If you have not watched it do watch Thrive.  Don't watch it as a movie plugging itself.  Watch it so you can learn how to spot problems with our society, and with the Government.   THRIVE  can be turned into a valuable tool.  It can show you all the things at once that are wrong in our world.  It can be a tool you give a person that has no clue as to what is going on.  But be sure to point out what you feel is wrong with the movie. 


What i believe will happen is if we end up living off the grid it wont because a majority of people wanted to do it.  It will be because people were force off the grid.  If this happens you will be on your own.  Unless you trust your neighbors and friends in getting ready themselves for the time ahead. Trust will be a major issue for the public.   You will always have your low life that just want to feed off everyone else, without giving any meaningful things in return.  Going off the grid as i see it means you can't depend on the Government either.  You will have to grow your own food, and if you must eat meat you will have to have a steady supply of this also.  


As much as many here will baulk at the idea when things were very hard in the old days of the depression many did not starve because they had ingenious ways to find food.   If their crops got wiped out because of the weather, they did have back ups.  In the depression  rabbit was eaten as a staple so was even domesticated animals, horses, etc.  So before you even say "No way"  many people of the depression maybe said the same thing.  During the depression millions also did starve. 


Many died from ailments that were treatable too.  When you see the pictures from back then of the breadlines and soup lines just keep in mind that many cities did not have these because they were bankrupt.  As soon as the crash hit many stores, banks, and cities closed everything they could to save money.  For many it was working on a shoe string budget.  So cities did not have programs to help the public.  Stores, banks shut down clinics were gone over night.  Hospitals took you in only if you had cash. 


During the depression the figures differ depending if you are the Government or the public but the figure's of the locals said that over the whole United States between 4 and 7 million people perished.  They died from simple disease, they starved, and some may of even left the Country.


Today if this happen next week what do you think will happen first?  Would people riot?  Loot the country?  Murder their neighbors?  Burn their neighborhoods? 


How do you prepare for that?  Lets be realistic.  Many can't travel.  So how do you survive in a Country, or even a city that has gone wild? 


If it was to happen...Going off the grid could happen in less than 24 hours which means many will be left to fend for themselves.  If they are all ready ill with disease then chances are if it is serious they may even have gotten a death sentence because many of the drugs today will disappear off the shelves.  Much of what we depend on will be gone.


Think about it, leave a comment. 

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