List of murdered scientists..
#!.dec. 2001.. Dr. David Schwartz.. murdered at home.. #2 Dr Benito Que... dead in the street...3 Dr.Set Van Nguyen..dead in airlock refrigerator. 4 DR.Don Wiley.. vanished.. car abandoned...5 Dr. Vladimer Pasechnik Dead near his home. ..... Feb. 2002...6 Dr. Ian Langford .Russian.. beaten to death in his home...7. DR. V Korshunov... Russian..head bashed in... 8 Dr A Bushlinski Russian.. murdered.. 9.. Dr. I Glebov.. Russian.. Bandit attack.... Also reported that in plane from Isreal to Russia 4 or 5 microbiologists were aboard.. The plane that crashed in the sea near Russia.. that was brought down by missle.. Their names not published.. (that I know of )....
What did these scientists know that was so important that they had to be silenced..????.
(OR, what CURE could they have come up with to what's about to be DELIBERATELY RELEASED??)
Missing / Dead Scientists
February 13, 2002
DETECTIVES were last night trying to unravel the circumstances in which a leading university research scientist was found dead at his blood-spattered and apparently ransacked home.
The body of Ian Langford, 40, a senior Fellow at the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, was discovered on Monday night by police and ambulancemen. The body was naked from the waist down and partly wedged under a chair. It is understood that doors to the terraced house were locked.
A post-mortem examination failed to establish how Dr Langford, who lived alone in the house in Norwich, died.
Dr Langford began working at the university in 1993 after gaining his PhD in childhood leukaemia and infection following a first-class honours degree in environmental sciences. He worked most recently as a senior researcher assessing risk to the environment.
Professor Kerry Turner, director of the centre, said: . Ian was without doubt one of Europe’s leading experts on environmental risk, specialising in links between human health and environmental risk.
He was known for his work on the effects on health of bathing water and air pollution, for example. He was one of the most brilliant colleagues I have ever had.”
A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health
Especially Since 9 -11 .
As FTW has begun to investigate serious discussions by legitimate scientists and academics on the possible “necessity” of reducing the world¹s population by more than four billion people, no stranger set of circumstances since 9-11-01 adds credibility to this possibility than the suspicious deaths of what may be as many as 12 world-class microbiologists.
FTW - February 14, 2002 -- How many microbiologists does it take to change a light bulb?
Whatever you think the answer may be, change that light bulb soon.
Microbiologists are dropping like flies.
In the five-week period from November 16, 2001 through December 23, 2001, five world-class microbiologists in different parts of the world were reported dead. Four undoubtedly died of "unnatural" causes, while the fifth's death is quite questionable.
In the ten weeks prior to December 12, 2001, two additional microbiologists were killed, and possibly another five. The period also saw the deaths of three Israelis holding high-level positions in either medical research or public health.
On November 16, 2001, Dr. Don C. Wiley, 57, vanished, and his abandoned rental car was found on the Hernando de Soto Bridge outside Memphis, TN.
On December 10, 2001, Dr. David Schwartz, 57, was found murdered in his rural home in Loudon County, Virginia.
On December 12, 2001, Dr. Benito Que was found comatose in the street near the laboratory where he worked at the University of Miami Medical School.
On December 14, 2001, Set Van Nguyen was found dead in the airlock entrance to the walk-in refrigerator in the laboratory he worked at in Victoria State, Australia.
And on December 23, 2001, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, 64, was found dead in Wiltshire, England, a village near his home.
Before these deaths, on October 4, 2001, a commercial jetliner traveling from Israel to Novosibirsk, Siberia was shot down over the Black Sea by an "errant" Ukrainian surface-to-air missile, killing all on board. The missile was over 100 miles off-course. Despite early news stories reporting it as a charter, the flight (Air Sibir 1812) was a regularly scheduled flight.
According to several press reports, including a 12/05/01 article by Barry Chamish and one on 1/13/02 by Jim Rarey (both available at, the plane is believed by many in Israel to have had as many as four or five passengers who were microbiologists.
Both Israel and Novosibirsk are homes for cutting-edge microbiological research. Novosibirsk is known as the scientific capital of Siberia.
At about the time of the Black Sea crash, Israeli journalists had been sounding the alarm that two Israeli microbiologists had been murdered, allegedly by terrorists.
On November 24, 2001 a Swissair flight from Berlin to Zurich crashed on its landing approach. 24 persons on board were killed, including the head of the Hematology department at Israel's Ichilov Hospital, as well as directors of the Tel Aviv Public Health Department and Hebrew University School of Medicine.
Besides all being microbiologists, the five scientists who died within five weeks of each other pose severe problems with "official" explanations of their deaths. And four of the five were doing virtually identical research; research that has global political and financial significance.
Dr. Don C. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, was one of the most prominent microbiologists in the world. He had won many of the field's most prestigious awards, including the 1995 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for work that could make anti-viral vaccines a reality.
He was heavily involved in research on DNA sequencing, and was last seen at around midnight on November 16, leaving the St. Jude's Children¹s Research Advisory Dinner at The Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN.
His rented Mitsubishi Galant was found about four hours later, abandoned on a bridge across the Mississippi River, headed towards Arkansas. Keys were in the ignition, the gas tank full, but the hazard flashers had not been turned on.
