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Is the title of an incredible book by Alfred Dodd that reveals incontestably proof that the Great Shakespeare Folio of 1623 are saturated in Masonry, and that William Shakespeare was not only a Freemason, but no less than the founder of the Fraternity himself!

     The book is a straightforward compilation of specific statements from the pen of the Author of the Shakespeare Plays, that constitute to definite evidence that Modern Freemasonry was known to him and that he employed Masonic imagery and symbolism in his Works. Circumstantial evidence is brought to show that he must have sat in many a Speculative Lodge and participated in its Rites.

     Many naive Freemasons believe that Freemasonry with its 'Three Degrees' was created by Freemasons Dr James Anderson and Desaguliers form the Rite of the One Degree from 1717 -23-38. It said; "The 1717-Theory" is no longer tenable in view of the evidence that the Elizabethan Brethren "moralised on Tools and spiritualised Temples" in 1589.

James Anderson

Dr. James Anderson

John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683 – 1744)

     The business of the 1717- Freemasons was not the creation of Symbolic Masonry, but the introduction of an Ethical Cult to the open world by a new type of Combine, the federation of all secret independent Lodges under a Central Head, the Grand Lodge, that had hitherto practiced their Rites hidden from the eyes of all men.

     Freemasons of that era had had bequeathed to them a precious heritage handed to them by their Fathers ‹no less than an ascending Pyramid of Degrees, based on a Three Craft Rite, the Royal Arch, through Knightly and Sovereign Orders to the "Thirty-Three Degree."

     Speculative Freemasonry was born in the Elizabethan era. In which Shakespeare took an active part in its foundation. - The story is told in the Great Shakespeare Folio of 1623 that was buried and kept secret for a hundred years.  

     It explains how the emergence of the Freemasons in 1723 [and we know the Bavarian Illuminati came about in 1776], was a ‘planned’ emergence in the Centenary of the 1623 Folio. Dodd goes on to say; “William Shakespeare was not only a Freemason he was the father and founder of the fraternity, and the writer of its rituals”.

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Francis Bacon and Shakespeare comparisons

     He also puts forward a great and embarrassing question; as to where and when did the Hiram legend first originate?  

     It’s said that many a Masonic historian has pondered on the story of the Hiram legend, and even questioned as to why it’s been incorporated into the craft and the problem of its inclusion into the rite has caused to the craft as a whole.

     As to date, and you’ll find 99% of most Freemason’s are even unaware of it, - which is that almost every single Masonic scholar has signally failed to indicate who actually created the Hiram Legend or when it was first created?
      It seems as if someone with the knowledge of Hermetic Rites and the Ancient Mysteries invented the Jackanory as a piece of creative fictional writing in order that it may ‘take the place’ of the Third Degree Death Rite of the Mysteries......which centred round the Death and Resurrection of their Gods.  And that that someone suspected as being the original writer of these said texts was none other than William Shakespeare himself.

Hiram Abiff

     Albert Pike says that in 1717: "In one of the Four Old Lodges were Squires, Noblemen, Military Officers, Scholars, Philosophers, Clergymen, to these men must be ascribed the authorship of the Third Degree and the introduction of Hermetic and other Symbols in Masonry."  

     Some Freemasons say that because such scholars and nobleman etc. were members of these lodges is proof of one thing, but it is not actual proof that these men, acting apparently as a committee, actually created the 3rd Degree.  

     They argue it’s pure guess work on the part of Pike, and quite impossible for any diverse committee of men to produce a single piece of literature like the Hiram legend and ritual, which is essentially looked upon as an art form, with a dramatic well thought out construction, bearing all the hallmarks and imprint of a single hand and mind, that conceived and technically executed it too first begin with, as opposed to a jumbled up selection of minds and authors as Pike seems to want to suggest.

    It’s been proved that there was more than a 1st Degree worked by the Freemason’s prior to 1717, but that in the ‘Shakespeare Folio’ there seems to be circumstantial evidence that suggests a knowledge by the author of the Hiram Story alleged by “Modernists” to be unknown prior to 1717.

 in the world.

First Folio, William Shakespeare — $6 million

Though the First Folio’s original price was a single pound (one or two more if you wanted it bound in leather or otherwise adorned), intact copies are now among the most highly prized finds among book collectors, with only an estimated 228 (out of an original 750) left in existence. In 2001, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen purchased a copy for $6,166,000 at Christie’s New York.

