May 30, 2012
Greens Demand Bilderberg Confab Be Made Public
Kurt Nimmo | Green Party Congressional Candidate says many now wise to the globalist confab.
Bilderberg Has Alex Jones Thrown Out of Marriott Hotel | Westfields Marriott manager officially kicks Alex and crew out of the property after previously canceling reservations and closing the hotel early.
Bilderberg Launches Unprecedented Security Crackdown
Paul Joseph Watson | Talk of machine guns & surveillance spooks hotel guests.
First Dedicated Program Exposing Bilderberg Airs on Britain’s SKY TV | journalist Patrick Henningsen hosts Charlie Skelton discussing Bilderberg on UK television.
Agenda 21 To Be Discussed at Bilderberg Confab
Paul Joseph Watson | Global warming alarmist Redford to attend elite conference.
Confirmed: Westfield Marriott Kicks Out ALL Guests 2 Days Ahead of ...
Infowars | Previous reservations no longer honored as Bilderberg hotel vacated in alarm over mounting protests.
Alex Jones Banned From Bilderberg Hotel, Calls For Press Mob
Paul Joseph Watson | Media not welcome at site of power brokers’ confab.
May 29, 2012
Bilderberg Has Alex Jones Thrown Out of Marriott Hotel
Bilderberg Launches Unprecedented Security Crackdown
First Dedicated Program Exposing Bilderberg Airs on Britain’s SKY TV
Agenda 21 To Be Discussed at Bilderberg Confab
Confirmed: Westfield Marriott Kicks Out ALL Guests 2 Days Ahead of ...
Alex Jones Banned From Bilderberg Hotel, Calls For Press Mob
Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests
The globalists and their minions are gathering in Chantilly, Virginia, for the Bilderberg confab ahead of the U.S. election. The Infowars team has taken to the road and is now in Virginia. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news and information about the moves of the elite and their plans as revealed to us by trusted inside sources. During the event, stay tuned to Bookmark this page for ongoing reportage.
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Tags: Activism, Constitution, Domestic News, Police state, War
Talk of machine guns & surveillance spooks hotel guests
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The Bilderberg Group has launched an unprecedented security crackdown on the eve of tomorrow’s secretive confab of global power brokers, with guests at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel being intimidated by talk of machine guns and high-tech surveillance.
Video streaming by Ustream
Police tell Alex Jones and crew to leave the hotel.
Surveying the scene at the hotel today, radio host Alex Jones described a chaotic picture, with Bilderberg security, including a particularly vocal Swedish woman, stomping around the building announcing that “machine gun nests” were being set up in anticipation of a deluge of protesters arriving over the next few days.
Given the fact that a record number of demonstrators are expected to attend, Bilderberg has been more stringent than ever before in its efforts to get people out of the way, telling customers who had made room reservations for two days before the start of the conference that their bookings would not be honored.
Undercover Fairfax police, secret service, hotel security, as well as diplomatic service personnel are all now rushing to finalize preparations for the arrival of Bilderberg members tomorrow morning.
According to London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, conference organizers were also using iPhones to film guests who had arrived for brunch. Regular guests as well as journalists are also having background checks run against their names.
Alex Jones also heard discussions between members of Bilderberg security about how sophisticated surveillance equipment using satellites was being used to tap phones of prominent activists and media personalities set to cover the event.
Although well over a thousand people have signaled their intention to attend the protest, Bilderberg only expects around 500 to be in place at any one time.
Alex Jones himself was contacted yesterday by Bryan Stolz, Director of Hotel Operations at Marriott International, who told Jones that his room booking was cancelled and that he and his crew would be banned from entering the premises of the hotel.
People who are already staying at the hotel have had letters delivered to their rooms ordering them to leave the premises before noon on Thursday.
We are also expecting to receive details of Bilderberg’s 2012 agenda within the next few hours. One topic of discussion already confirmed to be up for debate will be ecological issues and Agenda 21 – part of Bilderberg’s efforts to usher in a post-industrial revolution.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Tags: bilderberg
Global warming alarmist Redford to attend elite conference
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The attendance of Alberta Premier and global warming alarmist Alison Redford at this year’s Bilderberg conference, during which she will discuss “ecological challenges,” confirms that Agenda 21 and the bid to re-brand the stuttering climate change power grab will be core issues at the elitist confab set to take place tomorrow.
“According to a government news release, Redford will meet with a number of individuals to discuss topics like monetary policy, ecological challenges and responsible development of natural resources,” reports CBC News.
Redford’s attendance at the clandestine meeting of global power brokers is costing Canadian taxpayers $19,000 dollars.
Her appearance represents yet another example of how Bilderberg is not merely a talking shop but an active consensus-making forum for people in positions of power. Redford will be scheming with power brokers from foreign countries in complete secrecy and with total disregard for her democratic obligations to the Canadian people.
Redford is an aggressive advocate of the man-made explanation behind climate change. During an election debate earlier this year, she attacked Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith as a national embarrassment simply because Smith dared to suggest that the science on global warming was not settled.
Redford’s advocacy for more controls on carbon emissions is directly in line with the Obama administration’s war against America’s coal industry and the wider Bilderberg agenda for a “post-industrial revolution,” where energy use will be severely restricted in the name of saving the earth, leading to plummeting living standards.
The United Nations’ Agenda 21 project demands that member nations adopt “sustainable development” policies that are little more than a disguise for the reintroduction of neo-feudalism and only serve to reduce living standards and quality of life.
The true motivation behind this agenda was recently unveiled at the ‘Planet Under Pressure’ conference in London, during which climate change alarmists presented their blueprint for humans to be packed into denser cities so that the rest of the planet can be surrendered to mother nature. This process is already well underway in California where laws passed to mitigate car use and carbon dioxide emissions have led to policies that mandate up to 30 homes be built on a single acre of land.
It’s a similar idea to the nightmare ‘Planned-Opolis’ proposal put out by the Forum for the Future organization last year, in which human activity will be tightly regulated by a dictatorial technocracy in the name of saving the planet, with cars for personal use banned and only accessible to members of the elite.
The mindset of this gaggle of arrogant, scoffing elitists in their drive to micro-manage the human race, which they regard as a plague on the earth, was best encapsulated by the following quote from ‘Planet Under Pressure’ attendee and Yale University professor Karen Seto.
“We certainly don’t want them (humans) strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together],” Seto told MSNBC.
Bilderberg elitists like Redford will no doubt be sharing similar rhetoric at this week’s confab, which kicks off on Thursday at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Tags: bilderberg, Environment
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