Wiley¹s body was found on December 20, snagged on a tree along the Mississippi River in Vidalia, LA, 300 miles south of Memphis. Until his body was found, Dr. Wiley's death was handled as a "missing person" case and police did no forensic examinations.
Early reports about Wiley's disappearance made no mention of paint marks on his car, or a missing hubcap which turned up in subsequent reports. The type of accident needed to knock off the hubcaps (actually a complete wheel
cover) used on recent model Galants would have caused marked damage to the sheet metal on either side of the wheel, and probably the wheel itself. No body or wheel damage to the car has been reported.
Wiley's car was found about a five minute drive from the hotel where he was last seen. There is a four-hour period in his evening that cannot be accounted for. There is also no explanation as to why he would have been headed into Arkansas late at night. Dr. Wiley was staying at his father¹s home in Memphis.
On January 14, 2002 (almost two months later) Shelby County Medical Examiner O.C. Smith announced that his department had ruled Dr. Wiley's death to be "accidental"; the result of massive injuries suffered in a fall from the Hernando de Soto Bridge.
Smith said there were paint marks on Wiley's rental car similar to the paint used on construction signs on the bridge, and that the car's right front hubcap was missing. There has been no report as to which construction signs Dr. Wiley hit.
There is also no explanation as to why this evidence did not move the Memphis police to consider possibilities other than "missing person."
He was extremely well respected in biophysics, and regarded as an authority on DNA sequencing.
Dr. Schwartz was later found d Loudon County Sheriff's officials said he was "apparently" stabbed. It has been theorized that Dr. Schwartz may have interrupted a burglary in progress. Nothing, however, has indicated that investigators found evidence of unauthorized entry, or anything missing.
The Loudon County Sheriff Criminal Investigation Division will not release any additional information on the case, which remains open.
Dr. Benito Que was found comatose on a street in Miami, FL. He had left his job at a research laboratory at the University of Miami Medical School, apparently heading for his Ford Explorer parked on NW 10th Ave.
The Miami Herald, in its only story on Dr. Que, referred to the death as an "incident", and quoted Miami police as saying his death may have been the result of a mugging.
Police made this statement despite saying there was a lack of visible trauma to Dr. Que's body.
Among Dr. Que's friends and family there is firm belief that Dr. Que was attacked by four men, at least one of whom had a baseball bat. Dr. Que's death has now been officially ruled "natural", caused by cardiac arrest.
Both the Dade County medical examiner and the Miami Police will not comment on the case, saying it is closed.
The public relations office at the University of Miami Medical School says only that Dr. Que was a cell biologist, involved in oncology research in the hematology department.
Set Van Nguyen was found dead at the Common wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia. He had worked there 15 years. In January, 2001, the magazine Nature published information that two scientists at this facility, using genetic manipulation and DNA sequencing, had created an incredibly virulent form of mousepox, a cousin of smallpox.
The researchers were extremely concerned that if similar manipulation could be done to smallpox, a terrifying weapon could be unleashed.
According to Victoria Police, Nguyen died after entering a refrigerated storage facility. "He did not know the room was full of deadly gas which had leaked from a liquid nitrogen cooling system, Unable to breathe, Mr. Nguyen collapsed and died" says the official report.
Nitrogen is not a "deadly" gas, and is a part of the air. An extreme over-abundance of nitrogen in one's immediate atmosphere would gradually cause shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and fatigue; conditions a biologist would certainly recognize.
Additionally, a nitrogen leak in a laboratory's refrigerator system sufficient to fill the room with nitrogen would set off gas system alarms, and would be so massive as to cause complete failure of the refrigeration system, causing the temperature to rise, also setting off alarms that every one of these systems is equipped with as a standard safety procedure.
In 1989, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik defected from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Great Britain while on a trip to Paris. He had been the #1 scientist in the FSU's bioweapons program. On November 23, 2001, Pasechnik's death was reported in the New York Times as having occurred two days earlier.
The New York Times obituary indicated that the announcement of Pasechnik's death was made in the United States by Dr. Christopher Davis of Virginia, who stated that the cause of death was a stroke. Dr. Davis was the member of British intelligence who de-briefed Dr. Pasechnik at the time of his defection.
Dr. Davis says he left the intelligence service in 1996. When asked why a former member of British intelligence would be the person announcing the death of Dr. Pasechnik to U.S. media, Dr. Davis replied that it had come about during a conversation with a reporter he had had a long relationship with.
The reporter Davis named is not the author of the Times' obituary, and Dr. Davis declined to say which branch of British intelligence he served in. No reports of Pasechnik's death appeared in Britain for more than a month until December 29, 2001, when his obituary appeared in the London Telegraph.
Doing a Google search on the Web for "Vladimir Pasechnik" brings up, among many, two links to that obituary in the London Telegraph.
Attempts to access either of those links resulted in "Page Not Found".
Vladimir Pasechnik spent the ten years after his defection working at the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research at the UK Department of Health, Salisbury. On February 20, 2000, it was announced that, along with partner Caisey Harlingten, Dr. Pasechnik had formed a company called Regma Biotechnologies Ltd. Regma describes itself as "a new drug company working to provide powerful alternatives to antibiotics."
