The only way for Ron Paul to become President is if he gets the GOP nomination; The only way for Ron Paul to get the GOP nomination is if we become delegates. As delegates, we’ll be voting to pick the GOP nominee just like the electors in the electoral college vote to pick the President; Delegates determine and decide who the GOP nominee it’s that critical!

There hasn’t been a brokered convention for more than 60 years! And the good news is that Ron Paul doesn’t have to win a single state to get the GOP nomination; He just needs to win the delegates! So your delegate vote will count that much more; In other words, Ron Paul can secure the GOP nomination with your vote!

Find out if your state has a primary or caucus for the Republican party candidate selection process. Use this handy page which lists each state, and make sure your state’s system hasn’t changed (generally, it will be the same rules from last time). Register to vote as Republican and attend your primary elections to vote for Ron Paul in those states. If you live in a caucus state, this is where the delegate process all starts! Those who live in a Primary state should register with the campaign here:

You typically start at your precinct (district) convention as a delegate and work your way up to state, and finally, the RNC; But it may even be as easy as calling your Secretary of State Elections Division, signing some forms and getting signatures! Ron Paul supporters will walk through rain, snow, ice, fire, hazardous waste for this revolution so performing the aforementioned will be a cakewalk.

The GOP nomination will ultimately be decided at the 2012 Republican National Convention which will take place August 27, 2012, in Tampa, Florida at the St. Pete Times Forum.

Please watch the video below and peruse the instructions on how to become a delegate for Ron Paul. Afterwards, get together with your family, friends, local Meetup groups (use the Freedom Atlas to find a local “meetup”) to discuss and organize how to flood your conventions with Ron Paul delegates.

If we don’t become delegates, then Ron Paul will not get the GOP nomination. If Ron Paul doesn’t get the GOP nomination, then the Ron Paul Revolution is OVER. Don’t let this happen: Become a Delegate!

What is a Delegate?

A delegate is essentially a super-voter; They get to vote for the GOP nominee.  Regular voters will ONLY be voting to determine the number of delegates for the candidates in your state Primary (or caucus); Regular voters can’t vote for the GOP nominee.  Remember, our system of government is a republic and not a democracy.  Now you can understand why it’s so important to become a delegate because delegates determine who the GOP nominee is!

Why is it Important to Become a Delegate?

Delegates control everything in their party, from the bylaws and platform to even what candidate gets to run on their partys ticket. Yes the delegates can actually control what candidates get placed on the ballots.

This is complete control of the party and gives us the tools we need to take the GOP and every other party back to it’s roots.

How Do I Become a State Delegate? (necessary)

1. Register to vote today as a Republican. The sooner the better, because there will be pre-registration deadlines to meet generally a month or two before the caucus. You will need to check your county or state for specific dates, because these vary.

2. Vote in your Caucus and run to be a delegate to the Republican state assembly who represents your county precinct.

3. It all starts at your precinct so peruse your state’s delegate process to the RNC (Republican National Convention) This is optional if other Ron Paul supporters are also running for the RNC in your state. You can just vote for them instead of running yourself.

It’s critical that we become delegates or all our hard work will be in vain.
Become a delegate and we’ll get to hear Dr. Ron Paul giving his Inaugural Address in 2013

How Do I Become a Delegate to the Republican National Convention fo... (optional)

There are 3 options to choose from in order to get information on how to become a delegate to your GOP conventions.

Please consider doing all 3; If that’s too much, pick the one you’re most comfortable with. Perform the “Strategies For Success” below to solidify your chances of becoming a delegate. Once again, you can meet other delegates who have been through the ropes using the Freedom Atlas. Many new delegates are networking on the Facebook pagecreated to help network Ron Paul Delegates, and that is a great first place to ask if you have more questions!

Option 1) Contact your RPCC State Coordinator—Ask how you can become a Ron Paul delegate.

Option 2) Organize with others in your local meetup ( and get current and former delegates to talk about the delegate process. By having a majority of Ron Paul supporters, you’ll easily get all your delegates to the next phase.

Option 3) Look over your state rules and process (step C below). Next, contact your County GOP organization (step C below) and ask for information on how you can become a delegate to the GOP Conventions and for the rules for all the conventions (especially precinct convention).

“Strategies for Success”

NOTE: Please keep in mind that rules vary between states.

