Emotional Speech from Sandy Hook Victim's Dad: "The Problem is not Gun Laws"

1/28/13 - Parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School appeared before a subcommittee of the Connecticut Legislature on Monday to speak about g...

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Comment by margaret on January 29, 2013 at 3:44pm

This one does look like a real parent Tara... There are lots of holes in the Sandy Hook Shooting...Need to research everything...

Comment by Doone Bug on January 29, 2013 at 3:43pm

In my viewpoint, these three commentators are idiots. They missed the MAIN point that Mark Mattioli brought out.  Civility, Ms.Julie stated, may not be enforceable or implemented (paraphrased).  What a moron.  As Mark states: "Parenting is where we need to focus our attention... There is so much violence on TV today it is disgusting."  It's called "conditioning" people!  The kids are CONDITIONED to be violent [and promiscuous] with the liberal or non-concerned attitude of parents in dealing with the original boob tube and the secondary boob tube (the computer).  The game consoles, the TV programs, the internet, is full of death, shooting, gore, on and on.  Is it no wonder that a person wants to know what it feels like to kill something?  Some parents put limits on the TUBE hours, and I say BRAVO! to them.  But why give the kids unlimited internet access with wifi on blackberry, etc.  What was wrong with the basic cell phone?  Today's society has let the children run rampant with freedoms with no though of consequences.  What ever happen to the movie rating system?  It seems useless in today's world as the kids are allowed to watch most anything.

I was very glad to hear Mark talk about the gun laws.  We don't need anymore gun laws.  Just enforce the ones we have.

Thank You goes out to Mark Mattioli for his bravery in facing this Connecticut Legislature while he still had such a mental burden to bare.  My personal condolences for your family and all the families sharing the same fate.

Comment by Christopher on January 29, 2013 at 3:16pm

I know what you're getting at Tara, and I respect that, and I do not doubt it at all, that children were killed that day, at Sandy Hook.

I also do not rule it out, that there is much more to that day, than what the MSM is feeding the public, and; there is way too many questionable situations, or issues about this tragedy.

Compared to some of the others, that we've seen via the media, like Mr. Parker, Emilie dad?

That just does not seem to be quite right - not to mention Mr. Rosen, and his several appearances, and variations to his story...hmmm?  

Comment by Tara on January 29, 2013 at 3:09pm

I hear ya Christopher. Mental Health treatment shouldn't be shoving pills down peoples throats. We have seen time and time again that most violent crimes committed by adolescents/teens have a connection with them either coming off SSRI's or being on them at the time.These SSRI drugs are like poison and should be avoided like the plague. 

Forget about the MSM shills at the end though. The meat and potato's of the post is what this grieving dad had to say. He could have come out and been on board with more gun control after his 6 year old son was brutally murdered, but he stated that more guns laws will not work and guns are not the problem. It is a symptom of a much bigger problem...the breakdown of society. I thought it was a very moving speech and reaffirms my belief that Sandy Hook was not a staged event and that this dad was in no way acting at all.

Comment by Christopher on January 29, 2013 at 2:49pm

I became a bit concerned toward the end, when the two MSM SHILLS, were going on about mental health treatment - this from an institution that's primarily funded by BIG PHARMA? - LMAO!

I was watching a special on Sunday, regarding Marijuana and its supposed affiliation with Schizophrenia - what a crock of $hite - especially as it was narrated by  David Suzuki - anyway - it seemed that every five minutes, they were taking another break for more advertizing from BIG PHARMA, and there was at least two, sometimes three commercials back to back trying to sell you another drug.

See what I mean: http://12160.org/video/chris-rock-prescription-drugs-joke

Comment by Tara on January 29, 2013 at 2:45pm

I see no one is commenting on this vid. Hmm... I guess it doesn't fit into the conspiracy that Sandy Hook was all fake and everyone involved were paid actors. There's no acting coming from this grieving dad, is there?

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