Like three other microbiologists detailed in this article, Pasechnik was heavily involved in DNA sequencing research.
Early October saw reports that British scientists were planning to exhume the bodies of 10 London victims of the 1918 type-A flu epidemic. An October 8, 2001 report in The Independent said that the victims of ³the Spanish Flu² had been victims of ³the world¹s most deadly virus.²
British scientists hope to uncover the genetic makeup of the virus, making it easier to combat.
Professor John Oxford of London's Queen Mary's School of Medicine, the British government's flu adviser, acknowledges that the exhumations and subsequent studies will have to be done with extreme caution so the virus is not unleashed to cause another epidemic.
The uncovering of a pathogen's genetic structure is the exact work Dr. Pasechnik was doing at Regma. Pasechnik died six weeks after the planned exhumations were announced. The need to exhume the bodies assumes no Type-A flu virus sample exists in any lab anywhere in the world.
Almost immediately at the outset of the anthrax scare, the Bush administration contracted with Bayer Pharmaceuticals for millions of doses of Cipro, an antibiotic to treat anthrax. This was done despite many in the medical community stating that there were several cheaper, better alternatives to Cipro, which has never been shown to be effective against inhaled anthrax. The Center for Disease Control's (CDC) own website states a preference for the antibiotic doxycycline over Cipro for inhalation anthrax. CDC expresses concerns that widespread Cipro use could cause other bacteria to become immune to antibiotics.
After three months of conflicting reports it is now official that the anthrax that has killed several Americans since October 5 is from US military sources connected to CIA research. The FBI has stated that only 10 people could have had access, yet at the same time they are reporting astounding security breaches at the biowarfare facility at Ft. Detrick, MD; breaches such as unauthorized nighttime experiments and lab specimens missing.
The militarized anthrax used by the United States was developed by William C. Patrick III, who holds five classified patents on the process. He has worked at both Ft. Detrick, and the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. Patrick is now a private biowarfare consultant to the military and CIA.
Patrick developed the process by which anthrax spores could be concentrated at the level of one trillion spores per gram. No other country has been able to get concentrations above 500 billion per gram.
The anthrax that was sent around the eastern United States was concentrated at one trillion spores per gram.
In recent years Patrick has worked with Kanatjan Alibekov. Now known by the Americanized "Ken Alibek", he defected to the U.S. in 1992. Before defecting, Alibek was the #2 man in the FSU's biowarfare program.
His boss was Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik.
The DNA sequencing work that the above microbiologists were doing is aimed at developing drugs that will fight pathogens based on the pathogen's genetic profile. The work is also aimed at eventually developing drugs that will work in cooperation with a person's genetic makeup.
Theoretically, a drug could be developed for one specific person. That being the case, it's obvious that one could go down the ladder, and a drug could be developed to effectively treat a much broader class of people sharing a genetic marker. The entire process can also be turned around to develop a pathogen that will affect a broad class of people sharing a genetic marker. A broad class of people sharing a genetic marker could be a group such as a race, or people with brown eyes.
Biologic Products Institute from the State of Michigan. MBPI was the only firm in the U.S. making Anthrax vaccine, and their sole client was the U.S. government. Until recently, BioPort has not been able to deliver any vaccine due to continuous problems with the FDA in areas such as sterility, contamination, as well as improper procedures and record keeping.
Admiral Crowe, a long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was given ownership of 22.5% of BioPort's stock without investing any money. Crowe's role at the company was to facilitate cooperation and good relations with government agencies and to secure military contracts from the Department of Defense.
After four years of constant factory violations that prevented the vaccine from being shipped, on December 13, 2001 the FDA began re-inspecting the BioPort anthrax facility in Lansing, MI. On January 14, 2002 The FDA issued a full approval of the facility, and on January 31 BioPort got final approval to distribute their anthrax vaccine.
BioPort's anthrax vaccine is quite controversial, with a great deal of debate about both its safety and efficacy.
An October 17, 2001 story in USA Today reported that the US government wanted to order 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine. Apparently, that wish has been granted. MEHPA A LAW FROM HELL
After working only 18 days, on 11/23/01 CLPH released a 40-page document called the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA).
This was a "model" law that HHS is suggesting be enacted by the 50 states to handle future public health emergencies such as bioterrorism. A revised version was released on 12/21/01 containing more specific definitions of "public health emergency" as it pertains to bioterrorism and biologic agents, and includes language for those states that want to use the act for chemical, nuclear or natural disasters
Under the terms of MEHPA, after declaring a "public health emergency", without consultation with public health authorities, law enforcement, the legislature or courts, a state governor or anyone he/she decides to empower, can, among many other things:
· Require any individual to be vaccinated. Refusal constitutes a felony and will result in quarantine.
· Require any individual to undergo specific medical treatment. Refusal constitutes a felony and will result in quarantine.
· Seize any property, including real estate, food, medicine, fuel or clothing, an official thinks necessary to handle the emergency.
· Seize and destroy any property alleged to be hazardous. There will be no compensation or recourse.
· Draft you or your business into state service.
· Impose rationing, price controls, quotas and transportation controls.
· Suspend any state law, regulation or rule that is thought to interfere with handling the declared emergency.
