Israel Assassination Attempt on General Dempsey in Afghanistan

News agencies buried the failed attack...

Bagram Air Base Afghanistan, Jan 2007 photo by Tim King
Bagram Air Base Afghanistan, Jan 2007 photo by Tim King

(BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan) - Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the man who flew to Tel Aviv and informed Netanyahu that America wanted no part of his scheming against Iran was the subject of an assassination attempt in Afghanistan.

Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey

This wasn’t an act of terrorism or Taliban militants. It was a “mob hit” against someone who failed to kiss the feet of Netanyahu. His response was to unleash killers, not a fact for the public but a fact just the same, one the American military knows very well. Netanyahu has a problem with “hubris.”

The culprits, “militants,” managed to escape undetected from the most sophisticatedly defended real estate on earth, the perimeter of Bagam Air Force Base. Lucky for them they attacked at night, a time when America’s 5th generation night vision, ground radar and other detection systems were mysteriously disabled.

The rocket detection systems, early warning blimps with ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar and the continual coverage by UAV drones using infrared detection, $2 billion in technology on this one perimeter alone, cost the plane of America’s top military commander and wounds were sustained by two crew members.

Dempsey had just left Tel Aviv where he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the following:

“I may not know about all of [Israel's] capabilities, but I think that it’s a fair characterization to say that they could delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities.”

Dempsey then told waiting reporters:

“We compare intelligence, we discuss regional implications, and we’ve admitted to each other that our clocks are turning at different rates, we have to understand the Israelis; they live with a constant suspicion with which we do not have to deal.”

There are those close to President Obama who don’t accept the attack on Dempsey at face value, with a public admission by the Taliban of complicity. Such statements, which would certainly cost dearly in reprisals by the US, are most often found on Internet sites lacking a credible connection to any Islamic source.

To some Americans, the attack appears to be a reprisal against Dempsey who, out of coincidence, cited the motive in his own appraisal of Israel’s judgment, their “constant suspicion.”

News agencies buried the failed attack, knowing Dempsey is hated by Netanyahu and respected by the Taliban as both “truthful and fair.”

Netanyahu longs for the days when General Myers held Dempsey’s job, under Bush (43), both flawed and narcissistic, predictable puppets, the perfect fodder for Netanyahu’s machinations.

Only two weeks ago, Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, returned from a trip overseas, coming back to America with $60 million dollars collected in Israel and Britain while accompanied by Casino boss Sheldon Adelson who’s Las Vegas and China organizations have long been reputed to be the center of worldwide organized crime.

The business, gambling, drugs, prostitution, money laundering and now war, is seeking its own president and war on Iran is the only issue driving the American campaign.

Romney, as a state governor, was, if anything, to the “left” of President Obama. Romney’s support of government health care and widespread gun controls run totally opposite to the core constituency of the Republican Party, the weapons lobby and the medical racketeers.

Romney has found, however, that, though it is illegal for any American candidate to accept money overseas, while overseas, from overseas, at home from those who are citizens of other countries, he feels himself above the law, in the sweet and motherly arms of the Israeli controlled American media.

Now drowning in illegal cash, much from London bankers, his most interesting catch was the private dinner he shared with the Tel Aviv “blood diamond” smugglers who donated up to $25 million dollars in one night.

Key to his financial successes is his lifelong history of working closely with organized crime. His investment company, Bain, was funded initially by cash infusion from El Salvador death squads many years ago. These investors are still at his side despite charges of mass murder and corruption.

Bain Capital is Romney’s money laundering and tax avoidance company with thousands of secret bank accounts in “safe havens” around the world, invisible billions, hidden transactions, unseen profits and unseen “clients.”

Now Romney has found the “mother of all causes,” selling the promise of an American war, fought by Americans, financed by Americans, American dead, American blood, American collapse, a war demanded by, not Jews of the world but by organized crime groups operating through Israel’s Likudist party, dominated by the Koch Brothers, American gasoline speculators, Sheldon Adelson, whose reputation would fill volumes and Rupert Murdoch, whose spy organization is now proven to have blackmailed three consecutive British government, well proven, and likely to have been even more successful in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia and a dozen other nations.

Most embarrassing to both Russia and the United States has been the ability of criminal organizations to secure sanctions against Iran when both nations are burdened by official reports stating with comprehensive clarity that Iran has no nuclear program.

Even more embarrassing for Russia, who refused to veto sanctions as they did with Iran’s ally Syria, is the fact that Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is built, in near entirety on Russian technology, a Russian nuclear reactor and 3000 Russian technicians.

Statements by Obama directly contradict America’s National Intelligence Estimate. The estimate stated that Iran has no nuclear program. Russia’s Putin has similarly ignored, not just his own intelligence agencies but the fact that Russia is actually building Iran’s reactor and has 3000 technicians in Iran, all of whom probably are not entirely deaf and blind.