A) Since you’ll be elected as a delegate, it’s good to do some voter identification (who’s gonna vote for you) in your precinct. Show how dedicated you are as a Ron Paul supporter by going out there and talking to people!

Click here for the ‘bread and butter’ instructions on getting elected as a delegate in your precinct (district). Also see Ron Paul Canvassing.

An even better way would be to look up all Ron Paul contributers in your zip code. Once you have your list, just contact them about becoming a delegate or ask them to vote for you as a delegate since they’re already supporters!

B) When it comes time to get elected as a delegate, please know the following like the back of your hand:

a) Read and know the rules of your precinct convention (if you have one): See General Guide to Conducting a Precinct Convention (PC).
b) The permanent chairman at your convention is ALWAYS elected. Do not let them tell you otherwise.
c) The delegates are ALWAYS elected. Do not let them tell you they have already been chosen. See: Robert’s Rules of Order for delegate tips and tricks.
d) You have rights so do not let them railroad you. If you feel members are being unfair, know your rules (See: Robert’s Rules of Order). The precinct convention is kind of like court—you can say objection, point of order, etc. Here are some basic but critical ones: objection (object to anything unfair), point of order (say this to make a point), point of inquiry (say this to interject at any time), division (say this when you want to call a standing vote against a decision), I nominate myself for a delegate position (get yourself nominated as a delegate), I second that (self-explanatory), I appeal to the assembly (if all else fails, say this to declare unfairness and state your reason and solution), etc.
NEVER GIVE UP! You WILL be a delegate for Ron Paul!
e) Make sure all delegate names are on the delegate sheet and make copies of the paperwork. If you can’t make copies, handwrite all copies, make sure they’ve been signed, get the permanent chairman to certify them as correct and take pictures of the paperwork. This is proof in case the paperwork is lost.

NOTE: You generally have to vote in your state primaries to be eligible to become a delegate so please check your state’s date on the right below and mark your calendars.

C) Review your state process below for becoming a delegate to the Republican National Convention (RNC).
Remember, the National Convention is NOT the same as the State Convention.

Learn Parliamentary Procedure and Roberts Rules of Order!

If you’re going to be an effective delegate, it’s highly recommended that you learn Parliamentary Procedure. Sometimes the party will change the rules, and this is to stifle debate. The party leadership may or may not support Ron, and could even try to actively exclude participation!

This means you want to learn how he proceedings are held, and what you need to do to make certain things happen at the state assembly. This page is a great first start at learning the “Roberts Rules of Order”

“The application of parliamentary law is the best method yet devised to enable assemblies of any size, with due regard for every member’s opinion, to arrive at the general will on the maximum number of questions of varying complexity in a minimum amount of time and under all kinds of internal climate ranging from total harmony to hardened or impassioned division of opinion.”
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised [RONR (10th ed.), Introduction, p. xlviii]

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask a member of the RonPaulForums , orDailyPaul for help, or contact the Republican party in your area!

A big thanks to the trailblazers who became delegates for Ron Paul ...


Posted in Action to Take 23 Replies

Too much information? Try these 8 simple steps

# 1 : You must be a registered Republican in most states.

# 2 : The rules to become a delegate vary from district and county, you must obtain your bylaws to see what your area requires you to become a delegate. Many cases you just need to register to become a delegate, that simple. Some areas try to make it extremely complicated to keep the avg joe citizen out of the way.

# 3 : In some cases delegates are elected by the members of your local party, in many other cases there are not enough people that register to become a delegate so your area may allow you to be a delegate just by simply you apply to become a delegate.

# 4 : You must learn Roberts rules of order, this is a must, Roberts rules is the language used during conventions and meetings, if you don’t understand roberts rules you will be at an extreme disadvantage.

# 5 : You must show up to every delegate meeting, if you do not, you could and probably will lose your spot as a delegate and your spot will go to an alternate delegate. You must stay in it until the end.

# 6 : If all of your delegates slots are filled, you need to register to become an alternate delegate, the alternates will obtain the spot of a delegate should the delegate not show up for a meeting and the alternate will take their place as a delegate.

# 7 : To become a delegate you must contact your local chairman or officer(s) of the party and ask for the form to register to become a delegate. Make a copy of your signed application for your own records.

# 8 : I encourage everyone who is not a delegate to become one NOW, some of you have probably already missed your chance to become a delegate because the registration process has ended, call your chairman tomorrow.