So now we come to the end of the story, and it's reasonable to ask "What¹s the connection between dead microbiologists, vaccine contracts and MEHPA?²
The research the microbiologists were doing could have developed methods of treating diseases like anthrax and smallpox without conventional antibiotics or vaccines.
Pharmaceutical contracts to deal with these diseases will total hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. If epidemics could be treated in non-traditional ways, MEHPA might not be necessary.
Considering the government¹s actions nullifying many civil liberties since September, MEHPA seems to be a law looking for an excuse to be enacted. Maybe the microbiologists were in the way of some peoples' or business' agendas.
We also know that DNA sequence research can be used to develop pathogens that target specific genetically related groups. One company, DynCorp, handles data processing for many Federal agencies, including the CDC, the Department of Agriculture, several branches of the Department of Justice, the FDA and the National Institute of Health. On 11/12/01 DynCorp announced that its subsidiary, DynPort, had been awarded a $322 million contract to develop, produce, test, and store FDA licensed vaccines for use by the DoD.
It would be incredibly easy for DynCorp to hide information pertaining to the exact make-up, safety, efficacy and purpose of the drugs and vaccines the U.S. government has contracted for.
One thing is certain: the small and elite community of world class microbiologists is well aware that its numbers are shrinking and these dead microbiologists were among the few who could have answered these important questions.
Was Dr. Robert Schwartz Murdered in an
HHMI secluded Farmhouse?
There are still so many questions regarding the "flurry" of deaths of major scientific researchers in the span of a few weeks.
Dr. Wiley was associated with Howard Hughes Med. Inst. lab at Harvard. Dr. Robert Schwartz founded the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology. He was also responsible for grant funding of various research projects. Va. Center for Innovative Technology is also affiliated with Va. Biotech Association.
It was reported that Dr. Robert Schwartz was murdered in a secluded farmhouse outside of Leesberg, Loudon County, Va. Was this the same HHMI farmhouse?
I have been going over archive news reports and found the following that is of interest.
Also, in 1996 Dr. Tsunao Saitoh world class scientist, CJD, Alzheimer Disease neurological researcher was murdered along with his daughter in what LaJolla police call a very professional hit. Dr. Saitoh had been associated with HHMI, Columbia Univ. lab before taking a position at UCSD.
In 1994, Jose Trias and his wife were murdered in their Chevy Chase, Md. home. They had met with a friend and journalist the day before their murder.
They told him that they planned to come foward and divulge HHMI funding of "special ops" research. Grant money that comes (as they put it) in the front door of HHMI, but is diverted "out the back door" to special black ops research projects.
What research was going on at the HHMI farmhouse? Was there a lab there as well as offices? Was Dr. Schwartz expertise in DNA sequencing being used in HHMI special research? What about Dr. Wiley's expertise i.e. infectivity and immunity of viruses, bacterias and mycoplasmas?
Loudon Facility a Major Shift for Hughes Medical Institute
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute's planned computational biology center in Loudoun County has the potential to bring Northern Virginia a newfound visibility in life sciences research, and not just because of HHMI's endowment and worldwide reputation.It also represents a major shift in HHMI operations, a first-of-its-kind, stand-alone, research-and-development outpost
A new board of trustees was appointed to oversee the scientific and philanthropic organization created by reclusive aviation-industrial magnate Howard Hughes. The board decided to sell the organization's primary asset, the Hughes Aircraft Co., to General Motors for $5 billion.
The sale was a strategic shift that set in motion a chain of events bringing HHMI to its current place of prominence as the nation's largest private medical research organization, focusing on six primary areas: cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, structural biology and computational biology.
Missing Scientist Found Dead in Mississippi River
The body of a Harvard scientist missing for more than a month since his rental car was left parked on a bridge over the Mississippi River has been found downstream, police said
Workers at a hydroelectric plant in Louisiana found the body of Don Wiley on Thursday, about 300 miles south of where the molecular biologist was last seen on Nov. 18 at a medical meeting in Memphis
The medical examiner confirmed the identity through dental records, according to Memphis Police Lt. Walter Norris. "However, the medical examiner has not released the cause of death,"
At 4 that morning, his rental car was found abandoned on the Hernando de Soto Bridge that spans the Mississippi River. The car doors were unlocked, and the key was in the ignition. The car's gas tank was full. Wiley had not been heard from since then.
Wiley was considered one of the world's leading researchers of deadly viruses -- among them AIDS and the Ebola virus.
Ebola is a highly contagious disease that kills 50 percent to 80 percent of its victims. There is no vaccine.
Memphis police said there is nothing to suggest the doctor's expertise had anything to do with his disappearance. His family said it is out of the question that the successful researcher would commit suicide.
Wiley is seen as one of the world's leading researchers of deadly viruses, including HIV and the Ebola virus.
The case worries U.S. investigators because Dr. Wiley specializes in dangerous viruses. CNN's Martin Savidge reports (November 28)
Ebola is one of the most frightening diseases known to man. It's highly contagious, killing 50 to 80 percent of its victims, and there's no vaccine. Some nations outside the United States reportedly have experimented with the virus as a possible weapon of war or terror.
