Facebook's Truly, Madly Deeply Learning the Story of Your Life


Knowing what you say and do may not be enough to satisfy Facebook's data cravings, so it might get a deep-learning artificial intelligence system to figure out what you're going to do and how you feel about it. "You can call it by many names, but it's basically data analysis on steroids," said tech analyst Jim McGregor. The danger is that "Facebook or anybody tied to Facebook can sell this data."

Facebook has set up an eight-person team to look into how artificial intelligence can help it further analyze data it gathers on its members, the MIT Technology Review reported.

The team will work with an emerging AI technique called "deep learning."

In a possibly related development, Facebook updated a patent filing for real-time content searching in social networks.

What Deep Learning Can Do

Deep learning can let software work out emotions or events not explicitly referenced in people's writing.

It can also let software recognize objects in photos -- and, based on the large amount of data analyzed, it can make sophisticated predictions about people's likely future behavior.

"Supermarkets spend a lot of money trying to figure out what products they should put next to the checkout register," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld.

"With Deep Learning, you can tell someone's favorite color and target them more closely," McGregor said

more at http://www.technewsworld.com/story/Facebooks-Truly-Madly-Deeply-Lea...
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Knowing what you say and do may not be enough to satisfy Facebook's data cravings

WTF??? Come again? Well, I guess they won't madly deeply get to know me because I don't do the almighty fuk Book. Fuk that!!!

I'm so sick of all this fuk Book, twatter (oops, I mean TWITter) BS. There's hardly anything unique about these social sites because why? It is the POPULAR way to socialize and spread info these days. It's like HS all over again. Oh, the joy!

It's a lonely existence being in the minority but at least I don't have someone tracking my every thought, feeling and emotion. I've never like to follow any crowd anyways. 9 times out of 10 they don't have my best interest at heart so, f em'.



Wow.  How sad... I've felt this for a long time and I agree with you Tara.


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