Flashback -- A collection of ridiculous, over the top fear-mongering articles on global warming


Under The Radar Media

In light of the Climategate controversy, I decided to make a list of some of the most outlandish articles from mainstream media sources that have tried to convince us that the world will end unless we combat this imaginary, contrived crisis called global warming. This list is by no means conclusive and if anyone would like to contribute an article to this list please feel free to leave it in a comment box.

If you have been living in a cave, or you only watch the alphabet soup networks (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS ect), hackers obtained e-mails from leading scientists which appear to show a conspiracy to falsify data and suppress academic debate in order to exaggerate the possible threat of man-made global warming. To this date, the only mainstream news outlet that has given Climategate any real, substancial coverage has been FOX News.

Global warming causes global cooling

East Coast blizzards tied to climate change

Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution

Eating kangaroos could help fight global warming: scientist

UN says eat less meat to curb global warming

EU to ban inefficient fridges and TVs in global-warming battle

UN Chief: Global warming caused Darfur genocide

Schwarzenegger set to ban ‘energy-guzzling’ big screen TVs

Global warming as dangerous as war

Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism

Enhanced ‘greenhouse effect’ causes global warming

Climate change causes birds to lay eggs early

‘Contraception cheapest way to combat climate change’

Limit families to two children ‘to combat climate change’

Global warming pushes polar bears to cannibalism

Gore calls Myanmar cyclone a ‘consequence’ of global warming

John Kerry: We can’t ignore the security threat from climate change

Global warming to fuel rise in asthma, malaria

Now the Pentagon tells Bush climate change will destroy us

Fat people cause global warming

Scientists: Humans ‘very likely’ cause global warming

Global warming could increase terrorism, official says

ABC website tells kids when they should die

Climate change causes health concerns

Global warming causes 300,000 deaths a year, says Kofi Annan thinktank

Climate change causes 315,000 deaths a year-report

Climate change ’causes conflict’

Global warming causing extinction!

Global warming skeptics are like Holocaust deniers

Al Gore: Climate crisis more dire than terrorism

Bill Clinton: Global warming bigger threat than terrorism

Bernie Sanders compares global warming skeptics to Nazi deniers

Caroline Lucas compares climate scepticism to Holocaust denial on B...

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Comment by Not mainstreamer on February 17, 2014 at 5:11am

Ted Turner
Al Gore
John Kerry
BIll Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Caroline Lucas

and 1000 more

What do they have in common?

Comment by Tara on February 16, 2014 at 8:39pm
Comment by Tara on June 7, 2011 at 9:39am
Great list! It's always good to go back and revisit the insanity of Al Gores green foolade army of squawkers. Anybody that still believes in these idiots needs to go get their head checked already, lol.
Comment by truth on May 11, 2010 at 4:08pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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