Obama has no rational claim to ignorance. His behavior is like that of the playground, all the other children are eating dirt, he feels he has to do the same. In this case, however, when known falsehoods likely to end in a destructive war are agreed to out of fear of retaliation by a former furniture salesman (Netanyahu) or gambling boss, the real importance of the presidency comes into doubt.

A problem no one will mention, is the behavior of Putin in Tel Aviv, backing Netanyahu’s claims of Iran’s violation of voluntary agreements based on no facts other than the statements of one of the world best known pathological liars. What does the failed furniture salesman from Philadelphia have on Uncle Vladimir?

Neither leader has dealt with the simple fact, Iran has the right to build anything it wants for any reason it wishes.

Similarly, the United States, under Bush, both withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 and withdrew from participation in the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The latter, the withdrawal from the court, is a veritable admission of complicity in war crimes with key U.S. officials facing indictment and arrest across the globe.

Were one to be honest, the entire Bush administration is under a privileged form of “house arrest” as is Britain’s Tony Blair. All face criminal proceedings and continually make plans to travel but end up cancelling, sometimes out of public outcry for justice or to actually avoid arrest.

Despite his pronouncements, even with an election upcoming and the need to parrot childish threats in order to please the Israeli press a prerequisite, Obama has made it clear he will not attack Iran. It is time the public realizes that by opposing war and running against Romney, an agent of a hostile foreign power and longtime organized crime affiliate, the president and those around him are at great risk.

The carefully choreographed and very public attempt on the life of General Dempsey is a greeting card from the Adelson/Romney/Netanyahu camp.

Several appropriate responses, RSVPs as it were, come to mind, some partially fatal. Is an American president really the leader of the free world, as we so often say, if any “two bit thug” can dictate policy?

Despite that position, Obama controls well over 80% of the Jewish vote in the United States where, as pointed out in an earlier article, studies have shown only 4% of Jewish voters in America feel Iran is any threat to Israel.

A critical part of understanding organized crime requires the study of its origins, particularly in America, during the 19th century.

While London, from the earliest days of what America had believed to be freedom from British rule, in actuality ran America’s economy, and was, itself, subjected to rule by continental bankers.

Britain, the colonizer of the world was, itself, no more than a client of the Bauer/Rothschild group who underwrote the British pound.

The real criminal groups running American politics developed from among the immigrant gangs that settled America’s cities. There were German, Irish, Italian and Jewish gangs. All that survive now are the remnants of the Mafia, the Jewish gangs who now run Washington and Wall Street and the new threats from Kosovo and Albania, the latest round of criminal immigration into America.

With the full cooperation of FBI Director Hoover, tasked with protecting America from criminal organizations, the government stood aside while every aspect of American life, every necessity from water to electricity to medicine, leaving nothing out, came under assault by criminal groups grown fat on profiteering from war, narcotics and, during the Prohibition years, the sale of illegal alcohol.

For decades, America’s media has been tasked with blaming all ills on Italian Americans and corrupt trade unions while America has been little but a colony of key European banking families who created wars, suppressed technologies, manipulated currencies, raised and crushed stock markets and national economies and, in the end, became as a hydra, the multi-headed beast of Greek mythology, ruling all.

What drew Adelson, Romney and even Putin to Israel at this critical time as the world sits on the brink of nuclear war over Syria is simple. We are again reminded of Putin’s visit to Israel.

No Israeli citizen was spoken to, no public concerns were addressed, no, a visit to Israel is a visit to the “safe haven” for worldwide organized crime that controls and manages the vast and endless wealth of the Russian continent as easily as it runs Britain or dances its Washingtonian puppets into discarding laws and traditions and becoming a surrogate bully, not for a nation but for an international criminal conspiracy.

The language of politics must be replaced with the language of crime as the solutions to what are misconstrued as political problems are and have long been responses to the depredations of criminal organizations.

It isn’t as though Iran were the only target, simply the public target where control of the United Nations Security Council can be exercised, a demonstration of the raw power of evil.

The mistake made by so many is to use principles of geopolitics to describe the world condition, the continual entropy, the centralization of wealth and the rapid deterioration of human rights as wars rage without end.

Even the educated classes, searching for patterns and rationales to explain how 2000 trillion dollars represented by “derivative debt” could encumber all the world’s currencies, a staggering amount created by an unseen hand through a process none have yet been able to describe.

Debt, or as it is known in criminal circles as “loan sharking,” is the business of the world. Controlling currencies was not enough, thus controlled governments, bribed, threatened, blackmailed and bought looked away while the wealth and hope of a hundred generations was stolen overnight, a few lines of text, a few entries on computers and generations of our progeny are changed, in that moment, from citizens of the world to “useless eaters,” as Henry Kissinger would describe them.

