#NYPD may account for nine casualties in Empire State Building shootout

Posted  byRobert Farago

NYPD shot 9 out of 14 INNOCENT ByStanders @ EmpireState Bldg Shooting!


USA Today is reporting that New York’s Finest may account for nine casualties in the shootout between Jeffrey Johnson and the police on a busy Manhattan street. ”The wounded include two women and seven men sent to two area hospitals whom Bloomberg said may have been accidentally shot by cops, who fired off 14 rounds.” So police may have had a “hit ratio” of 9/14—on innocent bystanders. That’s considerably better (worse) than average. Back in ’08 The New York Times reported that NYC police ”hit their targets roughly 34 percent of the time.”As our commentators have pointed out, the so-called New York trigger—designed to prevent negligent discharges—doesn’t help (when the cops open fire). I wonder if someone in the media will have the balls to confront Hizzoner on his “only cops (and celebrities) should have guns” policy.





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New York’s Finest POLICE

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At the press conference, Mini-me Bloomberg did say

 "There's alot of guns out there"

Maybe Bloomberg was right ....maybe we'd like to see what happens when they aren't there (shooting innocent bystanders).  There's NOT enough guns out there, however, which should be carried by honest, freedom-minded citizens.

Doesnt anyone know that when a Bullet leaves a Barrel it isnt comin back- Be careful where you stand i guess- Maybe just another False whatever? I dont know but am glad i wasnt there. Maybe we would be talking here -Not being funny but reality does bite- If the NYPD has shot wildly then they will answer but yet it is real that people want the NRA and the 2nd amendment done away with. People tend to and bring about what they call change. If people STOPPED drinking flouride and taking Prozac and oxcy,s then maybe we would function but SATAN is running wild and telling all -everything is Ok, WRONG - yet JESUS defeated satan at the CROSS . So what gives with people - ACCEPT JESUS as Saviour and the word comes true - Itn the BIBLE it states that IF A NATION WORSHIPS ME I WILL WATCH OVER THEM. "(paraphrased ) ,So i cant get upset at this because i know GOD,s word is true-I feel sorry for these people but alot of them are dumbed down. Things are set in motion for a reason and people will argue that this is insane-I agree . People will say im crazy for what im saying - To that i say Take it up with GOD. - YET WHEN A BULLET LEAVES THE BARREL IT IS GONE. are WE LIKE THAT- GONE and never comin back?????

I am a Christian like you, and I have no doubt that this world is a trial, and according to our behaviour here we determine whether we are ruled by God in the afterlife, or Satan.

As Jesus said, 'What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?'

This wisdom is lost on the Banksters and their puppets, but they will learn come the Day of Judgement.

Regarding Jesus defeating Satan by His death on the cross, many get a mistaken message there. His defeat of the Devil was by His sacrifice of His life; as He said: 'If you woulld follow me, take up your cross and follow me'. The Devil rules this world; Jesus on at least three occasions refers to the Devil as the 'Prince of this world'.

We shall not win in this world; but we must strive to do our best to follow His teachings (not at all easy!).

One more thing: if you read the Old Testament, then read the New, it should soon become apparent that the 'God' of the Old Testament is not the same as the 'God' Jesus refers to as His (and our) Father.

I am not getting into a long debate on this, but essentially, the Old Testament 'God' comes across as tyrannical, and orders his people to commit genocide on the tribes he says have worshipped other 'Gods'. And the ones he seems to favour are a pretty motley crew, with morals of alley-cats.

Re-read the Old Testament and I think you will see what I mean.

I just heard this morning on News Radio here in Australia report only one bystander was accidently shot ! .... I tell ya, it's a good thing that I click on American sites such as 12160 to get the real truth. If there is anything that convinces me totally that the NWO media here on Fabian Island are up to no good, it's when they distort the truth to suit their stupid globalist police state agenda. The cops can do no wrong ? well we're not likely to hear about or get the real truth down here ... and they want us to live in a "Globalized" world ! - what a big laugh that is

The corporate bought-and-paid-for media I'm sure will not address this...at least not to the extent they should....the mass-media today are really not much better than casino shills.

Seems there is a increase of gun violence all over the country done by either spaced out whacko's or cop's,one in the same to me anymore. if there is so many gun's everyone is said to have,then why is it only nut cases have enough fire power to start their own war? Today's cop is becoming more cowardly and untrustworthy. They see themselves as the law,not so much the allegedly protector of citizen's. I, as many may agree, see a major escalation in cop shooting innocent people,even after they have been restrained. HEY ed, so much truth in what you. As for a gone people? That's kinda how I see it.

How can this be!  The cops shot more people then the supposed shooter, maybe there was no shooter at all, NY finest are famous for planting guns on victims

I thought of that, too.  Where's the Michael Milners' and One Adam Twelve guys when we need them?

Maybe NYPD needs to hire some guys from Texas. Someone who can actually hit the target because they grew up with guns. But then, I doubt anyone from Texas would want to live in NYC.

You are correct.  As the chili commercial says, "New York City!!!!!!!!"  Although we do have an idiot as a governor (Perry) and a  forme idiot as governor (Bush), we Texans wll always be armed and ready. I heard on www.whatreallyhappened.com that we've already shot down a couple of drones.

This is what happens when the guns start going off in a crowded city. 

Shun citys, they are filled with fearful riff-raff and psycopathic power junkies.

And keep a gun handy.  You may need it in the future.


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