Posted in Uncategorized Leave a reply

How to become a State Delegate

In a Caucus state like Colorado, a delegate is elected from the precinct caucuses by their neighbors. The elected Delegate then attends the state convention and votes on other State Delegates who run to become a Republican National Convention Delegate.


If there are enough of us who become State Delegates, then we will have a majority, and thus seat every RNC Delegate in Florida this year for Ron. Here’s what we did last time, and with enough support, we will actually succeed in 2012:

Posted in Action to Take 1 Reply

Georgia Delegate Selection

Georgia Green Papers:

This flyer explains the process well:…P2012Final.pdf

From what I understand, this is how you become a delegate:

1. On 2/18, counties with population over 80k will hold a Precinct Mass Meeting to elect delegates to County Conventions. Contact your County GOP to determine the exact time and location of your Precinct Mass Meeting.

2. On 3/10, County Conventions will be held to elect delegates to District Conventions and the State Convention. Precinct Mass Meetings for counties with population less than 80k will be held immediately before the County Conventions.

3. On 4/14, District Conventions will be held to elect Congressional District delegates to the National Convention.

4. Between 5/18-29, the State Convention will be held to elect At Large delegates to the National Convention.

If you want to be a delegate, you MUST attend your Precinct Mass Meeting on February 18.

Also, Georgia’s National Committeeman and National Committeewoman are elected at the State Convention. They are superdelegates and serve four year terms.

Posted in Georgia 1 Reply

Rhode Island Delegate Selection

You can find information on how to become a delegate on pages 6 and 7 here:…rimary2012.pdf

My understanding is the following:

1. You must be a registered Republican.
2. Fill out this declaration of candidacy form here.
3. Fill out this pledge of support form here.
4. The forms in #2 and #3 must be filed at the Office of the Secretary of State (148 W River St, Providence) on February 22 or 23 ONLY.
5. Go back to the Office of the Secretary of State the day after you file the forms to pick up nomination papers.
6. Obtain signatures from 150 eligible voters from the city or town where you are registered (it is important that you obtain substantially more than 150 signatures in case some signatures are invalid).
7. Submit the signatures to your local board of canvassers by February 28.
8. Submit documentation to the Office of the Secretary of State by March 6 that shows you have received approval from the Ron Paul campaign to be identified as a delegate for the campaign.

Completing the steps above will place your name on the April 24 primary ballot as a candidate for delegate for Ron Paul for your Congressional District.

Posted in Rhode Island Leave a reply

Virgin Islands Delegate Selection

The caucus is on March 10.

Instructions to be a candidate for delegate are below:…ction-process/

Candidates for election as Delegates and Alternates (“Delegate Candidates”) must meet the eligibility requirements of participation in the caucus as set forth in Section 3, above, and shall be those persons having declared their candidacy by submission of a written declaration of candidacy to the Executive Director of the VIGOP received by the Executive Director no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 10, 2012. No special form of declaration shall be required except that such declaration shall bear the signature and include the name, address and telephone number of the declarant and the name (if applicable) of the candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States to which he or she shall be pledged.

Voters can vote for up to six delegate candidates. Therefore, it is best to have exactly six people run as delegates for Ron Paul.

Green Papers on the Virgin Islands

Posted in Uncategorized Leave a reply

Nebraska Delegate Selection


Only delegates to the County Conventions can participate in the caucus process.

To become a candidate for delegate to the County Conventions, you must be a registered Republican, fill out a candidate for delegate form, have it notarized and send it to your local Election Commissioner or County Clerk by March 1. It is important to reiterate that you MUST have the form notarized.

Click here to download the form.

Filing the form will place your name on the May 15 primary ballot. To become a delegate to your County Convention, you must win the election amongst other candidates for delegates in your precinct. Since there are more than 1,000 precincts, many precincts will not have anyone running at all. Just by filling out the form and becoming a candidate, you will have a good shot at winning and becoming a delegate to the County Conventions.

Nebraska Green Papers Report

Posted in Nebraska Leave a reply

Arizona Delegate Selection

Inquiries about becoming an Arizona delegate for Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign have been overwhelming. We couldn’t be more excited about this development, but the highest sense of urgency must prevail because the deadline to make this happen is fast approaching.

To be a delegate, you must first be approved for the position of Precinct Committeeman (PC) by the GOP chairman in Arizona.

