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President Obama: Pledge to Veto the DARK Act!

Dear President Obama,

Please veto any bill that comes out of the Congress that would preempt Vermont’s mandatory GMO labeling law, which was enacted on July 1.

LINK TO PETITION: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/president-obama-pledge?source=c.em...

We the people ask the federal government to Take or explain a position on an issue or policy:

Created by S.A. on July 09, 2016

On July 7, the Senate passed a bill to label genetically modified foods allowing companies to use QR codes instead of words on the package. It discriminates against low income families, minorities, mothers, seniors, the disabled & those without smartphones.

In 2007 President Obama said, “We’ll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what they’re buying.”

SIGN PETITION HERE: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/veto-dark-act-s764

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Begging to moozlum usurping impostors won't get it done....this unAmerican prick hasn't listened or done a gawdamn thing for We, The People except oppress us more. You think a letter begging this NWO puppet will change his demented & corrupted mind??? FAK NO it won't, I shudder when i hear that word President associated w/ this criminal, illegal assclown traitor, this assholes NO PRESIDENT and NO American

Quit wasting your time w/ this useless attempt, seems to be only one way to get the message across to these Traitors now, sad to say, but We tried the normal channels, time to go all medieval on these criminal bastards now.

Lock-N-Load America, the time is Nigh!

I would never have considered the time spent on 'this' issue, a waste. Setbacks having occurred through 'normal channels' should not be a reason to resort to animal or reptilian instincts; not unless your life is personally threatened, in my opinion. But I do agree; there are a lot of criminal bastards out there, and many are in power (politically) too. 

I hate to think that you are correct especially being I am a new grandmother to the sweetest little girl on earth,, but yes words are a waste.. they make it easy to waste our time with these nonsensical petitions that fall on deft ears.. actions speak louder than words.. it used to be the pen was mighty than the sword.. but with this era,, it will take the edge of the sword to show them we are tired of being dumbed down... to the ground,, get ready to rock and roll..  or right lock and load...

i just has this same sentiment with my son regarding the birth of his first born daughter.. I noted that they are smearing on the desitin.. I asked him if he knew what the contents was or main ingredients held in the tube.. i got a dumb look... then i said to him when he was an infant I didn't use all these fancy expensive creams lotions and chemicals they sell in the store today.. he looked inquisitive,. I further explained that i finished the tube sent home and from there forward I change diapers regularly and bathe them every night a quick dip in baby bath let them air dry and the only time i had issues is when they were in someone else's care for a day.. now and again they would develop redness in their private areas.. at which point i would dab a small amount of hydrocortizone cream and it usually was gone within 24 hours.. very rarely and seldom did i have need for it..

same thing with sun block and all the other lotions and creams they commercialize use to purchase stating they are proven effective..TO DO WHAT EXACTLY??

 from the beginning of time all these creams and lotions and products sold on the shelves were not around only more recently have the stores pushed and pushed to sell products to increase their profit margins.. well i don't buy it ,, the money i saved buying all the high priced "junk" they sell most likely helped me as a single mother raise my children and feed them well for 18 years.. who needs all this crap? I sure didn't and my sons didn't end up having face marking pimples and black heads .. they aren't deformed and they can spend time in the sun without getting sunburn,,, i didn't spend 10 thousand a year in chemicals to smear all over their bodies and somehow they managed to get through it all without so much as a pock mark.. go figure??  so much for the chemical merry go round.. you think the next conversation I have with him will be regarding the GMO baby food he is feeding his toddler.. You bet cha.. I pureed all my babies food up to they could eat meals I cooked... now if i could move to an area where there was no acid rain and pollutants to grow truly healthy fruits and vegetables? I certainly would .. shut down GMO...

Thanks for your replies and information.

Don't know if you have ever heard, or considered that using hydrocortizone can actually thin the skin and cause additional problems and or discomfort.

"Common side effects of Hydrocortisone Cream include skin redness/burning/itching/peeling, thinning of your skin, blistering skin, stretch marks, nausea, heartburn, headache, dizziness, menstrual period changes, trouble sleeping (insomnia), increased sweating, or acne."


As parents going through the common issue of diaper rash, especially using reusable cloth diapers; we quickly discovered that using a good quality zinc paste clears it up quickly and also helps to protect the skin from such.

11 Best Diaper Rash Creams - http://www.healthline.com/health/childrens-health/best-diaper-rash-...

you have my vote..

yes I have heard about that but they are talking about long periods of use, not a small dab once every month or two.. for instance it is suggested not to use daily for more than 4 weeks...  I may have used it a total of 4 weeks for both my children during their entire diaper wearing stage,, when a doctor warns a person who uses hydro cortisone cream  it is usually in regard to treating problem acne or psoriasis.. not for occasional use of a rash flare up.

Their pediatrician is the one who suggested using it to avoid using all the added commercial chemicals as he said use of petroleum based products block the pores. I had stressed a concern about using desitin as it was so thick and oily , and smearing it on to prevent rashes appeared to be end. I asked him if it really was a necessity he said that he never used it on his children, what he recommended was to give baby daily baths or sponge baths and allow them to stay bare for a half hour after to allow air to naturally close the pores then powder and diaper and on occasional rash or skin irritation to use sparingly hydro cortisone cream,,,  

My family has always been agriculturally supportive as well as very health conscience, walnut acres, com-posters, garden growers .. it is only as age and health have become a problem we are leaning more towards easy prepared foods and preparations which is only due to lack of ability to do otherwise.

 we dont believe in the chemical solutions of commercially sold products rather the more natural old timer remedies such as vinegar, castor oil, spices for treatments of many ailments  and afflictions. vinegar has become a staple in our house as it  such varied uses.. from cleaning and disinfecting your house to un-shrinking a favorite shirt.. or ridding heart burn .. depending on what the issue will determine which to use ; I.e. white distilled and apple cider,  red wine vinegar; white wine vinegar; rice vinegar; or gourmet varieties 

anyway I have said my fill on this and hope it is an eyeopener.. on vinegar none the less,, so  very many uses to go into on here just look it up on google....

Thanks for the info.


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