Homeland Security Admits 5 Assassination Teams Inside the US

Image result for attempted Trump assassinations


As amazing as it seems after 2 failed as assassination attempts in 2 months we have, yet another disturbing admission by a Homeland Security official. The admission is a problematical one in that the federal government has now indicated there are 5 teams operating within the US dedicated to taking out Donald Trump. Three such teams are foreign while two re domestic. It seems that the Deep State is thoroughly invested in stopping Trump no matter what! Why? A Trump Administration would mean there would be prosecutions for the traitors operating within the halls of the federal government, and we all know just how ruthless the Democrats are when hanging onto their power!

Image result for Larry Kidlow questions Mike Johnson on Secret Servicde

Criminal negligence?

This came up during an interview between Larry Kudlow, a TV financial expert and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, whom many conservatives are at odds with. Larry, not normally, an interviewer over political discourse if it’s not fiscally related, was direct in pursuit of just why the Secret Service with an annual budget of 3 billion dollars has no shortage of funding in order to employ adequate numbers of agents. The problem is they won’t! According to former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino, there is rigorous training and time needed to properly bring up Secret Service agents up through the ranks of being active field duty personnel projecting an outward perimeter of protection for the US President or any other official they are tasked with protecting with their lives! The problem is that it’s not being done, and serious life threatening errors are being made.

Image result for Dan Bongino testifies

The hostile atmosphere

Mike Johnson proclaimed that he would stand on Kamala Harris’s front door screaming for her to enact an executive order for additional manpower to protect Donald Trump’s life, but what happens when you have an administration that couldn’t care less? The federal government has already known for some time that Iran has put a price on Trump’s head while our own Democrat lapdog media has called for taking Trump out before he can occupy the Oval Office!  This is incredible that not only a rogue political party actively destroying America is being helped along by an ideologically opposed mainstream media who has adopted Stalinist tactics of propaganda to assist this hostile Democrat Party in its intentional destruction of our nation!

Image result for Democrt calling for Trump's assassination

The plot thickens

Democrat “Open Borders” policy has allowed terrorists, human traffickers, drug cartel members, huge amounts of fentanyl on the streets, Venezuelan Gangs, MS-13 thugs, and now we find assassination teams from abroad out to kill Donald J. Trump! If this isn’t an example of infiltration and widespread treason, I don’t know what it is, in this nightmare world of upside down morality. Americans are in a death grip of diametrically opposed zealots unleashed by radical leftist politics taught in our schools as American history has been neglected, and we are seeing the fruition of ignorance, self-worship, and moral decay in this blinding fog of intended misdirection. America is not just at the crossroads it is teetering on the edge of a cliff thanks to the indoctrinated and apathetic masses unwilling to see the truth and the consequences if the enemy succeeds!

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Homeland Security Admits 5 Assassination Teams Inside the US

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