     As a matter of fact, many a Freemason who believes that ‘Speculative Masonry’ grew out of an operative of the Holy Trinity; " the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit", cannot even answer why or how the following characters or other relevant materiral even came about: 

King Solomon
King Solomon
Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

The Emperor Tarot Card

The Rites of the Mysteries - that they know little about...

The use of the Sacred Volume

solomon-temple 1

King Solomons Temple

The Twin Pillars Of The temple Of Soloman,
At Jerusalem

Boaz and Joachim


Three Pillars
The Three Pillars of Wisdom

Possible Washington Masonic Apron

The Apron of the Mysteries - Not this one, which is believed to be George Washington's own apron.

The Great Pillars - Freemason Linocut Artist's Proof
Wisdom, Strength and Beauty
Jason, the Dragon, & the Golden Fleece | Greek vase, Apulian red figure
Jason and the Golden Fleece

     Not one of the single above examples were ever chosen by the alleged committee mentioned by Albert Pike, for them to have ended up playing such an important role in the modern ceremony and ritual of the Brotherhood and Freemasonry. - Yet it seems no one has ever questioned why it was done or when it even first came about, so the foot soldiers just accept any old shit told to them.

     No one has ever produced in the slightest, any evidence regarding the true identity of the person or persons behind the writing of the 3rd Degree, - despite Pike’s best efforts said above, there’s not a shred of textual, historical or antiquarian evidence to date been unveiled.

     And this is further proof to me, that the same can be said about all books of religion, scribed by fantastic writers, relying the thoughts and philosophies of great and wish men.   

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Shakespeare Creator of Freemasonry by Alfred Dodd

     For the full and fascinating story and Shakespeare’s hand in the Freemason’s, - as he himself is accredited of being a 33rd Degree Mason;

Freemasons Landmarks & Regulations

Oddfellows Logo

spirit truth grateful creator faithful country fraternal fellow-man odd fellow

Oddfellows Lodge

“The first great duty, not only of every lodge, but of every Mason, is to see that the landmarks of the Order shall never be impaired”, Albert Mackey: The Principle of Masonic Law.

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Albert Mackey

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The Principles of Masonic Law

     Unlike the typical symbolic physical landmarks such pyramids, obelisks or pillars and arches, “the Land-Marks” of Masonry are defined as ancient and unchangeable principles; standards by which the regularity of Lodges and Grand Lodges are judged.  As I’ve said before each Grand Lodge is self-governing and no single authority exists over the whole of Freemasonry. 

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The General Regulations published by the Premier Grand Lodge of England in 1723

     Therefore the interpretation of these principles can and do vary, leading to controversies of recognition.  They’re also a set of adopted principles referred to as the "Landmarks of the Lodge or Order".  According to the General Regulations published by the Premier Grand Lodge of England in 1723 – “Every Annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and Authority to make new Regulations or to alter these, for the real benefits of this Ancient Fraternity; provided always that the old Land-Marks be carefully preserved”.

     However, these Landmarks were not defined in any specific manner and the first attempt at this was in Jurisprudence of Freemasonry, 1856 by Dr. Albert Mackey.  He laid down three requisite characteristics:


1: Notional immemorial antiquity.


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2: Universality

irrevocable letter of credit definition
3: Absolute irrevocability.

     He claimed there were 25 in all, and; “...could not be changed”.  Though subsequent writers have differed greatly as regards what they consider the Landmarks to be.  In 1863, George Oliver published the Freemason’s Treasury in which he listed 40 Landmarks.  In the last century, several American Grand Lodges attempted to enumerate the Landmarks, ranging from West Virginia; 7 and New Jersey; 10 to Nevada; 39 and Kentucky; 54.
Rev. George Oliver, Freemasons Treasury.

                     Freemason's Treasure

     Joseph Fort Newton, in The Builders, offers a simple definition of the Landmarks as: “The fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the moral law, the Golden Rule, and the hope of life everlasting”.  

iPhone Screenshot 1

Joseph Fort Newton - The Builders

Roscoe Pound subscribed to six landmarks

1: Belief in a Supreme Being.  

2: Belief in persistence of personality.  

Leonaert Bramer:The Scribe Shaphan Reading The Book Of Law To King Josiah

3: A book of law as an indispensable part of the furniture [or furnishings] of the Lodge. 


