Wall Street Locked Down - NY Police Arrest Seven #OWSnews / #occupywallstreet

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New York City police limited access to parts of Wall Street for a third day after a weekend of protests targeting financial firms. At least seven people were arrested since the demonstrations began.

The size of the protest, dubbed “#OccupyWallStreet,” dwindled to about 200 people early today near Chase Manhattan Plaza, down from 1,000 on Sept. 17. 


Four demonstrators were arrested today for wearing masks in violation of a law that bars two or more participants from doing so, and one was arrested for jumping a police barrier and resisting arrest, Paul Browne, a police spokesman, said in an e- mailed statement. Two masked protesters were arrested Saturday for trying to enter a building used by Bank of America Corp. (BAC), he said. 


Protesters are urging President Barack Obama to establish a commission to end “the influence money has over our representatives in Washington,” according to the website of Adbusters, a group that asked people to occupy Wall Street “for a few months.” 


Police partitioned Wall Street’s pedestrian walkway throughout the weekend, preventing the protesters from gaining a toehold there. Pedestrians were limited today to sidewalks between Broadway and William Street.



The call to occupy Wall Street resonates around the world

Occupy Wall Street Anti-Bank Protest
People protest during the 'Occupy Wall Street' rally at Bowling Green Plaza on 17 September.
Photograph: Steven Greaves/Demotix/Corbis
On Saturday 17 September, many of us watched in awe as 5,000 Americans descended on to the financial district of lower Manhattan, waved signs, unfurled banners, beat drums, chanted slogans and proceeded to walk towards the "financial Gomorrah" of the nation. They vowed to "occupy Wall Street" and to "bring justice to the bankers", but the New York police thwarted their efforts temporarily, locking down the symbolic street with barricades and checkpoints.

Undeterred, protesters walked laps around the area before holding a people's assembly and setting up a semi-permanent protest encampment in a park on Liberty Street, a stone's throw from Wall Street and a block from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Three hundred spent the night, several hundred reinforcements arrived the next day and as we write this article, the encampment is rolling out sleeping bags once again. When they tweeted to the world that they were hungry, a nearby pizzeria received $2,800 in orders for delivery in a single hour. Emboldened by an outpouring of international solidarity, these American indignados said they'd be there to greet the bankers when the stock market opened on Monday. It looks like, for now, the police don't think they can stop them. ABC News reports that "even though the demonstrators don't have a permit for the protest, [the New York police department says that] they have no plans to remove those protesters who seem determined to stay on the streets." Organisers on the ground say, "we're digging in for a long-term occupation".

#OCCUPYWALLSTREET was inspired by the people's assemblies of Spain and floated as a concept by a double-page poster in the 97th issue of Adbusters magazine, but it was spearheaded, orchestrated and accomplished by independent activists. It all started when Adbusters asked its network of culture jammers to flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents,


Occupy Wall Street Protest, Day 3: a Smaller Core Fights on

By Jeremy B. White | September 19, 2011 11:17 AM EDT
The protestors had come to lower Manhattan equipped with signs, slogans and the guiding mantra of "occupy Wall Street," but at 10 a.m. EDT on Monday the area in front of the New York Stock Exchange was conspicuously tranquil.

Half an hour before, more than a hundred protestors had wound their way around a maze of metal barricades blocking off the stretch of Wall Street between Broadway and William Street as a heavy contingent of police officers -- some standing stone-faced with nightsticks drawn -- tried to shepherd the crowd.
Chants of "We got sold out, they got bailed out" and a cacophony of whistles and drumbeats echoed off the canyon of financial offices. Protestors waved fragments of cardboard boxes bearing phrases like "Get Your Money out of Government" and "People Over Profit."
But sustaining a multiple-day protest can be hard work -- this one began on Saturday -- and by ten o'clock the protestors were regrouping at nearby Zuccotti Park. The encampment there indicated that protestors, their numbers diminished since a Saturday peak of about 1,000, were not ready to disperse.

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Comment by truth on September 19, 2011 at 6:53pm

Wall Street Protesters Arrested for Wearing Masks

By Monday, September 19, 2011

The Legal Fact Sheet from the NYC General Assembly warned protesters that wearing masks was illegal (an absurd law, no doubt), but protesters defied the warning. And what did it achieve?

[Photo via @SabzBrach]

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