Russia and China say any decision on a transition of power in Syria should only be made by the Syrian people.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi announced the stances of their countries after a meeting on the situation in Syria at the United Nations office in Geneva on Saturday.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Many people, including security forces, have been killed in the turmoil.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Webster Griffith Tarpley, an author and historian from Washington, to further discuss the issue. The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Looking at the rights record of the participants of the meeting in Geneva, particularly that of the United States, it’s somehow hard to believe that their only concern is of human rights. Can you tell us how a regime change in Syria may benefit every participant in that conference?

Tarpley: The current US policy under the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton in the State Department aims at the destruction of all sovereign states on this planet. It’s really rolling the world situation back to the time before the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 which established the regime of modern independent sovereign states.

The desperation of the US and the British comes from their financial bankruptcy, and what they’ve got to do is increase the rate of exploitation and looting and sacking of the entire world economy. In the course of this, they find that any national government is an intolerable obstacle. It gets in their way.

It can say no, like Mubarak said no to them on numerous occasions and Gaddafi said no most of the time, so they decided to smash up these countries. But notice their goal is not just regime change: it’s now microstates; “ministates”, to use the terms of Zbigniew Brzezinski; “partition”, the favorite term of George Soros; balkanization, failed states, rump states, warlords - warlords of the type that we see for example in Libya.

This is the goal, to have a situation where the International Monetary Fund and NATO rule the world from above but then on the ground you’ve got a kind of crazy court of petty, squabbling, impotent little entities that could never resist Exxon Mobile or JP Morgan Chase or Halliburton or anything of the kind, something, again, like Libya today.

That’s where they’re headed to this. It would be for them to break up Syria, to detach the Kurdish part, to detach parts that would be claimed by Turkey, to perhaps start the Lebanese civil war again, perhaps there would be a continuous civil war in Syria, perhaps Israel will start helping itself to various tracts of territory, and so on down the line. So that’s where this is going. It’s very sinister.

Press TV: Taking a look at the situation on the ground, for how long do you think Assad and the Assad administration in general will be able to absorb such huge pressure and stay in power?

Tarpley: I think indefinitely. I think for a very long time. Assad’s holding power may turn out to be greater than the holding power of the coalition that is against them. This of course depends on Russia and China maintaining their current blocking position in the Security Council.

Hillary Clinton, after that tirade, that outburst that we just heard, her hysterical plan is to go back to the Security Council and to try once again to get a Chapter 7 resolution through the Security Council, and that would include draconian economic sanctions and it will eventually lead them to an armed attack, a no-fly zone - meaning bombing, humanitarian corridors, buffers zones and so forth. That will be a massive attack on Syria.

There is no indication that Russia will go along. Lavrov, leading the proceedings today, said the important thing is that nothing has been imposed. When we look at this empty formula that they’ve come up with, it’s a kind of face-saving piece of rhetoric or boilerplate for all of them.

On the one side, Assad and his government have said we will not accept a solution dictated by foreigners; that’s sound policy.

Then we have the Syrian National Council, always helpful in this way, they say they will never negotiate with Assad because Assad has blood on his hands.

We’re finding out right now thanks to the Frankfurter Allgemeine in Germany, the big conservative paper in Frankfurt, that it was the Free Syrian Army that carried out the Houla massacre not Assad, not the Syrian army, but rather these bloody NATO death squads that have been brought in which Hillary Clinton is supporting - and Hague and Fabius and the rest of these people. Indeed, Kofi Annan, the hypocrite, is nothing but a front man for essentially these death squads.

Press TV: There is talk of a coalition government, and you pointed to it briefly, but how likely will this coalition government be formed and just how much will Assad agree to it?

Tarpley: There have been elections. That’s another one of these sort of Orwellian features in these proceedings. There have just been elections in Syria in which more than 50 percent, I’m not sure exactly how many but by all indications more than half of the people who were registered to vote have voted, and there were opposition figures.

Not everyone elected in those elections was from the Ba’ath Party. Of course, the Syrian National Council, the group of adventurers who like to live in expensive hotels and make pronunciations to the four points of the compass, they always say they won’t negotiate. Why would they? They’ve been living high on the hog the way it is.

There have been elections where you didn’t have to be a member of the Ba’ath Party. Full elections have been held but Kofi Annan said ‘those are not good enough, that’s not what we mean.’

Well, what do you mean then given the fact that the Syrian Free Army, the Syrian National Council said they won’t participate in elections? They are the ones who are intractable and the guilt of the crisis goes to them. I think Assad can hold out for quite a while.

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It is the same situation in Iraq...There was no weapons of Mass Destruction,there was however LARGE oil deposits and little known to the world; Saddam Hussein let christians worship freely there without fear of violence.In the New World Order Christians have no place at the Table.