As already discussed above; Hiramic Legend is among the oldest myths of the human race. One may agree that documentary evidence does not put the legend of the martyred master workman into the third degree prior to 1725 and still see in it a recasting of the race-old drama of man's hope for immortality. A dozen or more suggestions have been made by Masonic students as to what the legend means. Some take it literally even though the Old Testament says nothing of the death of that Hiram which Solomon fetched out of Tyre who "wrought all his work." Others believe it is another way of telling the story of Isis and Osiris - itself a legend which could hardly have been foisted on the people full born from the brain of some clever priest but must have been an heritage from the Hyksos, or even earlier inhabitants of Egypt. Fancifully, some see in it a modern version of the death of Abel at the hands of Cain, and of course thousands visualise it as the death and resurrection of the Man of Galilee. Search the Great Light; you will find no account of the tragedy of Hiram Abif. You will learn of Hiram, or Huram. If you delve deeply enough in Hebrew you will learn that "Abif" means "his father" which may indicate another Hiram, a son. Modern scholarship translates Hiram Abif as "Hiram, my father" meaning a Hiram looked up to, venerated, given a title of honour, as the father of a tribe, the father of an art, the father of the sacred vessels of the Temple. But of the Three, the tragedy, and the Lost Word, the Old Testament is silent. Nor will you find in secular history any account of the drama of Hiram. For its truth you must delve into the myths and legends and fairy stories in which the race has half concealed, half revealed, those truths which do not bear telling in plain words. Is there a Santa Claus? For six years old there is. For his elders Santa Claus is a means of telling a beautiful truth in terms which six years old can understand. Is the legend "true"? What is meant by "true" ? If the translation of "true" is "historically accurate," obviously neither Santa Claus nor Hiram Abif is "true." But if "true" means "containing a great truth," then both the myth of the Yuletide Saint and the Legend of the Master Builder are true in the most real sense. Raised to the Sublime Degree, many men see in the living, the dying and the raising of the Master only a literal drama, designed to teach the virtues of fortitude and inflexible fidelity.[8]

4: The Hiramic legend of the Third Degree

5: The symbolism of the operative art.  

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6: That a Mason be a man, freeborn, and of age.

     In the 1950s the Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America upheld three ancient Landmarks:

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1. Monotheism — An unalterable and continuing belief in God. 

The volume of the sacred law: CR4 uses the Bible, Koran and Torah

 2. The Volume of The Sacred Law — an essential part of the furniture of the Lodge. 

3. Prohibition of the discussion of Religion and Politics.

     As far as the UGLE is concerned, regularity is determined upon a number of ‘landmarks’, set down in the UGLE Constitution and the Constitutions of those Grand Lodges with which they are in good relations with.  Even within this definition there are some variations with the quantity and content of the Landmarks from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Other Masonic groups organise differently.  Each of the two major branches of Freemasonry considers the Lodges within its branch to be ‘regular’ and those in the other branch to be ‘irregular’. 

Grand Orient in Amity such as this in France

The Grand Orient de France is the largest Masonic obedience in that country with approximately 50,000 members, and is not recognized as regular by the vast majority of mainstream Masonic grand lodges around the world, primarily for its policy of "not" requiring members to have a belief in a Supreme Being, and more recently for allowing lodges to accept women as members.

     As the UGLE branch is significantly larger, however, the various Grand Lodges and Grand Orients in amity with UGLE are commonly referred to as being regular [or Mainstream] Masonry, while those Grand Lodges and Grand Orients in amity with GOdF are commonly referred to liberal or irregular Masonry. [The issue is complicated by the

fact that the usage of Lodge versus Orient alone is not an indicator of which branch a body belongs to, and thus not an indication of regularity].  The term irregular is also universally applied to various self created bodies that call themselves Masonic but are not recognised by either of the main branches. [1]

     A Lodge [often termed a Private Lodge or Constituent Lodge in Masonic constitutions] is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry.  Every new Lodge must have a Warrant or Charter issued by a Grand Lodge, authorising it to meet and work. Except for the very few time immemorial Lodges pre-dating the formation of a Grand Lodge, Freemasons who meet as a Lodge without displaying this document [for example, in prisoner-of-war camps] are deemed ‘Clandestine and irregular’. 