December 31st is the absolute deadline for approval of your application to become a PC in Arizona, which is key to becoming a delegate for Ron Paul at the GOP nomination convention.

This means you must have your application turned in to your district chairman by December 15th to ensure it will be processed on time. (There also must be an open PC slot)

You can sign up to become a PC in 4 simple steps.

1) You must be registered to vote as a Republican in Arizona. If you are not, please go here to do so – Take note of your confirmation number.

2) Next, fill out this one page form, which takes about 10 minutes of your time. You can find a copy here:

3) Contact your district chairman and let them know you would like to become a PC and email them your completed form. Click on this link to find contact information for your districts chairman. Not all precinct have openings, but it will be rare if yours is full.

4) After getting your chairman to sign your form (ask for a copy), then contact David Fitzgerald and he will help to expedite the paperwork or just make sure it is working it’s way through the system.

Posted in Arizona Leave a reply

Upcoming Voter Registration Deadlines

December 7
Deadline for registered voters to register Republican

December 15
Deadline to register to vote and to register Republican for District Caucus

December 21
South Carolina
Deadline to register to vote

December 30
Deadline for registered voters to register Republican

New Hampshire
Deadline to register to vote (must register Republican / if deadline missed, can register to vote at Primary)

January 3
Deadline to register to vote and to register Republican

Can register to vote and register Republican at Caucus

January 9
Deadline to register to vote (must register Republican)

January 10
New Hampshire
Can register to vote at Primary (Undeclared voters can register Republican at Primary)

January 11
Deadline to register to vote for non-binding Primary

January 14
Deadline to register to vote (must register Republican)

January 18
Deadline to pre-register to vote (if deadline missed, can register to vote at Caucus)

January 19
Deadline for voters registered with another party to register Republican

January 21
Deadline to register to vote and to register Republican

January 24
Deadline for registered voters to register Republican

January 25
Rhode Island
Deadline for voters registered with another party to register Republican

January 30
Deadline to register to vote and to register Republican

Posted in Action to Take Leave a reply

Minnesota Delegate Information

Hello from Headquarters!

For Ron Paul to win the caucuses in Minnesota, not only will we have to participate fully in the caucus process, but we must also be well organized.

I have scheduled several meetings in the near future for Ron Paul supporters in Minnesota’s first and seventh Congressional districts. These consist of a “Maucus” (mock caucus) as well as a Q/A session. Any remaining time can be used for tactical briefing.

For those who have never caucused, these practice caucuses are a great way to get a feel for the process. The idea is that after one or two practice runs, people will be more comfortable with going through the caucus itself.

For those who have caucused before, they can be helpful in providing input during these practices to those who are still learning the process. A little practice never hurts either.

These meetings are also a place where supporters can meet and network with other supporters in their area. If none of these meetings fall within your schedule / travel range, please let me know so we can try to set something up in the future. My contact information is included in case you would like to phone or e-mail me with any questions.
If you have facebook, please feel free to RSVP on the corresponding event page.


Moorhead “Maucus” and Strategy Discussion @ the Fryn’ Pan
Fryn’ Pan Family Restaurant
2920 Highway 10 E
Moorhead, MN 56560
facebook RSVP:


Mock Caucus and Strategy Session in Montevideo
Pizza Ranch 
1504 E. Hwy. 7 
Montevideo, MN 56265
facebook RSVP:


Mock Caucus and Informational Meeting in Albert Lea
Pizza Ranch
2430 Bridge Ave
Albert Lea, MN 56007-2005
facebook RSVP:


Mock Caucus and Training Session in New Ulm
New Ulm Public Library
17 N Broadway
New Ulm, MN 56073

facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Strategy Meeting in Mankato[FONT='lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]

1521 Tullemore St.
Mankato, MN 56001

facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Litchfield 12/5/2011

201 N Sibley Ave
Litchfield, MN 55355-2140
facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Montevideo 12/6/2011
Pizza Ranch
1504 E Highway 7
Montevideo, MN 56265
facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Alexandria 12/7/2011
Pizza Ranch
1522 Broadway St
Alexandria, MN 56308-2538
facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Fergus Falls 12/8/2011
Godfather’s Pizza
1815 W Lincoln Ave
Fergus Falls, MN 56537-1011
facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Rochester 12/10/2011
Godfather’s Pizza Rochester
1611 16th ST NW 
Rochester, MN 55901

facebook RSVP:


“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in East Grand Forks 12/11/2011
Veterans of Foreign Wars
312 Demers Ave
East Grand Forks, MN 56721

facebook RSVP:

“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Bemidji 12/11/2011

1120 Paul Bunyan Dr Nw 
Bemidji, MN 56601
facebook RSVP:

“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Redwood Falls 12/13/2011
Pizza Ranch

1360 E Bridge St
Redwood Falls, MN 56283-1904
facebook RSVP:

“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Winona 12/14/2011
Godfather’s Pizza – Winona
30 Walnut St.
Winona, MN 55987
facebook RSVP:

“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Owatonna 12/15/2011
Godfather’s Pizza – Owatonna
1832 Cedar St.
Owatonna, MN 55060
facebook RSVP:

“Maucus” and Tactical Briefing in Saint Peter 12/17/2011
Waldo’s Coffee Company
200 South Minnesota Avenue
Saint Peter, MN 56082
facebook RSVP:

For Liberty,
Sherald Ward, Jr.
Assistant State Director
Ron Paul 2012 PCC
Minnesota HQ
11000 Cedar Lake Road
Minnetonka, MN 44305
(252) 573 – 8665
(507) 944 – 2012
MN facebook group:

Posted in Minnesota Leave a reply

Montana Delegate Selection

Only members of the County Central Committees can participate in the caucus process. Members of the County Central Committees are comprised of Precinct Committeemen and Precinct Committeewomen (PC). Therefore, to participate in the caucus, you must be a PC.
To become a PC, contact (call or email) the Chairman of your County GOP and ask to volunteer as a PC. Each county has their own rules on how to become a PC. Some might require you to attend two consecutive meetings while some might appoint you on the spot. When contacting the Chairman, it is important that you do not mention your support for Ron Paul.

Click here to download a list of contacts for the County GOPs.

The deadline to become a PC and be eligible to participate in the caucus is 60 days before the County Conventions. Since the dates of the County Conventions are unknown at this time, try to become a PC as soon as possible.

The Green Papers Report on Montana

Montana has an advisory primary/caucus system where the primary election for the Republican nominee for President has no binding effect on how delegates are allocated. Instead, delegates to the National Convention will be selected through the process below:

Advisory Primary/Caucus Process

1. On June 5, 2012, Montana will hold a primary election for the Republican nominee for President. The vote for the Republican nominee for President will have no binding effect whatsoever (it is meaningless).

2. At County Conventions held at least 10 days prior to June 14, 2012, members of the County Central Committees will elect delegates to the State Delegate Convention. Each County GOP will have its own County Convention date. Contact your County GOP for the date.

3. At the State Delegate Convention between June 14-16, 2012, delegates will elect delegates to the National Convention.

How to Become a Member of County Central Committees

1. The goal is to become a member of the County Central Committee to be eligible to vote for delegates to the State Delegate Convention.

2. Members of the County Central Committees consist of Precinct Committeemen and Precinct Committeewomen (PC). You can become a PC in one of two methods: (1) be elected or (2) be appointed. The election has already occurred. The only way now to become a PC is to be appointed by your Country GOP if there is a vacancy in your precinct.

3. In order to be appointed by your County GOP, you must be a registered voter in the precinct in which you live. Each County GOP has their own rules on how to be appointed (by majority vote of the County Central Committee, by the discretion of the Chairman, etc.). Contact your County GOP to determine if there is a vacancy in your precinct and if there is, how you can become appointed as a PC. The deadline to be appointed as a PC and be eligible to vote for delegates to the State Delegate Convention is 60 days before the County Convention.

How to Become a Delegate to the State Delegate Convention

1. At County Conventions, members of the County Central Committees will elect delegates to the State Delegate Convention. This is all the information that is available right now. I am unsure if you need to fill out a form or be nominated to be a candidate for delegate to the State Delegate Convention.

How to Become a Delegate to the National Convention

1. Be nominated by the Montana GOP Nominating Committee or be nominated from the floor of the State Delegate Convention.

2. In order to be considered by the Nominating Committee, you must fill out a national delegate nomination form that can be obtained from your County GOP or Montana GOP headquarters. The forms must be returned to Montana GOP headquarters no later than May 31, 2012.

Views: 1270

Replies to This Discussion

Precisely! We use to talk about a brokered convention in 2007 but we didn't have the manpower or momentum we may have this time around ;)


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