Hidde Ploegh, Mallinckrodt professor of immunopathology, said that despite the police department’s statements yesterday, he is not convinced that Wiley committed suicide.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which has helped to oversee Wiley’s lab for the last two weeks, added $15,000 on Thursday to the $5,000 contributed by Harvard and $5,000 of private donations from members of the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, which sponsored the banquet Wiley attended at the Peabody Hotel where he was last seen.
Va. Scientist Was Killed With Sword3 Suspects Interested in Occult and Witchcraft, Friends Say
Michael Paul Pfohl and Katherine Erne Inglis, above and Kyle Hulbert have been charged in the killing of Robert M. Schwartz. (Loudoun County Sheriff's Office)
Loudoun law enforcement authorities said the three piled into a black Honda Civic on Saturday and drove in the rain up the steep, winding dirt road to Robert M. Schwartz's isolated fieldstone-and-log farmhouse. Authorities are uncertain what exactly went on inside, but they said that Schwartz, 57, was stabbed and slashed repeatedly with the sword and that an "X" was carved in the back of his neck.
Armstrong said Schwartz was a leading researcher on DNA sequencing analysis and biometrics. He worked for the past 15 years with the center, where he most recently served as executive director of research and development and university relations, helping to administer grants.
Colleagues in the biotechnology community described Schwartz as a brilliant scientist who was skilled at translating complex scientific data to computers so it could be more easily analyzed.
I conclude that people are getting smarter.
They demanded to know less about Rabin and more about New World Order this tour around.
* "Israeli biological and nuclear scientists are being knocked off one by one and this covert war is going unnoticed
A plane carrying scientists to Russia's biological warfare center at Novosibirsk was blown up over the Black Sea and no one questions that the Ukrainian missile that supposedly did the job was a hundred miles out of range.
Then a Swissair Corsair crashes killing the head of Ichilov Hospital's Hematology department, as well as directors of the Hebrew University School Of Medicine and the Tel Aviv Public Health Department and not a word of suspicion is raised.
After that, one of the country's most prominent nuclear scientists, Baruch Zinger is assassinated and still, no one is putting the pieces together.
Your front line against nuclear and biological attacks is being picked off in a covert murder campaign and your government is taking no security precautionstions stop the intellectual slaughter.
Or if it is, your public is totally unaware of the daily danger to its most educated citizens."
* "Three suicide and car bombers make it to downtown Jerusalem and your media isn't questioning the security establishment? Think about this "breakdown." Each bombing requires about thirty people for surveillance, engineering, hideouts and more. Over a hundred backup people were required to make the operation work and the GSS (Shabak) had no intelligence beforehand? I don't buy it.
It's a fair bet that you have traitors in the GSS withholding information from the army. You can count on the fact that there are Israeli plants who believe in this New World Order and are abetting the bloodshed."
I make a pilgrimage to Ground Zero. I've seen pictures of wartime Berlin and Hiroshima, but the devastation is more complete here. I view the wreckage from , then stare transfixed at the destruction
Numerous reports of rescue workers explain their face is beet red and blistered. There was something highly caustic, perhaps toxic, in the air.
* "They're hiding the real death figures. They've got it down to only 3200 now. Now I'll tell you why that can't be. Only one company released its fatality figures, Cantor Fitzgerald. They lost 700 employees working on four floors.
Even accounting for their being on top floors, you take 220 storeys and do the math, you get a figure of 42,000. And that's just employees, not visitors. The New York Times prints whatever deceased they can collect through the obituaries and that's the only source of deaths available.
Where is the official fatality list?
It's been years and no list of the dead has been published. After any other tragedy, the list is made public immediately. Why hasn't a list been compiled and released of the World Trade Center dead already?"
* "I knew the story of the plane hijackings was baloney when the Times published the, supposedly, only black box transcripts which survived. Four planes, and only one black box survived. Did you read the cockpit recording?
It was straight out of Dragnet;
'Don't do anything stupid,' says the terrorist. "But if you think that was contrived, look at the stupid story they told us about Flight 93. This was the plan that went wrong. To get the other three planes to crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, you had to override their autopilots.
They were set from Logan and Newark to Los Angeles, and had to be switched off and the plane flown manually, or reset to the coordinates of their targets. And all the while this was happening, not one pilot activated the Mayday signal.
"However, something went wrong with Flight 93, and the plane kept flying west. There was a snafu and the autopilot wasn't overrided. So it was shot down 80 miles from Pittsburgh.
It absolutely had to have been because parts of the tail were found eight miles from the nose. A plane can't crash land and thrust its tail eight miles backwards.
Only a midair explosion can do that. "So look at the scenario of heroism they paint to cover up the missile attack on the plane. They've got three terrorists with little box cutters gathering together a half dozen of the toughest passengers you'd find on any plane. One is a wrestler, the other a rugby player, the rest six feet tall and 190 pounds minimum. You've got the front line of the Green Bay Packers all together and no one rushes the little terrorists with their pint sized blades.
Here's ano brainer
"Next, the terrorists decide to let the passengers call home on their cellphones. Sure, that makes sense.
You're supposedly on the way to Washington, ninety minutes flying time away, to bomb the Capitol building, and you alert the entire defense establishment that you're coming.