Charter of the Grand Lodge of Scotland

     A Lodge must hold regular meetings at a fixed place and published dates.  It will elect, initiate and promote its members and officers; it will build up and manage its property and assets, including its minutes and records; and it may own, occupy or share its premises.  Like any organisation, it will have formal business to manage its meetings and proceedings, annual general meetings and committees, charity funds, correspondence and reports, membership and subscriptions, accounts and tax returns, special events and catering, and so forth.  The balance of activities is individual to each Lodge, and under their common constitutions and forms of procedure, Lodges evolve very distinctive traditions. [2]



     A man can only be initiated or made a Freemason in a Lodge of which he may often remain a subscribing member for life.  A Master Mason can generally visit any Lodge meeting under any jurisdiction in amity with his own, and as well as the formal meeting, a Lodge may well offer hospitality.  A visitor should first check the regularity of that Lodge, and must be able to satisfy that Lodge of his own regularity; and he may be refused admission if adjudged likely to disrupt the harmony of the Lodge.  If he wishes to visit the same Lodge repeatedly, he may be expected to join it and pay a subscription. 

     Most Lodges consist of Freemasons living or working within a given town or neighbourhood.  Other Lodges are composed of Masons with a particular shared interest, profession or background.  Shared schools, universities, military units, Masonic appointments or degrees, arts, professions and hobbies have all been the qualifications for such Lodges.  In some Lodges, the foundation and name may now be only of historic interest, as over time the membership evolves beyond that envisaged by its “founding brethren”; in others, the membership remains exclusive.

The Gavel And Staff Lodge Members and Officers with their visiting dignitaries

The Gavel & Staff's sponsoring lodge, Chelsea Lodge 3098

     There’s also specialist Lodges of Research, with membership drawn from Master Masons only, with interests in Masonic Research [of history, philosophy, etc.]  Lodges of Research are fully warranted but generally do not initiate new candidates.  Lodges of Instruction in UGLE may be warranted by any ordinary Lodge for the learning and rehearsal of Masonic Ritual.

     Freemasons correctly meet ‘as a Lodge’, not ‘in a Lodge’, the word Lodge referring more to the people assembled than the place of assembly.  However, in common usage, Masonic premises are often referred to as Lodges.  Masonic buildings are also sometimes called Temples [of Philosophy and the Arts].  In many countries, Masonic Centre or Hall 'has replaced Temple' to avoid arousing prejudice and suspicion. 

     Several different Lodges, as well as other Masonic or non-Masonic organisations, often use the same premises at different times.

     According to Masonic tradition, medieval European stonemasons would meet, eat, and shelter outside working hours in a Lodge on the southern side of a building site, where the sun warms the stones during the day. 

Dining at the Festive Board at LMI
Dining at the Festive Board at LMI

     The social Festive Board [or Social Board] part of the meeting is thus sometimes called "the South", - and when some times you might have heard someone say; "I'm going down South", it can simply mean I'm going for something to eat.

The Lodge team at the last Quiz
The University Lodge of Liverpool team at the last Quiz.

     Early Lodges often met in a pub or tavern and in fact many still do, or any other convenient fixed place with a private room.
Worshipful Master,
Every Masonic Lodge elects certain officers to execute the necessary functions of the lodge’s work. The Worshipful Master, as in the photograph on the left, or essentially the lodge President, is always an elected officer. Most jurisdictions will also elect the Senior and Junior Wardens [Vice Presidents], the Secretary and Treasurer.  All lodges will have a Tyler, or Tiler, who guards the door to the lodge room while the lodge is in session, - sometimes elected and sometimes appointed by the Master.  In addition to these elected officers, lodges will have various appointed officers - such as Deacons, Stewards, and a Chaplain [appointed to lead a non-denominational prayer at the convocation of meetings or activities - often, but not necessarily, a clergyman]. The specific offices and their functions vary between jurisdictions.  Many offices are replicated at the Provincial and Grand Lodge levels with the addition of the word Grand somewhere in the title.  For example, where every lodge has a Junior Warden, Grand Lodges have a Grand Junior Warden [or sometimes Junior Grand Warden. Additionally, there are a number of offices that exist only at the Grand Lodge level.

     It’s often said there is no degree in Freemasonry higher than that of Master Mason, the Third Degree.  But then again this is rubbish, and as I’ve pointed out before, 98% of the fraternity will never aspire beyond the third degree, this third degree was added to make ‘all’ members feel inclusive, it’s in line with their “all religions” are the same, none has superiority over the other etc., yeah alright try telling that to a Knight Kodosh. 