Armies may march, air forces may bomb, drones may attack but none of this is war or politics, nor has it been for centuries. This is where we went awry. We chose to play chess while our opponents simply put a pistol on the table and emptied our pockets.

America is living this today, as it looks on an upcoming election. The very few can escape the packaged news, scripted in Hollywood or Washington or Tel Aviv, our political life is a theatrical production, a comic tragedy without the Shakespearean irony.

This is a government that Sheldon Adelson, the man who believes he will be America’s real next president, believes he can take to war, a systematic conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia, done for the criminal elements some call Israel, done, quite simply, to prove the power of evil over good.


PressTV - Planned war on Iran and the General who said No!

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Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 11, 2012 at 4:45am

BTW, Thx Tara, always a good friend to liberty

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 11, 2012 at 3:51am

Truthfully, does anyone know if Dempsey is alive today? It is September 11, so.....??????

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 11, 2012 at 2:54am

"Carefully forgotten is the sorry history of America's fraudulent elections for high office."

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 11, 2012 at 2:51am

Also, By the Way, Sherman was a good friend of mine as well, and knew the Chinese Coke a Cola Connection better than anyone else. It is all a GLOBAL CONSPIRACY.  If any remnant of his site remains, the it should be at:

Click the links on the left and find this man knew more than all of us combined.

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 11, 2012 at 2:43am

It at least was big enough to 4642 hits, and on, but no follow up? Dempsey understands that enough is enough, but does this translate to the rest of the military? Of course it does, and that is why they must be punished when returning from deployment.

Comment by Tara on September 11, 2012 at 1:29am

This story is huge! General Dempsey is a true hero of the people, not only in the military but for anyone that doesn't toe the line for Israel and believe the hype. I hope and pray for this mans safety.

It's nice to know there are still "A Few Good Men" out there fighting for the cause of liberty within the shackles of the EMPIRE. Dempsey has got some big cocaNUTS!!!

Comment by apeman2502 on September 10, 2012 at 10:49pm

 Er, Alan Greenspan.

Comment by apeman2502 on September 10, 2012 at 10:48pm

 Iceland rules their own souls, and that is not too much for anyone to ask. I applaud them and gaze in dismay at the congressional poodle conga line prancing in a circle for extraordinary campaign contributions and favorable Rothschild press and CFRtv campaign news coverage. Nutty yayhoo may be top dog in several of the past eleven years' attacks on the U.S.. He is not the one who puts down the orders.

  I talked to the great Sherman Skolnik twice over the telephone. He told me that in the investigation of any major crime, always follow the money trail. Since The City of London owns Israel and tells Nuttyyayhoo when to go use the bathroom, and England is in debt 10XGDP with no relief in sight, we need look to England for the reasons behind NATO and the UN murdering people in a dozen different Muslim oriented nations on America's dime. Obummer is said to be a Muslim. If he is one, he definitely has had a lobotomy and can not fathom issues of moral concern, which certainly sounds like the fellow most of the time. No. Make that ALL of the time.

Comment by Nathan A. Bauer on September 10, 2012 at 2:30am

Ummmm, that's Alan Greenspan, and I did not report this. Actually if everyone would get off the DOLLAR ride, then war, nor any Administration be any kind of a threat. If the US could follow Iceland's example, then the whole house of cards would fall overnight.

Also, I do not personally expect Dempsey to survive much longer, but he is the face of the revolution among many of the military, that are now beginning to understand that they are soldiers of the Empire, and do not protect anything other than profit!

That is worth the report and even the low key report of Gen. Dempsey's impending doom, for all would know it was Noddin' Yahoo, (Sorry Mike, I borrowed that), who was responsible, and awaken many of all the military branches to turn against it's Mossad/Israeli masters.

Comment by apeman2502 on September 10, 2012 at 2:18am

 One disagreement. Given sufficient paper, the derivative scam, from its invention by Norman Greenspan to its irresponsible amelioration into the massive fraud pie-in-the-sky operation can be correc tly explained and historically recorded. We just must recognize the treasonous U.S. Attorney General's Officw and the SEC and FTC CJs that Bush43 hired to do nothing for $225,000.00 per year, each. These demented SEC and FTC 'agents' were never penalized and were kept on by The Obummer.

  And yes, even though General Dempsey survived this assassination attempt with its obvious insider input, he should not get all excited about any invitations to tea from the lizard queen. She is old, but extremely treacherous and a bad loser. Ask her two sisters. Now, a national debt 10XGDP with no relief in sight. That's gotta hurt.

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