Monsanto Teams Up With World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to Convert Amazon Rain Forest into Giant GMO Plantation

Monsanto Teams Up With World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to Convert Amazon Rain Forest into Giant GMO Plantation


The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a charity that began in 1961, is on the verge of destroying everything it stands for. For decades, the charitable organization played an integral role in conserving important regions while working on behalf of animal welfare around the world. In the new millennia, however, the WWF has strayed from its roots. It has been watered down and infiltrated by the nature-destroying ideas of the biotech industry.

The WWF is not what they once were. In the recently published book, PandaLeaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, German author Wilfried Huismann exposes everything, from the charity’s outrageously high salaries to its recent partnership with agrochemical giant Monsanto.

Suppressed book exposes dangerous relationship between WWF and Monsanto

When the book came out in 2012, the WWF legal team tried to censor it. They succeeded for several months, afraid of being exposed for promoting Monsanto’s genetically modified crops. In the fall of 2014, the book was re-released, shedding light on the funds the WWF took from Monsanto. The book endured several lawsuits and revealed the dark side of the WWF’s relationship with the multinational agrochemical seed engineer. The book reveals that the WWF collaborated with Monsanto to create a “Round Table on Responsible Soy.” This means WWF leaders discussed ways to unleash GMO soy around the world while convincing entire countries that GMOs and agrochemicals are the most environmentally-conscious method of farming.

Monsanto is infamous for “green washing” their products, making people think they are for the environment. The corporation calls their GMO soy a “responsible” choice for protecting the environment. This deceit ultimately infected the WWF, which went along with plans to unleash GMO soy in the Amazon. Now Brazil and Argentina are being turned into GMO plantations as the Amazon is cut down to make way for Monsanto’s GMO “save the planet” brainwashing.

The clever operatives at Monsanto have found a way to convince environmentally conscious charities such as the WWF to go along with their plans for agricultural control and world dominance. Every donation that is made to the WWF is now supporting the very ideas that destroy the natural environment. Monsanto’s agrochemicals have been linked to mass die-offs of honey bee and monarch butterfly populations. Without these key pollinators, many vegetables and herbs can’t reproduce. Monsanto’s agrochemicals pose a threat to ecosystems, all the way down to wiping out the good bacteria in the soil and the human gut. When the quality of the soil is ignored, the nutrition of the crop reduces over time, ultimately affecting people’s health.

Amazon rain forest being cut to pieces to make room for GMO plantations

The Amazon GMO soy boom is causing millions of acres of rain forest to be cleared. Between 2007 and 2008, nearly 3 million acres were destroyed in the Brazilian Amazonrain forest as logging, soy plantations and cattle ranching took over the region. The WWF has no interest in protecting these regions any more because they are infiltrated by the ideas of Monsanto, which is all for clearing out the rain forest and taking over the area’s agriculture.

Monsanto is not feeding the world. They are raping the natural diversity on this planet and controlling what farmers can grow to stay in business. Brazilian soy is now over 90 percent genetically modified. Much of the GM soy is used to sell animal feed back to farmers as their free range, biodiversity-rich farming practices are taken from them and replaced by fields of GMO soy.

LJ Devon

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Why I'm not too surprised:

"...a hidden agenda of the scheme to preserve this chunk of the forest was to allow the WWF and its partners to share the selling of carbon credits worth $60 billion, to enable firms in the industrial world to carry on emitting CO2 just as before, more than a few eyebrows might be raised. The idea is that credits representing the CO2 locked into this particular area of jungle – so remote that it is not under any threat – should be sold on the international market, allowing thousands of companies in the developed world to buy their way out of having to restrict their carbon emissions. The net effect would simply be to make the WWF and its partners much richer while making no contribution to lowering overall CO2 emissions."

"The Real Global Warming Disaster" - Christopher Booker

Meticulously researched, provocative and challenging... Buy this book and read it carefully. It needs your attention. Read it, because it will make you stop and think and wonder and question where our politicians are leading us. (The Irish Times)

[Booker] digs, he makes the calls, he reads the small print, he takes up the cause of the little man and campaigns, he speaks truth to power without fear or favour ... I'd rate [Booker] among the greatest [journalists] of the age ... [The Real Global Warming Disaster] is another of those classics which any vaguely intelligent person who wants to know what's really going on needs to read. (James Delingpole, The Spectator)

WWF was conceived to act as a funding institution for existing conservations groups such as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and The Conservation Foundation. Godfrey A. Rockefeller also played an important role in its creation, assembling the first staff.

Addressing the Summit audience, Maurice Strong suggested a primary remedy, whereby: We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Former Senator Timothy Wirth, representing the Clinton-Gore administration as undersecretary of state for global affairs, stated that public concern about global warming could be used to advance that cause: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

1952: The Population Council was founded in the United States, at a meeting including Fairfield Osborn, and his rela-
tive, Frederick Henry Osborn, the eugenicist; principal funding was from the John D. Rockefeller Foundation/

1961: The World Wildlife Fund is formed, Sept. 11, in orges, Switzerland by Sir Julian Huxley and others including Britain’s Prince Philip, devoted to using “ecology” to cull the human herd. WWF’s first president is Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, succeeded in 1976 by John Loudon, former CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, and chairman of Shell Oil Co. Prince Philip served as president from 1981 to 1996. The WWF office in Washington, D.C. adjoined the Conservation Foundation, whose new president in 1961 was William K. Reilly, a prote ́ge ́ of the genocidal environmentalists Russell Train and Maurice Strong.

The United Nations Foundation created by billionaire Ted Turner, along with a branch of media giant Thomson Reuters, is starting to train a squadron of journalists and subsidize media content in 33 countries—including the U.S. and Britain--in a planned $6 million effort to popularize the bulky and sweeping U.N.-sponsored Sustainable Development Goals.

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
-- Ted Turner, CNN founder, UN supporter, and environmentalist in a 1996 interview with Audubon Magazine

Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How one of the world's wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture.

Bill Gates (Jr.) - "My dad (William H. Gates, Sr.) was head of Planned Parenthood."

Just connecting some dots.

PandaLeaks: The Dark Side of the WWF, book on Abebooks

The WWF, renowned global nature conservancy brand, greenwashes the ecological crimes of corporations currently destroying the last remaining rainforests and natural habitats on earth; and it accepts their money. This business model of the famous “eco” organization does more to harm nature than to protect it.

The WWF cannot refute the facts gathered by esteemed journalist and filmmaker Wilfried Huismann during his two-year research expedition to all corners of the green empire. A journalistic tour de force unearthing the grim secrets behind the warm and cuddly façade of the WWF, Huismann’s exposé went straight to the German bestseller list. The book is now available in English, unabridged and updated.

Huismann also dug deep into the early history of the world’s most powerful nature conservancy organization and found several skeletons in the closet: the elite secret club known as “The 1001” and a private military commando unit deployed in Africa against big game poachers – and against black African liberation movements. In the name of environmental protection the WWF has participated in the displacement and cultural extinction of indigenous peoples the world over.

Panda Leaks book trailer

Hypocrisy? From the WWF AND Monsanto? Never!!!


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