North Korea says it will launch nuclear attack on America

Tensions ... North Korea leader Kim Jong-un


NORTH Korea led by tyrant Kim Jong-un has sensationally vowed to launch a NUCLEAR attack on the USA.

The provocative statement comes weeks after the country conducted underground nuclear tests which caused a massive earthquake.

America’s west coast cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco are feared to be in Kim’s sights.

A foreign ministry spokesman said: "Since the United States is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to pre-emptive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest."

The UN today has voted to implement its toughest restrictions yet on North Korea in a bid to halt its nuclear ambitions.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said: "The international community will not tolerate its pursuit of nuclear weapons."

North Korea nuclear Test
Blast off ... North Korea tested missile last year


The threat from North Korea was followed by a chilling new propaganda film via its official Youtube channel.

The warped film shows the might of the North Korean military. The footage shows missiles being fired and dramatic military parades.

A convoy of North Korean missiles on trucks is also seen rolling through Pyongyang.

The UN sanctions imposed today include a list of luxury items the country's rulers will be banned from importing.

"These sanctions will bite and bite hard,” said US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice.

She added: "North Korea will achieve nothing by continued threats and provocations. These will only further isolate the country and its people and undermine international efforts to promote peace and stability in northeast Asia."

The nuke warning from North Korea was put out by the country's official news agency and accused the US of leading the calls for the crippling sanctions.

However experts doubt the country's ability to produce a warhead capable of being fitted to a long-range missile.

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Are you referring to Chavez as a "bad boy on this block"? Seriously, anyone who doesn't fit with Washingtons idea of a good ally or strategic partner gets vilified. Chavez did more for his country than any recently past US president has ever done, all they do is harm.

John, glad to see somebody else calling this fraudster for what he is....a LIE......Barry Sotero....I will never call this usurping prick by any other name....other than "Pathological Liar" Frank Marshall Davis' little illegitimate bastard child is a communist, lying prick who does not deserve the moniker "Obama", its yet another lie 

Hollywood, I am glad YOU caught that!. Most people are still "asleep". Or they refuse to look at the facts: Fake SSN from a dead guy out of Connecticut, bad Selective Service Registration, Fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate, fraudulent government grant application listing Barry as a Muslim from Indonesia, Barry traveled on his mother's Indonesian passport, claims repeatedly that he is Kenyan(because that's where he WAS born) In a Muslim Family, etc....  

My law enforcement background has served me well, but not without being Punished.(No good deed goes unpunished) I was too good at what I did and punished accordingly.

I have actually tried out of disbelief to talk to some "democrats" and they are so BLIND and won't even hear of the facts. I am hopeful on some "rumors" from insiders that there "could" be an arrest, but I am not holding my breath.

I know how things are in Wash.D.C., and used to work AT The White House.(U.S. Secret Service)

Hell, I can do a better job! Vote me into office.

I am concerned that we have too many "mis-information" agents out there that want to "scare" People into following their own causes when it doesn't serve the general well being of the People of this great Country. I have been a whistle-blower since 1995 openly and "public" and have done many radio shows, but I need more exposure to talk about what's wrong.

I spoke out on the Chris Dorner case and it was ignored. Dorner LAPD was really a good officer, but was "set up" by the system and there is proof LAPD LIED to set him up. There are many like Dorner out there. Some chose NOT to react like Dorner and others won't. Others, just wait for the right "moment".

When you speak out, you are targeted or marked for telling the Truth and crossing the "Thin Blue line"(So what!) It's the truth. If we can't depend on Honest Cops or Feds, then we are doomed for eventual destruction due to the Corruption. 

