This is a GREAT web site, I'm proud to be a member, I visit it every single day and find a tremendous amount of new and both credible and fascinating information here.
Everyone should go out and join a few other ning groups - there are thousands with all kinds of interesting topics. Then post your badge on your profile pages there. People will follow you back and join here. We could wake up the whole ning network.
Mark Ruffalo stars in #Darkwaters.Get tickets: Participant (Spotlight), DARK WATERS tells the shocking and heroic stor...
Deception has taken a dark turn, and it's no longer just about manipulating individuals. Today, mass brainwashing has become a powerful tool used to control ...
InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...