By Zen Gardner (Editor)

The U.S. Corporation and the Maritime Flag

Tuesday, February 08, 2011 7:58

by Zen Gardner
Gerald Celente has an excellent piece on the Superbowl entitled Are Americans Sure Their Flag Is Still There?
Good stuff. But I'm wondering, not just if there's a flag still there, but which one?
And who notices?
Besides the banality of this meaningless exchange and the usual attempts to polarize viewers and pretend they have some significance in the grand scheme of things, I was more taken by the fringed Maritime flag featured behind Obama during the interview. (Stop after you see the flag if you like, sickening interview..)
How many understand the significance of the fringed Maritime flag?


You bet it is. A whole other set of laws are in effect under the fringed Maritime flag. And we're seeing it continue to become more and more prevalent on military uniforms, police and private security uniforms, in public areas and throughout government. It's not just a pretty decoration.
It has a more serious significance than most could imagine. It's an abdication of national and personal power.

These young men have no idea they're property of a corporation, not a constitutional government

Under Maritime Admiralty law the corporation of the United States, not the constitutional entity, is in control. For those of you unfamiliar with maritime law and its legal implications, here's a brief explanation:
Ever wonder why some American flags, especially those in your courts of law, police stations, and even in the lobby of Walt Disney Corporation all have a gold fringe? It’s not to make the flag look more regal, but to make sure that those who are governed by the law of that institution are NOT governed by the United States of America Constitution, but by the bylaws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION.
The Corporation is a headless beast that strives to create profit. Profit to a laymen is money. Profit to those who control the world is control. The gold fringe on any American flag is the greatest level of desecration one could have. This goes for state flags as well. It says to the legal world that you are under the law of the Corporation and NOT the country.

Our supposedly representative government is purely a corporate state under this flag
Ultimately when you walk into a court of law, you are being governed by the bylaws of a Corporation and not by your Constitution. There are courts that decide if a matter is Constitutional or Unconstitutional, but they are merely looking out of their legal domain and into ours, for we the people, are the only body or group that considers itself under the Constitution.
Straightforward fact - yet no one notices
What is Maritime Law?
The gold fringe originates from something called Maritime Law. This was a technique that countries used back in the days of Naval fleets that needed to barter and or sign treaties between nations. Each ship flew a flag of its country to denote its legal domain. This flag was honored as the legal domain over that ship. If one were to step onto that ship, one was subject to the written and recorded laws of that flag’s country.
The gold fringe on the United States flag is a legal holdover from these times. When one walks into the courtroom or any other institution with a gold fringe, one has surrendered to the bylaws of that Corporation and NOT the Constitution. (Source)

The Corporate Takeover Is Complete

Besides our government actually being a corporation, look at the overall corporate takeover of America today. It's never been so thoroughly consolidated. Corporations have never had such full sway through their owned media and their revolving door with government via actual goverment positions and their extremely powerful lobbys.
Heads of Monsanto and other mega food and drug related corporations move in and out of the FDA approving their own products and changing laws, while banksters and oil oligarchs freely flow in and out of the Fed and Treasury Department.
Immelt and Obama talking business in a GE factory

GEeee, What a Team...

A perfect example is Obama's recent appointment of corporate power broker GE CEO Jeff Immelt to another "Czar"-type position to lead a new economic advisory council. Few people know Immelt's full connections. A former Fed board member, Immelt's GE was one of the largest recipients of bail out money via their well-placed subsidiary GE Financial. To insure this cozy relationship keeps up, GE spent a cool 40 million dollars on lobbying! (see here)

Fringed Maritime flag behind Obama in Oval Office. Notice the flag artwork doesn't have gold fringe (and Masonic sunburst in the carpet and Venusian arch in window )

The fascist corporate state is "sewn up". Literally.
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini

Postscript: More on Maritime Admiralty Law

Note: Personally, I think the apparent experiment of 'America' and the plan to build the ultimate world dominating vehicle has somewhat backfired. The human spirit is easily overlooked and underestimated by our would-be controllers, and it seems the founders gave perhaps too much "leeway" for freedom, which has presented something of a problem.
They'll keep up their programs with police measures, ELFs, chemtrails, fluoride, GMOs, food additives and precipitating social decay, but people are waking up. And fast. And it's exciting. So don't let this information get you down, it's just to understand what they've been up to and how it works and to broaden your awareness.