We all need to get together and obtain the support of those that are rich and comfortable. If WE don't do it soon, NO ONE will be comfortable in their own homes,....if they have one. Here's my Email: 

John Carman
Former U.S. Secret Service
San Diego Police Department
U.S. Mint Police/Treasury
U.S. Customs Service
EOD-San Diego MAST Unit Member Customs
U.S. Immigration Service
Ex-Private Investigator
Security Consultant  
National Security Adviser

John Carman
P.O. Box 577
La Mesa, Ca. 91944


Some years ago it was Disclosed that parts of a rocket nosecone from N.K. was found in Alaska after a rocket test. What the Hell is wrong with parties claiming we can do this and that terrible thing to them if they try to send rockets that they do not have the ability to field.

Flashback: Korean War - talk to any vet that was there - Thousands of them charging machine guns and our guys peeing on the barrels to cool them down. "It was like swating flies". They can allow millions to die while the Newly declared Tyrant and the Needed go underground.

And Us - well I remember being told to take cover under the school desk or in a backyard bunker. See or heard any Civil Defense planning in the last 20 years??

So who stands to suffer the greater loss - those of us in the underground deep tunnel systems - whoever the Us will be or them.

And why worry about our mainland - look at all the assets we have over in their strike zones. Japan has enough Nuke-Leak to worry about so N.K. need not waste to many of 300,000 plus rockets on them past the main defense systems we support. Ships, ports, bases and personnel. Tell your loved ones to come home and get under any available school desk - only risk there is a Staged Shooting.

If even One (1) Actor is ID'd at those past shooting drills - and they have been, then the whole event is fake.

Something is going to happen and fast - the Billion Rounds for DHS may be just for finishing off the Nuke Zombies.

Go to nearest Walmart or other job bleeding store and buy some yards of rope. Tie a good noose knot and get to work like your ancessors did. Lynching a few examples and things May Change in the minds of the Fools while they run from their offices, jump out the windows (Assisted Jumping comes to mind), tear off their uniforms (Like in Egypt, etc.) or Join you!!!
We are Legion..

I wonder when the US & it's UN 'mouthpiece' will call for drastic sanctions against Israel, India & Pakistan?

Had Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya had nukes, the 'Brave Democracy Purveyors' would not have attacked and ruined their countries. Is there any truth in the rumor that Obomba has secretly been inducted into the High Apocolyptical Sovereign Ordure of Hypocrites 'R' Us? (That wasn't a typo, by the way!).

Hey Kimmy, be a pal and start with the Denver Airport area (not Denver...just that eFin' airport) or The Ark of Oz (Lake of the Ozarks in Mis'ery) it'll be a great little statement and the ruling bitch of England and all her elite little blue-blooded reptilian cousin's would loose some very expense property!! he just better not hurt my ma'ma or i'll personally bring it to his doorstep!!

Oh please....dont fall for the poop! All counrtys fall inline to the controlers the illuminati.....this is just one of their many false flags to insight FEAR! And even if they do kick out a bomb its because the illuminati set it all up like all the other wars before our time. One thing...once you see truth and how they operate you can see through the smoke screen. If you research all the wars you can find some type of pattern. It's has always been them from the start.

Meawww.....prrrrrr. TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION......prrrrrr!

LOL...Yeah, the U.S. mainstream moo's media really knows how to pump-up the Amerikan people in order to keep those war bucks flowing...

It's sounds to me like the fear factor is now in full (radiated) bloom. N.K. knows better than dropping a BIG BOOM BOOM on a country that corners the market on BIG BOOM BOOMS. Won't happen... but, for all those concerned -- you can do what Rummy recomended back in the Bushler era: Put duct tape around yur doors & windows and shop till ya drop.

moo's media....lmao

Please Keep thoughts going out into the universe that reflect pure love for all the world and everything and everyone on it. Believe In LOVE. Live in Love Let us Become Love.

Substandard animation of retro-spaceship and most ironic copyright infringing use of 80's charity single music by corrupt captialist imperialist record industry is the embodiment of the Juche idea and sword for defending socialist Korea, initiated by the Respected Leader, Great Successor and Brilliant Comrade, Respected Marshal Kim Jong-un, a person of matchless aptitude in everything he tries...etc etc


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