What government fears most: blacks and whites united with guns

What government fears most: blacks and whites united with guns

by Jon Rappoport

January 14, 2013



In 1969, William Kunstler, the famous radical-left lawyer, gave a speech in Oakland, California, to the black community. In his concluding remarks, he reminded the audience that the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was the full name of the Panthers.

Kunstler, speaking “both as a lawyer and a human being,” affirmed the legality of armed self-defense against brutal actions by the white police.

It is most important to secure your community…If you have the power to defend yourself by weapons that are legal…what I’m advising here is perfectly legal…you must stand ready…to protect yourself…your lives…your property…”

Why is that need for self-defense any different from, say, white ranchers living in border states where Mexican drug gangs are setting up powerful outposts on American soil?

The government wants no one to make the connection, to see the common cause.

No one must believe that, when citizens, black or white or Latino or Asian, are under threat from criminals of ANY skin color, they have the right to armed self-defense.

If all Americans perceived this common need, regardless of circumstances or the skin-tone of the particular criminals who constitute a threat, then all people would stand together.

Here are the words of conservative author, Ann Coulter, who is reviled by the progressive Left. She is writing about Robert Williams, a black man who understood the value and role of guns.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the [Ku Klux] Klan riding high — beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

“But it was not until he got a charter from the NRA in 1957 and founded the Black Armed Guard that the Klan got their comeuppance in Monroe.

“Williams’ repeated thwarting of violent Klan attacks is described in his stirring book, Negroes with Guns. In one crucial battle, the Klan sieged the home of a black physician and his wife, but Williams and his Black Armed Guard stood sentry and repelled the larger, cowardly force. And that was the end of it.

“As the Klan found out, it’s not so much fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.

“…In the preface to Negroes With Guns, Williams writes: ‘I have asserted the right of Negroes to meet the violence of the Ku Klux Klan by armed self-defense — and have acted on it. It has always been an accepted right of Americans, as the history of our Western states proves, that where the law is unable, or unwilling, to enforce order, the citizens can, and must act in self-defense against lawless violence.’”


(The story of Robert Williams is also expounded upon in the Epilogue to American Uprising — The Untold Story of America’s Largest Slave Revolt — by author Daniel Rasmussen).

Williams had no problem linking the rights of honorable armed white people and honorable armed black people.

All this sets the stage for understanding the true agenda of the federal government:

use any and all means to convince black, white, and Latino communities that their needs for self-defense are separate and even opposed;

use any and all means to set white, black, and Latino communities against each other;

use any and all means to create and sustain and expand a black, white, and Latino underclass, whose vast dependence on government precludes the awareness that self-sufficient armed defense against criminals is good and right. Instead, all public safety must hinge on government law-enforcement personnel.

With these agenda items in place, the government then proceeds to capitalize on (or covertly launch) horrific gun murders that arouse the sentiment of the controlled press and public against gun ownership.

The government is banking on the effectiveness of its program. No matter who defends himself against criminals, when different skin colors are involved, the incident will be played up as race against race, and never as an armed citizen stopping a criminal.

As part of this agenda, white people must always perceive a black person with a gun as a threat, and vice versa.

White people must never believe there is a black person with a gun who wants to defend himself against a black criminal.

Black people must never believe there is a white person with a gun who wants to defend himself against a white criminal.

Blacks, whites, and Latinos must never stand together, armed.

Of course, if you wanted to dig below the surface of ANY community in America, you would find people who want to stop crime and make their streets safe. And, crucially, these people do not care what race the criminals are. If these good people ever met each other and spoke, they would immediately discover common ground.

Meanwhile, heinous race hustlers, on all sides, promote their own careers, which are always and forever about race and nothing else. These people are covert agents. They try to destroy the possibility of common cause among people of different skin colors who want guns for righteous self-defense.

The government, through its policy of fostering complete dependence among the poor, attempts to give the impression to the rest of the country that the idea of arming these people would open the door to unlimited crime.

This presupposes that no new fearless leaders arise from within any poor community. No new Robert Williams comes to take the reins of the future and speak the truth.

If Robert William lived today, do you think we would let black gangs off the hook? If you do, you’re utterly brainwashed.

Instead, the media give us Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and other such voices, wall to wall. We get Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama and Joe Biden and a smooth-talking idiot child of King George on CNN. We get Bloomberg and Schumer.

For the last 30 years, working as a reporter, I have encountered many venal scumbags on both the political left and right, who do everything in their power to freeze the body politic into a trance in the “middle,” so that people who venture far enough to the right and left do not meet, behind the barn.

Because you see, under natural and unimpeded conditions, that’s exactly where they would meet. Black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, all shades.

People on the left discover that the big and warm and giving government they love for its charity is actually an android juggernaut of control. People on the right, who want limited government, discover they want those limits to be so severe the whole stinking mess of federal power should be dismantled down to its shoelaces.

And around the back of the barn, these people blink and look at each other. And, after the shock wears off, they wake up. They realize they are in a most fortunate place.

They begin to talk. The programmatic Marxist bullshit goes down the drain. The programmatic conservative bullshit-of-privilege goes down the drain.

The common ground they find is: decentralization of power.

Nullification, through all available means, of overweening illegitimate coercion.


And among those freedoms? The right to bear arms.

For all the right reasons.

Why do you think the American thug culture has been promoted ceaselessly? I’m talking about a culture that lives on Wall Street as well as in the streets of Detroit. Because by licensing that culture, the government ushers in a self-fulfilling prophecy: give any of these people more power, whether it comes in the form of a legal channel to trade trash and call it investment, or in the form of greater access to guns, and the results will be catastrophic.

THEREFORE, to complete the government argument, federal force must be the single ultimate arbiter, decider, and enforcer of public safety and protection.

No one else can be trusted to do the job..

This is, under any name, fascism. Rigged, promoted, staged, asserted, levied, stolen, and killed for, when necessary.

In 1969, the same year that William Kunstler was addressing the black community in Oakland, Karl Hess, a former-speechwriter-turned-libertarian, who had drifted around behind the barn, away from the Republican Party, wrote this:

It must be recognized that there now exists in this land of liberty virtually every institution of state power necessary to totalitarianism with the possible exception of a national police force.”

Hess died eight years before the federal government created the Department of Homeland Security.

If good men and women of every skin color come to the aid of their country, by standing together against criminals of every stripe, by declaring their own right to bear arms, this will be a different and better place.

It won’t be what the federal government wants, and it won’t be what great numbers of pussified and brainwashed citizens want. That’s called a clue. It’s a clue about where you should stand.

The Matrix Revealed

Here is what centralized power in Washington is counting on (and is working to make true):

things have gone too far already;

the enmities between the races have been fueled to the point where available guns mean open conflict;

the voices of good citizens who want to make their own streets safe have been drowned out;

media mind-control agents will succeed, under the false banner of “saving innocent lives,” in convincing the American people that they should let trained professionals do all the heavy lifting;

the public will buy the idea that no private citizen knows how to act responsibly with a gun;

black is for black and white is for white, and there are no sane people left who can find common cause.

All this is called democracy.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

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Excellent article!!!

While at work today I overheard 2 guys talking about the worthless people on welfare that they are paying for and I couldnt help but interject and try to educate them on the true nature of The Power of the People and how our wonderful Gov likes to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and viewing others who may be less fortunate as the enemy. After about 20 minutes of explaining their motives and tactics they seemed to understand a bit better. I then handed em an RBN business card and told them to tune in, learn the truth and take the frigging Republic back!!

gonna be shloads of fun when the sheep got the guns ;)


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