there are no stupid people in goverment and they never make mistakes how ever they are just about human.its the people who need to stand up and wake up .they are killing us all and our earth/there kids arnt fighting any wars.we are not alone some days it just looks like that
Good points, Ironsides... and I have learned (the hard way too sometimes) that a good report contains
Who - all parties related to verification
What - the event, with details and physical evidence
When - Window of time particulates of the event occurred
Where - Locations and Origins
How - The means by which the event manifested
It's easy to confuse Fear with Vigilance as the rapid pace has been increasing. I, for one, am very grateful this story turned out to be nothing more then just that, a story; but still I can't help but to accept there is still yet a time to come when this story will become a reality.
In Scripture- Matt chptr 24, Yahshuah tells of the times, "the Times of the end of the Gentiles."
The etymology and literal Translation of the word, "Gentiles" is indicative of meaning, Nations, in that context. This means, the Salvation of Yahweh God, Jesus, is/was telling that Nations and the borders thereof will be dissolved, however, Satan gets his first and only shot at establishing a one world government, but he fails miserably and many will suffer because of his attempts, but also consider the Kingdom of god is just that, a Kingdom with only one ruler, who rules with Liberty and justice for all. There are no elections, no money, no wars; just Love, Peace, Eternal Life, and infinite abundance.
So for now, let's get through these times known as the Times of Jacob's Troubles and then the great tribulation, and I pray I see all you on the other side.
"Having done all to stand, therefore stand!
Liberty or Death
5Fires- out!
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on July 27, 2010 at 12:34pm
The church is failing if she does not say, "TO HELL WITH THE DEVIL , LET'S RESIST HIM!!"
The most offensive thing to most people, is being preached at. Personally, I do believe that Jesus Christ will sooner or later will establish his kingdom here in both the physical and spiritual dimensions. However, one thing Christians should learn is how much of what Bible-colleges teach has been totally manipulated by the House of Rothschilds army of propagandists.
It was all for the purpose of using the U.S. Christians like dirty rags. They succeeded, also. They brain dis-engaged Christians to think that "the unforgiveable sin" is to kill another human being. However, the exception is for what we have been conditioned for over 100 years to believe, that today's atheist Jews are "God's chosen people"!
They have been so successful at that doctrine, that the ZIONISTS were able to mobilize U.S. evangelicals to feel that it is Christians' obligation to God, to wage wars for modern Israel's benefit, and never dare question Israel's Holocaust against the Palestinians.
Over the past thirty years, more and more evangelicals are waking up to who it was that LIED to us. It began with an ex-con named Schofield; he even published his own Bible.
Since 1913, the real government in Washington, D.C. has not been the elected officials, but the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks. Any president who spoke about them was assassinated.--And Reagan's body-guard paid the price to save the President's life!--Those so-called "chosen people of God"!
The so-called "chosen people of God" have initiated racism which never existed before, because they wanted to create the solutions and all the organizations and institutions which have sprung up during the 1900's.
Many orthodox Jewish rabbis in New York, Israel and around the world who follow the Torah, condemn mondern Israel. They refuse to recognize Modern Israel, because how the ZIONISTS managed to sucker the Christians into helping them fulfill prophecy is questionable.
I have no doubt that this entire Mexican drug-cartel operation is clearly being overseen by "the chosen people", because there is so much opposition to the NAU. So, any false-flag events are just little mind games being played, like "the boy who cried wolf"!
Just consider how the ZIONISTS are in Israel with the orthodox Jews. Last month the IDF was reported to have ripped up an ancient graveyard, to build a new housing settlement. In 2006 the Israeli police or military stormed a synagogue, smashed the place up, and beat up and dis-robed the rabbis.--Why? Because they refuse to recognize Israel!
After the Israeli piracy and killings on the Flotilla, the Israelis beat orthodox Jewish rabbis in Israel for speaking at the demonstrations around the world, to educate the U.S. and Canadians. Historically, Jews, Christians and Muslims got along for 2000 years, until after 1948!
Israel is a place for the religious Jews, but the ZIONISTS are not religious.--And do not deserve the right to come in there, and create a "political Israel"!
It does seem that the Laredo ranch seizure by the Zetas was a false-flag. Last night M.FreeByrd pasted a text chat messasge into Chatango last night. The person went out there, talked to local authorities and media; they also noticed that there was nor unusual traffic in the area by law-enforcement or troops.
So, I think it's safe to conclude, as others had by yesterday that it's an event which never occurred.
One more thing I want to mention:
When a real event occurs, I'm sure that Militia in the area are probably dealing specifics on ham-radio, alot more credible source than the Internet.--And reaching the most important people who need to know for instant response!
For Mr.She/He "Wake up America" White Cat pussie
This article is a must read for all bible thumpers.Shocking? You bet! American's Mexican problem is manor. How about White Pussy comment on this posted article of substance?
Mexicans are hard working. Why is it peachie A.O.K for 100s of thousands of Russian Jews going into Israel and flocking into USA and status of Chosen ones and ripping us they work in the fields or cut your lawns like swet backs do/ Oh no! they bomb and kill the crap out of Americans (9/11) and steal our wealth but mexicans are bad boys, yes they have guns, gangs dealing with drugs. day after day we hear of these green goes but rarely of the Israelies killing young Palestinians for their body parts. Oh No1 Satan's Chosen ones are our allies Bosum buddies :^/
I"ll keep REMINDING you fokes that all of this is what the BIBLE talks about in REVELATIONS. Please start reading the Bible (king James is good). This is satans world UNTIL the creator returns and TAKES BACK the world, but until then satan is already set-up to destroy all who beleave in Yahushua /Jesus Christ. This is "ALL" about WHO YOUR GOING TO WARSHIP and the satanist are pulling the strings in "THE BIG HOUSE". READ, READ, READ!!!!! the Bible and repent from your sins and seek YAHUSHUA before it's too late fokes. This planet is a done deal fokes and now it's pass time that people come to Christ for salvation or if not you will part take in the LAKE OF FIRE AND BRIMSTONE along with satan and his fallen angels, and all the rest who follow him. Another good book to read which gives you a good idea of "who" and "what" these "Beings" are who rule the world ( right now) is called "THE BIGGEST SECRET" by David Icke.
Ah come on!! in sams hell is this possible unless our own GOV had anything to do with it? There is no way that any "FORCE" could take over parts of American unless the GOV allows this to happen. It is clear that this is just another 'DESIGNED" set-up operation by YOU KNOW WHO.
**This video is a selected clip from the full-length film, "The Heavens and the Earth: The Final Card"*WATCH the Full Movie HERE!*The Heavens and the Earth: ...
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