One Step Beyond was a groundbreaking TV show that long before Hollywood ever got a sniff of the paranormal this series directed and hosted by John Newland explored realms that were yet to be touched upon. The unthinkable became real, but not due to fantasy but to "Human Record" as John Newland often commented. These tales of the unknown were based upon fact corroborated by eye witness accounts and even police reports. This was not a show that relied upon fiction to thrill its audiences!

Disaster strikes

In the late 19th Century when global travel was relegated to ships, a weird but true story emerges! A man and woman are swept out to sea when their ship is caught in a storm and sinks. They manage to grapple for a rescue skiff in the middle of the storm as their passenger boat sinks! They are then set adrift for several days at the mercy of the sea and the elements. Luckily as gloomy as it is they are in the midst of Autumn seas that are wet and cloudy but not hot and insufferable. They drift for a time until they encounter a cargo ship with sales, wooden hulls, and strangely silent, devoid of the crew. They are starving, thirsty, and desperate.


They paddle alongside the huge ship calling for help but there is no answer. Finally, the man manages to grab some netting that hangs over the deck and alongside the hull and climbs aboard! He finds the ship completely abandoned! He then pulls his female partner onto the deck and they begin searching for fresh water and provisions as they are weak from hunger and almost dead from dehydration. Soon they are elated to find fresh water and canned food. Some of the containers have a strange moss clinging to them that has to be scrubbed away, but everything is edible. Yet, as they eat and drink they are completely baffled by the fact that a perfectly seaworthy freighter is abandoned! What could possibly cause the crew and the captain to leave a perfectly good boat? The only odd thing is the appearance of moss clinging to parts of the deck.


For days the couple enjoys access to the food and fresh water of the crew. Still,  they wonder what drove the men away from their ship? Thankful for the sustenance from their silent ship still they wonder what really happened. Then one morning the woman finds a type of moss growing on her skin! They are quick to remove it by scrubbing and using soap and water! Yet, the next day the woman notices a cluster of moss on the back of the neck of her man and she works hard to scrape it off! As the days go by the couple find that more and more as they eat and survive there is a bizarre fate that accompanies them! This green malignancy continues to grow all over them!

Desperate again

So, as time goes on they run out of provisions. They need to find a  way of receiving aid! So as the depth of the night encompasses the Atlantic shipping lanes the couple desperately take control of their little boat and locate another cargo ship venturing through the dark foggy mist of the nocturnal waters. It is there that the crew are startled by the calling of a voice from the nighttime waters! It requests not to shine a lantern upon the little boat but pitifully pleads for fresh water and provisions! The crew are baffled! Who are they speaking with? Why should they help this enigmatic couple who speak to them from the sea level? Who requests not to be illuminated by searchlight? Kindly, the supplies are conveyed to the mysterious couple who oddly request not to be pinpointed by a lantern in the darkened seas.


The couple tell the crew of the assisting ship of their terrible discovery, but after being supplied with food and water gratefully loading the supplies aboard their little rescue boat a curious sailor becomes too impatient and aims the searchlight at the faceless people of the night who asked for help and requested not to be revealed in the rays of the ship's torch lights! The couple is betrayed and suddenly the crew is now aware of who or what told them the ghost story of the seas as a beam of light into the darkness of the Atlantic reveals 2 hulking figures covered with a thick moss clinging to their bodies. They don't even appear human anymore! The sailors are aghast and the captain orders the spotlight shut off!

Horrid deformity

The two beggars adrift in the darkened waters have been transformed into strange unearthly beings that only vaguely resemble people! The crew gasps as the searchlight abruptly shut off allowing the blackness to envelop the Atlantic again in the depth of a ghostly night. Not all things that occur are either natural or explanatory on human terms! However, now that the light no longer illuminates the horrible images the restored darkness cannot wipe away the memory of what they have seen. The sailors wish they had never uncovered the terrible secret. The story is true. Verified by several eyewitnesses it will linger in the pages of history as an anecdote to the unknown and macabre, and yet as real as the darkness that cloaked the voices who called out to the ship that responded to their plea for help.

This particular episode is rare and hard to find, but I 've seen it and I believe it. I've taken that One Step Beyond.

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Comment by Burbia on June 16, 2019 at 9:18am

K u tard. 

Comment by Doc Vega on June 16, 2019 at 8:32am

Burbia, after you finish jacking off with your hairy sock next time, take and pull the sock completely over your head! It seems that is a sensation that would suit you well.

Comment by cheeki kea on June 11, 2019 at 3:59am

Sounds true. No reason to believe moss man's not real, if you look up Epidermodysplasia  Verrucitformis. Strange how the condition would spread though, possibly poor immune response. 

Comment by Burbia on June 10, 2019 at 11:22pm

One Step Beyond: The Hairy Sock of 12160

12160 was just another Truther website. But the unthinkable happened. A web site where like minded people could relate to one another. For this is a story of Cat Fishing.

Embarrassment Strikes

Some time in the near past two people reached out to one another, one hoping to find a beautiful woman to share this Honk World. Another, to have his fun. To fill his Hairy Sock with pleasure from fooling another into thinking he is a beautiful young woman. 


After exchanges that would make anyone believe they were in communication with a traditional female, he found out he was Cat Fished. What is Cat Fishing? In this case it is when some one is pretending to be female when they are not. Not a beautiful young woman of 12160.


Upon finding out he was Cat Fished, he said fuck it. He asked let's have a go at this any way. The Cat Fish responded in rejection much to the lonely guys disappointment. He had been told, "I have a Haiiry Sock I use to jack off with every time a guy thinks I am a female here on 12160."


'The Hairy Sock of 12160' relieves himself every time he finds another to believe he is a beautiful young lady seeking the Truth on the 12160 website.

Desperate Again

After being rejected by a Cat Fish the first time, our Truther of 12160 tries to reach out again to what he believes to be another young beautiful female on 12160.  Hoping that first experience with a Cat Fish of 12160 to be his last. He finds another, in what he believes to be a young Truther on 12160. A very similar experience is what he goes through. Not thinking it would happen again. Much to his dismay our 12160 Truther finds out he has been had again. Another hairy sock.


After two times being exposed to Cat Fishing, our Truther sets out for justice. He builds up a collection of pictures of females. He works on patterns of female dialogue to imitate. He won't be fooled again.

Horrid Deformity

He becomes a Hairy Sock of 12160. He Cat Fished other members of 12160. He learns if you can't beat them, join em.

(I'm just having fun with creative writing here. I hope no one is offended. I just came across Doc commenting about a Hairy Sock and dudes here pretending to be females. It struck me as funny. He is such a good writer, I hoped he would have a go at a story like this.)

Comment by James Roberts on June 10, 2019 at 8:22pm

Ah hell, why not? George Knapp was giving a talk about the NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) investigation of and the book he co-authored on the Skinwalker Ranch . He mentioned that there were stories that were too crazy to put in the book. Case in point, two cops told the story that they pulled over because there was a car parked beside the road, a 1950s sedan, black. Two men in dark trench coats and suit hats were outside, with their backs turned to the cops. When the cops spoke to them, they turned towards them. they saw the men had dog's heads, and they were also smoking cigarettes. Dogs smoking cigarettes, yes. And this was two cops telling them this.


I wouldn't put it in my book either, lol.

Comment by Doc Vega on June 9, 2019 at 6:02pm

Les Prone Thanks Buddy!

Comment by Doc Vega on June 9, 2019 at 6:01pm

Chris of the Family Masters Thanks Mate!

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