"How Am I Gonna Feed My Kids?" Compilation

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Comment by truth on October 17, 2013 at 2:44am

Its not entirely possible no other races were at this location, as I remember it was an Atlanta neighborhood. I for one can walk/drive  for blocks, go in stores or even gov agencies and see not a single non black. It is just that way.  I guess one could dwell on or come to any conclusions they want here, the news media of course is not beyond creating division.

Comment by Tara on October 17, 2013 at 2:05am

I agree with you James but I really don't care for the divisive nature of this vid. My own father is a bigot and if he watched this vid, he would think his views on black people as a whole would be somehow justified without seeing the bigger picture.

There's still too much division going on, even in the truth movement.

Comment by truth on October 17, 2013 at 1:53am

More vocal, yea, I guess, IMO< further beat down by the system and more likely dependent and shocked when the mail money aint there.. The black leaders sold them out, in the churches and the schools. The community I live in does nothing but show folks how the get in to the system  never  a way to regain ones independence.   And to clarify the system encourages single mothers

Comment by Tara on October 17, 2013 at 1:40am

And what this vid forgot to mention is that there are many single white women with multiple babies on welfare. There are many different shades and colors of people enslaved to the STATE. But since black women are more vocal, they are targeted more times than not.

Comment by truth on October 17, 2013 at 1:26am

Why go to college or get a job when you can simply get knocked up and get , at least in Ohio, a car, a house, food stamps,  heat paid, and unlimited health services simply IF you dont have a man there? I like to ask the 3 fathers of the four babies my neighbor has about their responsibility, but they are no where to be found. Some of the women dont know - nor care who is the  daddy.

Comment by Tara on October 17, 2013 at 1:17am

Hmm... something is missing from the equation here...let me think... the daddies spreading their seed maybe??? But it's so easy for men to point the finger at the mothers and make them out to be the villains.

I am in no way condoning women being irresponsible and having children that they can't afford, but it does take two to tango folks. And... at the end of the day, these kids should not have to suffer for their parents negligence, period.

Comment by truth on October 16, 2013 at 11:45pm

I share your pain, my newest neighbor is 21 and has 4. She can barely take care of her own self, and her children, all little ones run wild all day.  We neighbors look out for them, keep them out of the streets while they are playing , its monstrous overall.

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