That's the way to make your mission a success alright. "And in the final act of the drama, Rambo is heard on one phone telling the troops, 'Let's roll, boys.' And to make sure the public buys this ridiculous story, they roll out the pregnant wife and stick her on the same flight a few days later.
"Nothing about the scenario rings true because it didn't happen.
If you want to get to the truth about what happened on the three planes which did hit their targets, start examining the one that missed."
Good advice from one of the many people who have wised up, we hope, in time.
The following is a comment from Dr. Patricia Doyle;
"Something big happening. I am getting very close. I think that biotech
and govt. needed massive funding for this genetic bioweapon project and that is why anthrax was mailed. I think we now have a "target" weapon, i.e. ethnic or racial target weapon.
Something BIG is happening. My guess is that this has to do with Dr. Wiley. Quite possibly both scientists stumbled onto something. Does the US have a "genetic" bioweapon?? My guess is these researchers have stumbled upon a bioweapons black ops project and were killed."
The Marconi Deaths
The police said it was suicide, and no doubt they were right. Ex-Brigadier Peter Ferry, a marketing manager at Marconi's Command and Control Systems centre at Frimley, Surrey, had apparently killed himself by inserting power main electric wires into his mouth and then turning on the power.
The method chosen was perhaps marginally more grisly than in the case of several other Marconi employees.
In 1986, for example, Ashad Sharif, a computer analyst who worked for Marconi Defence Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex, tied one end of a rope around his neck, another to a tree, and put his car into gear.
Two months earlier, the body of Vimal Dajibhai, a software engineer responsible for checking the guidance systems of Tigerfish torpedos for Marconi Underwater Systems, was found under Clifton suspension bridge at Bristol.
In March 1987, David Sands, a project manager working on secret satellite radar at Marconi's sister company Easams, in Camberley, drove up a slip road on his way to work and into a cafe at an estimated 80mph.
A year later, Trevor Knight, a computer engineer at Marconi's space and defence base in Stanmore, died in his fume-filled car at his home in Hertfordshire.
Earlier, two other Marconi employees, Victor Moore, a design engineer, and Roger Hill, a draughtsman, had killed themselves, both seemingly as a result of work pressures.
In such instances where no foul play is suspected, the inquiries of both police and coroners are likely to be brief, partly for the sake of the distressed relatives.
They will not be concerned with establishing a connection with comparable deaths in different counties. Since these cases have been spread wide, there is now a case for pulling the threads together. It may be that there is no conspiracy and no concerted skullduggery. But these have been talented men.
The Very Mysterious Deaths Of Five Microbiologists
It is a story worthy of a major conspiracy theory, the script for a Mel Gibson "Who dunnit?" action movie, or a blueprint for a contrived and unbeleivable episode of "The X Files".
Except the facts surrounding this story are just that. Facts.
The Truth.
Five emminent microbiologists, leaders in their particular field of scientific research, either dead or missing in the last eight weeks, and a bizzare connection between one of the dead scientists and the mystery surrounding the death by Anthrax inhalation of a sixty one year old female hospital worker in New York.
Sounds far fetched? Read on.
Over the past few weeks several world-acclaimed scientific researchers specializing in infectious diseases and biological agents such as Anthrax, as well as DNA sequencing, have been found dead or have gone missing.
First, on Novemeber 12th, was Dr. Benito Que, a cell biologist working on infectious diseases like HIV, who was found dead outside his laboratory at the Miami Medical School. Police say his death was possibly the result of a mugging.
"The incident, whatever it may have been, occurred on Monday afternoon as the scientist left his job at University of Miami's School of Medicine. He headed for his car, a white Ford Explorer parked on Northwest 10th Avenue. The word among his friends is that four men armed with a baseball bat attacked him at his car."
On November 16th, within of week of Dr. Que's assault, Dr. Don C Wiley, one of the United States foremost infectious disease researchers was declared missing.
"His rental car was found with a full tank of petrol and the keys in the ignition. His disappearance looked like a suicide, but according to colleagues and Dr. Wiley's family, the Harvard Scientist associated with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute would NEVER commit suicide.
He was last seen at the banquet at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis the night he vanished.
Wiley left the hotel around midnight. The bridge where his car was found is only a five-minute drive away and in the wrong direction from where he was staying, leaving authorities with a four-hour, unexplained gap until his vehicle was found.
Dr. Wiley was an expert on how the human immune system fights off infections and had recently investigated such dangerous viruses as AIDS, Ebola, herpes and influenza.
From the United States, the story moves to England. On November 23rd, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, a former microbiologist for Biopreparat, the Soviet biological-weapons production facility was found dead.
The Times was the only newspaper to provide an obituary for Dr. Pasechnik, and said:
"The defection to Britain in 1989 of Vladimir Pasechnik revealed to the West for the first time the colossal scale of the Soviet Union's clandestine biological warfare programme.
His revelations about the scale of the Soviet Union's production of such biological agents as anthrax, plague, tularaemia and smallpox provided an inside account of one of the best kept secrets of the Cold War.
After his defection he worked for ten years at the U.K. Department of Health's Centre for Applied Microbiology Research before forming his own company, Regma Biotechnics, to work on therapies for cancer, neurological diseases, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
In the last few weeks of his life he had put his research on anthrax at the disposal of the Government, in the light of the threat from bioterrorism."