     There are, however, a number of organisations that require being a Master Mason as a prerequisite for membership.  These bodies have no authority over the Craft.  These orders or degrees may be described as additional or appendant, and often provide a further perspective on some of the allegorical, moral and philosophical content of Freemasonry.  Appendant bodies are administered separately from Craft Grand Lodges but are styled Masonic since every member must be a Mason.  [4]

     However, Craft Masonic jurisdictions vary in their relationships with such bodies, if a relationship exists at all. The Articles of Union of the Modern and Antient craft Grand Lodges [into UGLE in 1813] limited recognition to certain degrees, such as the Royal Arch and the chivalric degrees, but there were and are many other degrees that have been worked since before the Union. Some bodies are not universally considered to be appendant bodies, but rather separate organisations that happen to require prior Masonic affiliation for membership.

     Some of these organisations have additional requirements, such as religious adherence [e.g., requiring members to profess Trinitarian Christian beliefs] or membership of other bodies.  It’s often said there are organisations that are often thought of as being related to Freemasonry, but which have no formal or informal connections with Freemasonry.  These include such organisations as the Orange Order, which originated in Ireland;

The Orange Order publication 'The Formation of the Orange Order'

Orange Order Parade

File:Knights of Pythias membership certificate 1890.jpg

The Knights of Pythias membership certificate

     And other such groups in the photos above, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  Though this statement can’t be far from the truth and especially when it comes to the “Orange Order”, as you’ll clearly see if you read my section about that Order, as their as close to Freemasonry as that of a Freemasons apron.  Why they wish to distance themselves and put such disinformation about is anyone’s guess, and only they know the true reasons why.

Ulster Defence League - UDL

   Though it’s been suggested that perhaps it’s because of the strong political ramifications - and not wishing to associate past and present members to other groups such as the Ulster Defence League [UDL], or even the Royal Ulster Constabulary [RUC], - as also being members of a Masonic fraternity that is so closely linked to the “troubles” in Ireland, that it might open a can of tapeworms, - and reveal the ‘layer-cake’ to all those people in Ireland and mainland UK, whom have suffered years of hardship and grief, - as to who’s ‘really’ been behind it all.[4]



Royal Ulster Constabulary [RUC] - MSU Unit

    Freemasons conduct their meetings using a ritualised format.  There is no single Masonic ritual, and each Jurisdiction is free to set [or not set] its own ritual.  However, there are similarities that exist among their Jurisdictions.  For example, all Masonic rituals make use of the architectural symbolism of the tools of the medieval operative stonemason.  Freemasons, as speculative – ‘stonemasons’ [meaning philosophical building rather than actual building], use this symbolism to teach moral and ethical lessons of the principles of ‘Brotherly love, relief, and truth’, - or as related in France: ‘Liberty, equality, fraternity’. 

Square & Compoass Wallpaper

Two of the principal symbolic tools always found in a Lodge are the; ‘Square’ and ‘Compass’. 

Some Lodges and rituals explain these tools as lessons in conduct, for example that Masons should: “Square their actions by the square of virtue” and to learn to; “Circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds toward all mankind”.  [However, Freemasonry proclaims to be non-dogmatic and that there is no general interpretation for these tools [or any Masonic emblem] that is used by Freemasonry as a whole. [5]

     Yet this rather sweeping statement seems to overlook the blood oaths that have to be sworn by the initiated as in the first degree of the Lodge; “Binding myself under no less a penalty, than having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out from its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea...” 

     These kinds of oaths certainly do influence the candidate and prevents them from expressing any significant opinion or coming to their own interpretation as to what the tools or and Masonic emblems and symbols might actually mean to the fraternity. 

     Though it does go to show how much they love the Orders to be shrouded in mystery and intrigue, which permits the imagination of its members to run wild, and for them to forever be on the treadmill of trying to achieve enlightenment to the higher degrees, that of course the majority will never be able to reach nor will be given the invitation to do so, - as one is unlikely to find ‘tut coal miner’ sitting at the same table as Prince Edward the Duke of Kent, the present head of the UGLE, though it is quite possible he could be sitting on the table in front, and looking down at him at the same time, as even though their all for brotherly love, there’s still that pecking order.] These moral lessons are communicated in performance of allegorical ritual.

Worshipful Grand Master Prince Edward the Duke of Kent

     A candidate progresses through degrees gaining knowledge and understanding of himself, his relationship with others and his relationship with the Supreme Being [as per his own interpretation].  While the philosophical aspects of Freemasonry tend to be discussed in Lodges of Instruction or Research, and sometimes informal groups, Freemasons, and others, frequently publish – to varying degrees of competence – studies that are available to the public. 