Here's a great conclusion on the subject:
The United States is a Corporation
or "Don't Take it Personal, it's Only Business"

( Yes, you read the title correctly. We are not living in a country with a government of the people, by the people, for the people, but we are part of a giant Corporation, The United States Corporation, and the President of America is the CEO. We are only the employees. This Corporation, in its turn, is owned by another Corporation, The British Crown.
"Hey, wait a minute! First of all, America is not owned by Great Britain," you may say. "That's what the War of Independence was all about; to free ourselves from British tyranny. We are free from Britain and we have our own Constitution. Our Founding Fathers helped out with that!"
If this is what you think, it is incorrect, and I will tell you why. We have never been free from Britain; the power only changed from overt power to covert power. They gave us an illusion of freedom, and they have succeeded well to keep their little secret. Thus, the Founding Fathers, who most of them were Freemasons, had no intention to give us any freedom. They worked hand in glove with the British Crown all the time, but the only way to establish a "New World" in America was to fool the people and tell them that they were fighting for freedom. This is the plain truth in a nutshell, but now it's time to back up and explain the above a little deeper...
Corporation of the People, by the People, for the People
(The following section is an excerpt from David Icke's book, The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy [and how to end it] pp. 231-233. I strongly recommend this book, because it gives you a brilliant overview of how this conspiracy works. You can order the book at
The United States 'government' is actually the United States Corporation. It was created behind the screen of a 'Federal Government' when, after the manufactured 'victory' in the American War on 'Independence', the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London for the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.
In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the 'former' colonies, simply changed its name to the United States of America and other related pseudonyms. These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia (Samurais) and the President of the Corporation is known as the President of the United States. This is an accurate title given that one is the name for the Corporation is the 'United States'. He or she is not the President of the people or the country as they are led to believe - that's just the smokescreen.
It is the United States Corporation, not the 'government', which owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term 'federal'. The privately-owned Corporation called the United States is the holding company, if you like, and the fifty states are its subsidiaries.
The Gold Fringe
You may have noticed that the national flag of the United States always has a gold fringe when displayed in court or federal buildings, and you see this also in federally-funded schools and on the uniforms of US troops. Under the International Law of the Flags, a gold fringe indicates the jurisdiction of commercial law, also known as British Maritime Law, and, in the U.S., as the Uniform Commercial Code, or UCC. The gold fringe is not part of the American flag known as the Stars and Stripes, but it is a legal symbol indicating that the court, government building, school or soldier is operating under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code; military and merchant law.
For example, if you appear in a court with a gold-fringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended, and you are being tried under British Maritime (military/merchant) Law. If it seems strange that a court or building on dry land could be administered under Maritime or Admiralty Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7. It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations:
1) the high seas
2) any American ship
3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In other words, mainland America.

All this is founded on Roman law, which goes back to Babylon and Sumerian law, because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the top government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider 'journalists'.
Americans think that their government and legal system is pegged in some way to the Constitution, but it is not. The United States, like Britain and elsewhere, is ruled by commercial law to overcome the checks and balances of common law. It's another monumental fraud. The US court system does not operate under the American Constitution, but under corporate law. It is the law of contracts and you have to make a contract with the Corporation for that law to legally apply to you.
Upper/Lower Case Name Spellings
The scam has been set up so that when you register with the 'Federal Government' in any way, by accepting a Social Security Number, driver's license, or any of the other official federal documents, you are, unknowingly, contracting to become an asset-employee of the United States Corporation...Every word, or use of lower/upper case, is making a legal statement. Have you noticed that when you receive correspondence relating to government, law and anything to do with finance, including taxation, your name is always spelt in all upper case, as in BILL JONES?
But your upper case name is not you. It is a corporation/trust set up by the 'government' Corporation through the treasury department at your birth. Every time a child is born a corporation/trust is created using his or her name in all upper case. So BILL JONES is what they call a 'straw man', a corporate, not human, entity. They do it this way because governments are corporations and they operate under commercial law, the law of contracts. The laws passed by governments only apply to corporations and not to living, breathing, flesh and blood, sovereign, free men and women spelt in upper and lower case, or all lower case, as with Bill Jones, or bill jones. The living, breathing sovereign man and woman is subject to common law, not eh commercial law introduced by governments through legislation. (Source)
Maritime Admiralty Law further explained:

Be informed. Zen

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I researched this topic years ago and have found since that time, most Americans I have mentioned it to refuse to believe it. I point them to websites but still they persist with denial. Maybe as a foreigner, they think I'm a smart ass telling them how it is on their own turf, I don't know but it's definitely been a prickly subject on many occasions.




The United States is Still a British Colony

Cant deny facts! Great post


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