FBI able to secretly turn on laptop cameras without triggering indicator light ‘for several years’

In a recent report by The Washington Post, it was revealed that the FBI has been able to secretly activate a target’s laptop camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for several years.

While this may be surprising to some, it really shouldn’t be. Previous reports revealed that the FBI employs hackers to create software to remotely activate the microphones on laptops and cell phones as well as cameras. The U.S. government has also become the world’s largest buyer of malware. The NSA also recommended physically removing the webcam from Apple laptops for security reasons.

Continue reading at:  http://endthelie.com/2013/12/07/fbi-able-to-secretly-turn-on-laptop...

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This is why I have disabled my cam & mic driver.

If I need to use either it's a snap to enable.

How do you do this DS?

I went into 'Device Manager' to disable the webcam [right click > properties > disable]

For the mic I had to use the 'Control Panel' > 'SOUND'

I went into 'Recording" Input section & disabled.

You might have to play around with it cause everyone's driver software is a little different.

Hope this helps.

Ill look around thanks DS.

Managed to find microphone, just put 3 strips of electrical tape over camera. Done that first thing out of the box. lol Thanks a lot DS!

Hey, my young co-worker has been telling me about some Linux product (or offshoot) that's an operating system that you can install for free, and that has super tight security that "can't" be compromised.  I know ZERO about that kindof technology, but my wife is interested in finding out.

I'm going to definitely look into it, but if any of you know about it, drop it on me.  I think he said that the name of it was Unbaytoo, or something like that.  I gotta look it up online. 

Also, some years ago, I heard that there was some kind of "underground" Internet system, even (or maybe I got that wrong) that is truly spy-free.  Wish I could remember it.

Just my two cents.  Lemme know.

They can also turn on your cellphone remotely and track you.,  

This is why I won't buy an iphone . No removable battery or storage card,

Samsung Galaxy S4. I can remove battery in about 5 seconds.  

Ditto Hercule Poirot - I won't buy any of their new tracking devices - aka iphones.  Same thing goes for my car - it's 12 years old and everthing is "manual" - no listening devices, no GPS tracking devices and no cameras on board.  I don't want a new fandangled overpriced hunk of junk that is tattling every detail of my life.  I don't own a TV either so I know they can't listen and watch via my TV like the new models.

Hercule Poirot - if it is an old cellphone and the battery is taken out - can they still remotely turn it on and track me?  Thanks in advance for your reply . . .14300

Ya my iphone is a MP3 walkman for me now. I reverted back to an old school piece of shit phone for telecomm.

I am not sure but I think I have heard that cell phones retain a small charge even when the battery is out, so I would say they probably can. Probably not for long maybe just one hit or so. But one to many.

I have also never traded any of my phones in on new models. I have several that have quit working for varies reasons. I just chunk them in a drawer and leave them. Ill crush them and drop them in acid one of these days.

A very small charge to keep the CMOS clock time running, and redial numbers in memory. Not enough for camera operation. A piece of tape over the camera fix's the video part.


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