The Las Vegas Shootings the Alex Jones / Anti-Government Connection - Here Comes Trouble

Whether you love Alex Jones or hate his guts, if you are part of the anti-government or conspiracy subcultures you need to be aware of the implications of this latest mass shooting

Even if you hate Alex Jones, if are part of any anti-government subculture, the Las Vegas shootings are going to be used against you. This isn't speculation. It has already started.

Alex Jones is a divisive personality, even within the anti-government/conspiracy subcultures. In fact, I find that his most aggressive detractors are found in these circles. Just mention his name in the wrong forum and you can expect a flurry of accusations. Most of these accusations fall into one of two categories: he's a Zionist agent (because his wife is Jewish), or he's a government shill being used to discredit "the movement" (I put "the movement" in quotations because everyone seems to have a different definition of what "the movement" actually is).


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Comment by Aka Anonymous on October 4, 2017 at 8:41am

The Las Vegas Shooting has a exposure not seen by some here at this site, "ISIS Video Las Vegas Shooting Live Leaks " ISIS release a video, it has made many patriots angry, their information has be gathered and submitted to the FBI, lets get this straight, I and many people do not trust the FBI, but a leap of faith is in order.

 A extra link is provided for this video.

Las Vegas Shooting (ISIS) Anonymous Mad As Hell- YouTube

ISIS Video Las Vegas Shooting Live Leaks (Google):

Comment by Tara on June 20, 2014 at 5:49pm

Vegas Murderers were Police Informants???

Jerad and Amanda Miller, who were banished from Bunkerville by supporters of Cliven Bundy, had worked as informants for Nevada law enforcement agencies. After the Millers murdered three people — Las Vegas Metro Officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo, and Joseph Wilcox, an armed citizen who heroically tried to stop their rampage — their former handlers claimed that they were unaware of the couple’s “anti-police sentiments.” That claim is difficult to credit, given that Jerad Miller had a lengthy criminal record, and the fact that the couple had made itself very prominent in protests associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Jerad Miller, who was mired in the probation system because of narcotics convictions, was precisely the kind of person whose vulnerabilities make him valuable as an informant and provocateur.

Comment by Nikki on June 14, 2014 at 11:37pm

Quite easy to connect the dots. As soon as they mentioned Bundy, Harry Reid and the Gadsden flag, I could see where this was going.

Comment by Tara on June 14, 2014 at 7:10pm
Comment by Tara on June 12, 2014 at 1:24am

False Flag: Las Vegas Shooter Conspiracy Unfolding!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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