Nice to see they admit the obvious...Jews do own/control the Media

We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.

We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media........


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Comment by cheeki kea on July 28, 2018 at 10:45pm

You know what, the imposters were caught because their fake accents sounded like they came from moose land, not our land, and they couldn't even get that right. A quick charge of identity theft was on the plate that day. 

Comment by Natasha Fatale on July 28, 2018 at 8:52pm

Moose & squirrel also wear tiny doily hat on occasions   

Comment by cheeki kea on July 26, 2018 at 7:02am

Jews actually ended up in jail here the last time they tried to contract out with the immigration department staff. They haven't tried it again.

Comment by cheeki kea on July 26, 2018 at 6:29am

And the only publishing department they don't own is the pass-port office.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on July 25, 2018 at 11:01pm
Protocols of Zion, Communist Manifesto and UN's Agenda 21/30 have same goals- total enslavement / extermination of goy.
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 25, 2018 at 10:27pm

5800 views in 24 hours....niccccce!

Shows one that the zioj00s are a hot topic ;)

sharing on the googly+ ... w00t!

Comment by truth on July 26, 2015 at 6:55pm
Jews DO Control The Media

By Manny Friedman

July 12, 2012 "Times Of Israel" -- We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.

We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. (photo credit: CC BY-SA Angela George/Wikimedia Commons)

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

And let’s not forget AIPAC, every anti-Semite’s favorite punching bag. We’re talking an organization that’s practically the equivalent of the Elders of Zion. I’ll never forget when I was involved in Israeli advocacy in college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50 school graduate students because they would eventually be the people making changes in the government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants to do some grassroots advocacy, and these guys are literally talking about infiltrating the government. Intense.

Now, I know what everyone will say. That everyone tries to lobby. Every minority group and every majority group. That every group has some successful actors and directors. But that’s a far call from saying that we run Hollywood and Madison Avenue. That the Mel Gibsons of the world are right in saying we’re deliberately using our power to take over the world. That we’ve got some crazy conspiracy going down.

Okay. Fine. So some of that is kooky talk.

But let’s look at it a bit deeper.

Comment by Jeri Rose on August 18, 2012 at 8:24pm

Well if this small group controls the media, does all that the conspiracy theorists claim for them to do, then I guess the world ought to roll over and bow down to the superior race. LOL Or recognize that focusing on Jews does not get at who really runs the banks, the elites who are called trilats or illuminati or bilderburgers whatever they are the extremely wealthy who we never see because they fly private planes, live in guarded mansions, are driven, shopped for, are pampered allowed private showings all that sort of thing so their feet rarely touch the ground. Are there some Jews among them? perhaps, but the majority are not and to the extent that these elites gather together, they are not interested in having Jew blood in their families since they are pretty much racists with a Nazi agenda to look upon those who are not wealthy as their slaves to do their bidding, and they do not want there to be too many of us and are seeking to eliminate large numbers of humanity rather than seeking to find ways to enable the productivity and health of what population we have and encouraging people to be responsible in the number of children they raise. They are a small number and they like that they own 90% as 1% and would not like to be among 30% who own 50%. But since they are a small number and have stolen so much from so many of us, they know that they can not protect themselves if we get hungry enough to actually rebel. They see to it that there is cheap food like $1 burgers that make people sick in the long run, but keep them from feeling that they are starving.

Comment by Nota Khan on August 14, 2012 at 9:12am

Filthy GOYIM:

Are you talking ZionCrimeFactory/Prothink? Must say EXCELLENT blogs :)

BTW: After they lost their hosting couple of weeks back, they found another host (GoDaddy) but it didn't take long for them to get a 48-hour notice to hit the road. At this time they are still looking for another host....

Comment by Nota Khan on August 14, 2012 at 5:06am

Et tu, Q??? (See "Extraordinary footage unearthed after 70 years shows prisoners and ...", interesting story on it'sown)

Well of course many are obvious but that they have TOTAL CONTROL becomes clear when one realizes that people we would never suspect (like Q and Paula Abdul for me) turn out to be Jewish....

Along the same lines, I was almost shocked when I found out "Sir" Ben 'Gandhi' Kinsley was jewish...Well, not jewish but with "a mother with Russian Jewish blood" :-P (BTW: I don't think the reason for his success in Hollywood is the one intended by the article; it is the one I just highlighted). And then I look at the Indian Merchant Ivory success story and though Merchant is supposedly a Muslim from"the Bombay merchant class" and Ivory a "Protestent American", I find out it should be "Merchant Ivory Jhabvala". Yes, missing is Ruth Jhabvala belonging to "the Jewish intelligentsia of pre-war Germany" :)

Speaking of Indians, here isone who isnot Jewish:




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