Nigeria: Government vows to prosecute parents who reject polio vaccines for their children. These vaccines were suspended in 2003-2004 because Muslim leaders said they were causing infertility and it was a Western depopulation plot.

A Nigerian state that has battled polio outbreaks has vowed to prosecute parents who refuse to immunise their children against the highly contagious disease, a health official said Thursday.

"The government will henceforth arrest and prosecute any parent that refuses to allow health workers to vaccinate his child against child-killer diseases, particularly polio," the permanent secretary in the Kano state health ministry, Tajudeen Gambo, told AFP.

Parents would be charged under an already existing law prohibiting someone from denying children access to health care, he said. He said the law allows for penalties of jail time or fines, but he did not know how much for either.

Gambo said the government would also prosecute vaccine providers who refuse to report recalcitrant parents to the authorities.

"We have formed special surveillance teams and directed vaccinators to report any defaulting parent to such teams, and any vaccinator that fails to do that will also be prosecuted," he said.


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Cleanliness and teaching whole food nutrition and supplementation is all they need.  By vaccinating all they are doing is expanding the size, cost, power and extending the reach of the gov't.
I disagree, Suzanne. It would probably help, but it isn't all they need. Polio is caused by a microorganism, not by insufficient vitamin C. Scurvy is caused by inadequate vitamin C, which is why the vitamin is called "ascorbic acid." The biggest problem with vaccines is that you don't really know what they are shooting into you. It might be what they say it is. It might contain something else. There was a recent report of women being sterilized and, in some cases, aborted against their will and/or without their informed consent by a series of shots claimed to immunize against tetanus. There is no legitimate tetanus vaccination which involves more than one shot. That is a crime against humanity. At the same time, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. You need to stay awake and be aware that to receive a vaccination, you must first trust someone. It is better to have a trustworthy family doctor than to go to a "free" vaccination clinic, but the doctor has to be willing to have vaccines he administers tested. Nobody should trust these drug companies any more.
Then teach them about probies (probiotics) -- all part of nutrition and fermented foods.  Get rid of all of the packaged cr_p.  Dr. Sherri Tenpenny says over and over that nobody needs vaccines if they get the right nutrition, cleanliness, supplements and naturopathic care.
I believe, I finally can get upon my training wheels too get this message across. Please be patient with me
About any issues, it starts with one. No problem. (Sorry about the generic message). Busy preparing for war. Yet here in Kaneohe, Oahu. I stand alone. Hook me up and we all will win.
All you have to do is give my contact email or site to AlexJones, Jessie Ventura, Willie Nelson, Aimee Allen, or Charlie Sheen.

(Keep in mind we are now very closely monitored. However unlike them, Truth needs no stinkin darkness to hide under).

1) The Title of the Plan: The Obamanation, say goodbye, Dude".
2) The process: Exposure to wrong doing.
3) Process: The Masses.
4) Crew: 4 cameras/ One or more, or all Celeb/ Location/ Principal/ All Peaceful warriors/ And one solider on the front line. (Think photo of asian in front of tank. We have same senerio, at our disposal).
His safety will be in the spirit that cannot be taken, The passion that can't be bought, the Right to stand alone. And if one can't stand for principal then one can't stand. Storekeeper
5) Timeline: Approximately 1 to 4 hours.
6) Cost for war budget: Already paid for by 911 victims world wide.

Your part if you wish to full fill your passion. Give my prints to one of those celebs. The rest will fall into place. Jessie keeps saying what happened to his generation. We were just waiting for the right time. Plus we don't know how to get in touch with you all.
We also had too live the history to see the truth. They had us all fooled to some degree. Mother @#$!ers.
This VICTORY is dedicated to the 25 friends I lost before I was 23, in the 60's Bay Area.
Who is your fight for?

New Order's problem was I read one book in my life. The others were westerns. Louis Amour. But the one book I read was 1984. However, I read it in 1966. And now it is here and proven.
The war has never ended. Freedom has only been a mirage. Mahalo, PeaceInn. Storekeeper


"Destroying the New World Order"



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