Poses ... Anders Breivik in Masonic kit, chemical warfare outfit and uniform
Anders Breivik in Masonic kit, chemical warfare outfit and uniform

     Any Mason may speculate on the symbols and purpose of Freemasonry, and indeed all masons are required to some extent to speculate on Masonic meaning as a condition of advancing through the degrees.  There is no one accepted meaning and no one person speaks for the whole of Freemasonry. There are some lodges make use of Tracing-Boards.  These are painted or printed illustrations depicting the various symbolic emblems of Freemasonry.  They can be used as teaching aids during the lectures that follow each of the three Degrees, when an experienced member explains the various concepts of Freemasonry to new members.  They can also be used by experienced members as self-reminders of the concepts they learned as they went through their initiations. [4] [5] [6]

1. Much of what needs to be known about Tracing Boards is known. The people who made them and the Lodges that use them are all fairly well documented. This part of Masonic history does not fall into "from time immemorial."

2. The time frame when the Tracing Boards came into being is roughly at the very end of the Eighteenth Century and the first decades or so of the Nineteenth Century. The contents of them reflects the reality of Masonry at the time, just prior to and through the process of and after the Lodge of Reconciliation.

3. While we think of the rise of the two rival Grand Lodges in the Eighteenth Century as a time of conflict, in actual fact it was a time of the greatest Masonic growth where the Brethren in the Lodges were experimenting with different methods of communicating the Masonic message to each other and perfecting new rituals.

4. The Tracing Boards are teaching aids. They have taken on a life of their own, which has had some startling repercussions in Ritual work.

5. To understand where Tracing Boards came from, you have to understand where Floor Cloths came from, but that does not necessarily mean that Tracing Boards are an evolution from Floor Cloths. Many Lodges that use Tracing Boards still use Floor Cloths, and some Lodges that use Floor Cloths do not use Tracing Boards, &c. While I am discussing primarily the Tracing Boards that are used in our jurisdiction in the Canadian, Emulation, and Australian Lodges, I do not mean to overlook the Degree charts and Floor Cloths used in the Antient Lodges.

6. The Tracing Boards that we use ought not to be called Tracing Boards, and this has been recognised by commentators for the last 80 years, but the chance of renaming them even 80 years ago was zero and is certainly less than that now.

7. The Tracing Boards were originally designed to lie flat on the floor of the Lodge, and the Tracing Boards that we use now have used the same artistic perspective as did the original Tracing Boards.

8. While the Tracing Boards as a teaching aid can also be an adornment of the Lodge, it is generally agreed by the writers on this topic that the ones that are most commonly in use, particularly in British Columbia, are the least artistically interesting.

9. There appears to be no rule in terms of Ritual that requires the Tracing Boards for the Degrees that are not being worked to be hidden–i.e., if you are in Third Degree, First Degree and Second Degree Boards must not be shown, or conversely, that the Third Degree Board must not be shown while you are in the First Degree. [7]

Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World

[1] "Masonic Landmarks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia." Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.

[2] "Masonic Lodge Room |" Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.

[3] "Lodge Officers |" Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.

[4] "Victoria Lodge – Masonic Lodge in Toronto, Ontario, Canada ..." Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.

[5] "Ritual, symbolism, and morality |" Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.

[6] "Tracing board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2011 a href="">>;.



Europe’s Masonic Temples begin to rumble; as French Freemason’s shout; "Resign! Resign!" to their Grand Master... 

Free copy of Trapped in a Masonic World in PDF format. This book contains numerous expletives, derogatory terms and insults, aimed at many groups, organisations and people in which you could quite likely find yourself being among one or more of those categories. Don‘t try and judge the book by its cover, or should I say title, - as some already have and therefore have assumed there is some kind of... undercurrent racist agenda here within its contents, when in fact you‘ll see it‘s quite the opposite. Though if you are devout in your religious beliefs, whether you‘re Christian, Muslim, Jewish or from any other faith, it might not be your cup of tea, as I'm an agnostic, borderline atheist. - If you're a member of a secret society, a corrupt world leader, MP, policeman, civil servant, - a paedophile or child abuser in general, - then I‘m afraid it‘s highly likely you will find this book extremely abhorrent, very insulting and bad for your blood pressure. So with this in mind I therefore recommend you DO NOT read on any further than this page. - 'Warning Over 18yrs Only' - do share;

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