www.wchildblog.com By wkchild on August 4, 2014
Source: The Common Sense Show, by Dave Hodges
Monsanto, or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of Defense to use a proxy third party company to develop a vaccine against Ebola. The seed money began at $1.5 million. The value of the deal could grow to an estimated $86 million dollars. The company’s name is Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) (TKM.TO), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics. “TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNAi therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office”. As breaking and shocking of a news story as this has the potential to be, the real story is that this is not the most important part of the Ebola threat which has invaded the United States.
The most three evil corporations, in no particular order are Standard Oil, Goldman Sachs and Monsanto. So, has this announcement raised eyebrows? Of course it has. Everything Monsanto touches has a distinct trail of greed, corruption and influence peddling.
On last night’s broadcast of The Common Sense Show, I hosted Joe Hagmann of the Hagmann and Hagmann Report. Joe expressed the view that the real threat to our citizens may not come from the Ebola itself, but it likely would come from the resulting vaccine. In a mid-afternoon phone conversation I had with Joe Hagmann, prior to the show, I asked him if he had heard about Monsanto being given control of the development of an Ebola vaccine with DOD seed money. Subsequently, the News Director of my show, Annie De Riso discovered that this was the case and the information was less than 48 hours old.
Late last week, I reported the following:
“A desperate search is on to find the hundreds of passengers who flew on the same jets as Sawyer (i.e. Patient Zero). A total of 59 passengers and crew are estimated to have come into contact with Sawyer and effort is being made to track each individual down. There is an inherent problem with this “track down. Presumably, some of the passengers connected to other flights, which known to be the case. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that only 20 people, a low estimate given the nature of the airports that Sawyer was traveling in, were connecting to other flights, the spread of the virus would quickly expand beyond any possibility of containment because in less than a half a day, nearly a half a million people would be potentially exposed. Within a matter of a couple of hours, Sawyer’s infected fellow travelers would each have made contact with 200 other passengers and crew. Hours later, these flights would land and these people would go home to the friends, families and coworkers across several continents”.
I believe that as many have reported in the past 48 hours, Ebola has broken any possibility of containment and has now been unleashed on every continent. Many of my medical sources are telling me that modern medicine really does not know what the potential is for Ebola to spread from a significant, regionalized threat to a threat to become a global pandemic which would be as bad or worse than the 1918 Spanish Flu.
What does it all mean? The trend curve of information is pointing to the fact that Ebola is spreading but that the greater threat to the most people will not come from the Ebola but for the treatment of Ebola. Monsanto needs to watched very carefully because my DEA source states that vaccine will be on the market by year’s end.
The vaccine will be on the market by year's end. Somehow I have the feeling that Ebola pandemic will come only after that if at all.
@Less - I hope you are right. As long as we all keep posting and informing others that this is the Global Elites Money Making Scam - Vaccines for Profit - False Flag - and post it everywhere - I think this will go away.
Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients... say it's a hoax http://12160.info/forum/topics/report-armed-men-attack-liberia-ebol...
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