Back to the United States, and on December 10th, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was found murdered in Leesberg, Virginia. Dr. Schwartz was a well-known DNA sequencing researcher. He founded the Virginia Biotechnology Association where he worked on DNA sequencing for 15 years.
On Wednesday, December 12th the Washington Post reported:
"A well-known biophysicist, who was one of the leading researchers on DNA sequencing analysis, was found slain in his rural Loudoun County home after co-workers became concerned when he didn't arrive at work as expected. Robert M. Schwartz, 57, a founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology Association, was found dead in the secluded fieldstone farmhouse southwest of Leesburg where he lived alone. Loudoun sheriff's officials said it appeared that Schwartz had been stabbed."
And so to Victoria State, Australia, where, on December 14th, a skilled microbiologist was killed at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia. This is the same facility that, as the journal Nature announced in January this year:
"Australian scientists, Dr Ron Jackson and Dr Ian Ramshaw, accidentally created an astonishingly virulent strain of mousepox, a cousin of smallpox, among laboratory mice.
They realised that if similar genetic manipulation was carried out on smallpox, an unstoppable killer could be unleashed."
The microbiologist who died had worked for 15 years at the facility. His name was Set Van Nguyen
"Set Van Nguyen, 44, appeared to have died after entering an airlock into a storage laboratory filled with nitrogen. His body was found when his wife became worried after he failed to return from work. He was killed after entering a low temperature storage area where biological samples were kept. He did not know the room was full of deadly gas which had leaked from a liquid nitrogen cooling system. Unable to breathe, Mr. Nguyen collapsed and died."
Now for the intriguing part of this story. On Friday, November 2nd, the Washington Post reported:
"Officials are now scrambling to determine how a quiet, 61-year-old Vietnamese immigrant, riding the subway each day to and from her job in a hospital stockroom, was exposed to the deadly anthrax spores that killed her this week.
They worry because there is no obvious connection to the factors common to earlier anthrax exposures and deaths: no clear link to the mail or to the media."
The name of this quiet 61 year old hospital worker was Kathy Nguyen.
Dead And Missing Scientists, Armageddon, Genetic Bioweapons
And The Return Of The Lost Tribes Of Israel
Over the past few weeks several world-acclaimed researchers, geniuses by many accounts, specializing in infectious diseases, as well as DNA sequencing have been found dead or have gone missing.
I believe these scientists were unaware of their participation in the developing of a genetic bioweapon that will wipe out as much as one third of the population on planet earth.
In Novemeber, Dr. Benito Que, cell biologist working on infectious diseases like HIV was found comatose outside of his lab at the Miami Medical School.
Within of week of Dr. Que's assault, Dr. Don C Wiley, foremost infectious disease researcher was declared missing.
On November 23rd, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, the foremost Soviet Biopreparat scientist who was responsible for aerosolizing plague and was the successful developer of binary weapons known as the 'Novichok group' of weapons was found dead.
Dr. Pasechnik defected from the Soviet Union in 1989 while visiting the UK where he lived until his death in November. There were NO media reports of his death for one full week. At that time, an official from the UK intel community announced that Dr. Pasechnik had 'a stroke.' No autopsy or futher details were forthcoming.
On December 10th, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was found murdered in his secluded farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. Dr. Schwartz was a well-known DNA sequencing researcher. He founded the Virginia Biotechnology Association where he worked on DNA sequencing in his lab for 15 years.
Halfway around the world in December, a skilled microbiologist was killed at CSIRO's animal diseases facility in Geelong, Australia. He had logged 15 years' experience with the unit. Victoria Police said Set Van Nguyen, 44, appeared to have died after entering an airlock into a storage laboratory filled with nitrogen.
I believe there a cabal exists in the US and that this group is responsible for the anthrax hoax mailings of 1998 and the recent, deadly anthrax mailings of 2001. This cabal consists of some members from the highest levels of Government, the Military and the Biotech Industry.
There appears to be a clandestine plan to develop a virulent infectious disease and quite possibly a 21st century version of the 1918 Spainish flu or other virus.
This pathogen is going to be genetically-altered to only infect a certain group of people. I believe that Dr. Wiley's research of immunity factors of viruses, bacterias and mycoplasmas will be used to create a pathogen that will NOT infect (will leave untouched) a designated genetic type.
This portion of the genetic target weapon was no doubt developed with research from Dr. Schwartz. In essence, a doomsday bioweapon can be released with a guarantee that the genetic code of certain individuals, and the virus itself, will protect these individuals from infection.
If an unaltered pathogen were released, such as a virulent strain of Ebola or other level 4 bioweapon, those who release it would also fall victim to it. A type of MAD, mutually assured destruction, has thus far prevented the release of Level 4 pathogens. However, if there was a bioweapon that would NOT kill those who release it, then we would see a worldwide pandemic with a protected group left unaffected by the pandemic or "plague."
There will be more leading scientists murdered as well as those who try to bring public attention to this plot.
The deaths of world-renowned scientists in the field of infectious diseases is a warning that the last days are here.
By connecting the dots, so to speak, with regard to each scientists specialized field, I believe we can conclude a major bioweapon is in the process of development and will soon be unleased upon the world.