I agree with you about that and I pray that God intervenes or enough people become activists for what is right. Here is another interesting fact, remember flight 93 that "crashed" in Shankesville, PA? The coroner said there was absolutely no bodily remains...Well remember also on 911 there was a very brief news report that an area near the spot where flight 93 "crashed", was being investigated but then we never heard another word about it? Guess what is going on in that same region within just a few miles....oil drilling. And not just any kind of oil drilling either...

Amelia what do you mean but "not just any kind of drilling either..  why american's cannot see all the flaws in the 911 story will be our demise .  it make me absolutely nuts sometimes because in all of american history it may be the biggest lie but it is also the most obvious 

It's shale drilling through shale stone and it has serious adverse affects making our natural drinking water highly contaminated. Mark Ruffalo has spoken out about it and now he is now on the president's list.

i do not know much about that i will research it ...

Christianity is over rated IMO ;)

Society has lost track of what true Christianity is and are all caught up in religion, church establishments, legalism, and traditions and from that point of view, you have a point. I don't believe in the existence of physical churches or in dispensationalism (which is just another word for zionism) Jesus spoke against the establishments of temples and how their leaders and doctrines would deceive the church. (By church, I mean Christ's Kingdom.) Jesus went as far as to say that one must me wiser than the scribes and pharisee if one is to enter in to Heaven. Jesus attempted to explain to the Jews that he would destroy their temple and rebuild it within 3 days and He was speaking of His Ressurection because after that prophecy was fulfilled, He would be the Temple and we (those baptized into the Holy Spirit by His blood and water) were to become the one and only true body of Christ and without division (which is what churches create.)

That is because your a heathen H●ȴȴɣѾͼͽᵭ  you may think christianity is "over rated" but the illuminated ones see it as there greatest threat ..   and they know the Bible better than most heathens like you.. And you better believe THEY BELIEVE IT .. even if you do not ..  according to the bible THEY LOSE!!  and they will do everything to change that with there master the light bearer sweet lucifer the giver of light and knowledge . hail lucifer is not that much different than hiel hitler .. millions hiled hilter .. thw world will worship the glorious angel Lucifer .. hail lucifer will become a good thing ..   remember bad is good / right is wrong / war is peace / and love is hate ..  a BRAVE NEW WORLD  is upon us .. i suggest you brush up on your theosophy or you will not be able to buy or sell ...  since you do not believe in God imagine how much fun it will be when Jesus and God belief is punishable by death and the 'DO AS THOU WILT' crowd finnaly gets what they have always wanted and those moronic stupid hateful christians will finally STFU or die /..

It will be glorious when Lucifer finally come out and the truth of his enlightenment is revealed and we are shown the ancient knowledge God has kept from us for millenia after millenia ..    what the agent of lucifer satan that serpent of old told us was that we must not eat from the tree of knowledge for we will know of good and evil and be as god will finally be gloriously fulfilled .. "praise be to the Lord (our lord lucifer 0f course) he has always been the god of this world ..  IMHO;) he is an angel of light!!these guys love him and will do anything to make him the master of the universe ..   so you may think it is "overrated'  That doesn't begin to how much we may have "underestimated" how serious the followers of the KING of the new world order really are ..   WAKE UP ALL YOU HEATHENS YOU WILL BE WORSHIPING THE GOD OF THIS WORLD LUCIFER DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE PROPHECY!!

CORRECTION: in the statement i made >> what the agent of lucifer satan that serpent of old told us was that we must not eat from the tree of knowledge for we will know of good and evil and be as god ....   What Genesis says exactly is that God said    "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."..    satan the agent of Lucifer said ..And the serpent said unto the woman,  “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.  It is important to understand your enemy ..   here is an account of the FALL OF MAN if you care to read the account from the bible it is the beginning and it will be our end     

The other Jesus ..  "Lucifer 

Now, nearly 2000 years have past, and those early errors have been multiplied through the ages, to the point that: "... the whole world is under the control of the evil one." (1John 5:19) That is: "... Satan, who leads the whole world astray." (Rev. 12:9)  BELIEVE THAT THEY BELIEVE IT WITH THERE  WHOLE HEARTS

I'll check that out. also, if you're interested, research about the 1560 Geneva Bible. It's what I believe to be the closest to the original doctrines. It's taught me so much more than the King James version ever could. :-)

i am interested in that thank you~~

You're welcome! For me finding it was like a miracle. It's the bible the pilgrims brought with them on the Mayflower and it was in use until the political King James version replaced it - I'm not sure but I think it was forbidden sometime after the civil war or some time there bouts. Wallace Cromwell had a miniature version made for his soldiers to carry with them in to battle.


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