Why the cost of living is unnecessarily high thanks to legislation you never voted for, yet it was imposed anyway? Do you go about life working to make a living and the only other concerns you have are your video games, your reality TV shows, or the ballgames you’ve waited all week to see? Do you willingly accept whatever the mainstream media news outlets tell you as fact without batting an eye or asking an intelligent question?

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The ultimate in Useful Idiots

Here’s the worse kind of useful idiot, however. The one whose made a new religion out of “Climate Change”, the ones who call themselves activists and riot in downtown streets tearing down barriers, store fronts, and grappling with the police under the aegis of self-righteous indignation over some false narrative produced by the left. You’re a judge who legislates from the bench, allowing violent criminals back on the streets without bail, knowingly uses the law to persecute those who are your political opponents even though they did noting unlawful, allowing a double standard in enforcement where Democrats can get away with crimes that would put a normal law abiding citizen in jail for years. You are a “Useful Idiot!” You are doing even worse damage than an invading foreign army because you are on the inside compromising your society from within, most are too stupid to recognize you as being the enemy.

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Willingly destructive

It’s amazing what people will do that aids and abets the agenda of their enemies. Like a Trojan Horse they are preparing the way for the conquerors and they are so demoralized they can’t even see how evil and destructive their own actions are. Christ, as he slowly died on the cross said, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” Sorry, neither am I a savior nor do I forgive the enemy who has transformed American society into a bunch of misgendered, self-hating, Communists, willing to allow their own country’s downfall!  The bloody pages of human history have been revisited too many times thanks to the ruthless psychopaths who can just not let peace and harmony be.

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The Manchurians

The Joe Bidens of the world, those bought off by America’s enemies, who see no American exceptionalism, no distinction between lies and patriotic acts, those who would sabotage their own country by selling classified documents to America’s enemies who could be causing the deaths of undercover agents, double agents, informants, or even our own intelligence personnel who will be sacrificed as a result, by those so morally corrupt they either don’t care or think they’re insulated from the after effects of the overthrow. The traitors who are so self-righteous, so consumed with greed, that they would sell out their own country are, ultimately,  the most dangerous of all “Useful Idiots.” They are all over the country from the White House to college campuses, to the offices of educators, to the bureaus and agencies who are unelected and used to bypass vote approval. Now the question is, can America, survive these fools?

Image result for 2020 riota Summr of Love

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Comment by Less Prone on July 26, 2023 at 12:19am

Yes Doc, Mr Griffin started the exposure of the corrupt system already sixty years ago. He may have been aware of another great speaker of truth in those days; Myron C. Fagan.

Comment by Doc Vega on July 25, 2023 at 4:29pm

Less Prone Edward G. Griffin deserves many awards for all the exposure of the left and the globalists he has produced!  I've enjoyed so many of his documentaries.

Comment by Less Prone on July 24, 2023 at 4:09pm

This article gives some background.

G. Edward Griffin – There Is A War To Control Your Mind & We Must Stop It Now

"Mr. Griffin believes that we are rapidly reaching the point of no return, where the powers that be will finally destroy our old system and replace it with a new international central bank digital currency and a social credit system that will exert unfathomable restrictions and control over the masses. He said, “I think what they’re trying to do now is create such an inflationary blizzard that people will be so alarmed, they’ll be grateful for a new system. They’re destroying the old system right now. And at the rate they’re going, it won’t take very long to finish that job.” Mr. Griffin wants to unite people on a local level to begin to put a stop to the communist ideals of those in government before it’s too late."

"Destroying the New World Order"



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