Help Keene Peaceful Streets Identify Plainclothes Rooftop Snipers at PumpkinFest 2013
Four Sniper Teams Deployed Downtown Keene ...
Graham Colson, an area resident for 15+ years who has been to Keene Pumpkin Fest for just as long, said the presence of snipers was unprecedented. He was able to take the above image of a two person sniper team on the rooftop of the Keene Apartments building overlooking Roxbury & Central Square earlier today.
KPD Confirms: "The pictures you put on your website were police officers."
As can be seen in the video below, Lt. Steven Tenney of the Keene Police Department told Garret Ean of Keene Peaceful Streets that the men identified in this post are members of unspecified law enforcement agencies. As we learn more we will share updates here.
The photo appears to show two unidentified males standing in front of a sniper rifle and a map of downtown Keene as they overlook thousands of Pumpkin Fest celebrants. An open door reportedly led to the stairs and a ladder behind these two mysterious individuals in civilian clothing. They were likely too focused on the people filled streets to notice the photojournalists behind them.
@LightSpeedLiberty was first to post video of these two men with a nearby sniper rifle overlooking the PumpkinFest attendees (above) while Keene Peaceful Streets has an image featuring the front of the would-be sniper and his spotter (below). The only insignia visible is that of the Boston Red Sox worn on the hat of the man to the left.
Can you help identify these people? Use the comments or contact me directly at 678.TALLEYTV /
- One reader contacted the NH National Guard who referred Pumpkin Fest issues to the Keene Police Department so s/he guesses that they were not involved. Plus they tend to wear uniforms.
"The Pumpkin Festival is a community-hosted, family-friendly celebration of fall and of what is unique about Keene and the Monadnock region. It is also a celebration of artistry and creativity and a demonstration of our area’s commitment to non-profit efforts to serve those in need."
Keene Pumpkin Festival Sniper Positions - Google Maps
There are reports of four teams of men in plainclothes who are overseeing the crowd with binoculars, scopes and presumably nearby sniper rifles. Each team has two or three members and is marked on the map above. Below is a video showing each of their location followed by the best images available of these armed overseers.
Group of three to the rear of the Colonial Theater's roof.
Above: The only two people to show anything resembling a uniform were these two men wearing knit caps that read POLICE as they stood on top of [Keene City Councilor Mitch] Greenwald's Realty building.
Below: James Cleveland pointing out the men with sniper rifles overseeing the normally peaceful Pumpkin Festival held annually in Keene, New Hampshire.
More videos from Garret Ean and the Keene Peaceful Streets project:
Keene Pumpkin Securityfest
Did all four rooftop teams have M-24 Sniper Weapon Systems nearby?
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