Furthermore, I believe that the anthrax (hoax) mailings of 1998 as well as the anthrax mailings of 2001 were perpertrated by the same cabal working on the ultimate genetic bioweapon. The purpose of the mailings was not to kill people, at this time.
The purpose was two-fold: The mailings were intended to panic the public into allowing the Government to subvert the constitution and take away many of our freedoms. This has been accomplished.
Additionally, it also created a way to force mass vaccinations of the public.
The panic caused by the anthrax mailings also inculcated within the Government, Congress, Military - and the public to be sure - a relaxed attitude regarding our involvement in offensive bioweapons research.
It enabled the bioweaponeers to proceed with their plans to create a genetic bioweapon without large outcry.
There is still time, and we, the public, can stop those who plot against humanity.
You can contact our representatives and demand some answers regarding the source of the anthrax mailings, as well as demand an investigation into the recent deaths of major infectious disease researchers.
But they are part of the problem
It seems obvious that the supply of anthrax used in the recent mailings originated in Ft. Detrick's biowar lab. I believe that the anthrax used in the mailings was actually part of the US bioweapons stocks which were supposedly 'destroyed' in the 1970s.
Becton Dickinson Co. was hired as an outside contractor by Ft. Detrick and given the responsiblity of eradicating our stores of bioweapons. It is my opinion that some of these weapons were not incinerated and were simply diverted to other agenices.
Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik was responsible for viability of plague as aerosolized bioweapon. He came up with polymer coating. He also worked on binary weapons, such as substance A232 and substance 233 Novichok.
Scientists, drop like flies, has to make you wonder.
On November 23, 2001, the New York Times reported the death, two days earlier, of Vladimir Pasechnik, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations, a component of the Soviet biowarfare establishment, Biopreparat. Pasechnik had defected to Britain in 1989. In England Pasechnik was employed by Porton Down until he joined in the creation of a private company several years ago. With the exception of the Times obituary Pasechnik's death went unreported for almost a week. Interestingly, the Times was apparently informed of Pasechnik's death by the U.K. Ministry of Defense representative on the team which had debriefed Pasechnik after his defection.
In Russia the National News Service commented: "The chief developer (while in Soviet Union) of the military grade plague as well as several successful types of binary weapons died, according to the New York Times obituary, from the stroke, although the fact that the newspaper quotes a former member of British intelligence rather than the doctor, makes people to believe in the other versions of death of the person who knew too much.
" While the 'other versions' of Pasechnik's death and the substance of those matters of which he "knew too much" are not revealed, the coincidence of Pasechnik's death and the rash of anthrax-related illnesses and deaths is certainly interesting.
And Another Strange Death - Top DNA Scientist Murdered
It would appear that we have a "simple" case of burglary victim coming home and catching burglars in the act. As a result Dr. Robert M. Schwartz, age 57 was killed. ...OR, was Dr. Schwartz death made to look like a simple burglary/murder case?
Maybe this case is not really so simple, especially when you add it to the case of the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Don C. Wiley.
Dr. Wiley disappeared on Nov. 28, 2001. His car was found with full tank of gas, keys in the ignation on the Hernando De Soto Bridge over the Mississippi River in Tenn.
Dr. Robert M. Schwartz was a leading researcher on DNA sequencing analysis was found dead in the secluded northern Virginia farmhouse where he lived alone.
Dr. Schwartz was a founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology Association, worked on the first national online database of DNA sequence information.
On November 16, a cellular biologist at the Miami Medical school was found comatose by Miami police. Police are calling Dr. Benito Que's case a mugging.
Moreover, Dr. Que showed no sign of trama to the head.
All three researchers appear to have simple explanations for their demise, disappearance, or assault. When you begin to connect the dots, the above cases do not appear to be so simple.
"Scientist Found Slain In His Loudoun (County) Home"
This is just another of a long list of top-level scientists in this field who have recently been abducted, disappeared, or killed....?????
I saw an article, and I think it was by Barry Chamish, listing the experts in this field who, he says, are being killed off..... (I think it was this field, or at least the field pertaining to bioterrorism info and genetics) - and he says it is deliberate.
Russian Surgeon, 24, Dies on Highway While Fleeing Police
WATERBURY, Conn. (AP) - A Russian surgeon studying in Connecticut was fatally struck by a car as he fled a store with three stolen rolls of film, police said
Doctors who worked with Roman Kuzmin at Waterbury Hospital said they were stunned to hear of his death Sunday evening and many couldn't believe the circumstances
According to police, Kuzmin was carrying the film when he walked out of BJ's Wholesale Club in Waterbury and security guards chased him across a parking lot after an alarm sounded.
By the time two police officers arrived, Kuzmin had fled into a ravine that runs along Interstate 84, Capt. Paul Bruce said. When the officers' flashlights came upon Kuzmin, he scrambled up the embankment and onto the highway.
"The officers warned him to stop, not to go into the highway,"
"It's an amazing loss for us personally, and an amazing loss for Russia too, because he was a man who was going to be a leading person in Russian orthopedic surgery, without question," Keggi said
the list goes on for missing scientists, journalists, bloggers, and those who work to inform the public.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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