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100 Items to Disappear First
i don't see probiotics hear?
Nobody has mentioned denture adhesive. Think how valuable that would be to someone with dentures. Antibiotics would also be most valuable. Note these can be obtained from your local co-op, and they require no prescription, and are fairly cheap. They are called aquatic-biotics, but are the same thing as the amoxicillin, and penicillin. I also have picked up a finger saw and a tiny fold out stove with cans of fuel,(stove was roughly ten bucks and fuel was a buck fifty a can). Fuel is supposed to last up to two hours. This place I went was also selling MRE's for seventy two dollars a case. Picked up some Mylar blankets and an escape, evade, and rescue manual, just for good reading material. I also picked up five hundred and fifty pound test parachute cord in hundred foot lengths. I also got a mil**ry issue web gear utility harness and belt all in one. This has many pockets and snaps to carry gear in case traveling in a hurry is required. This was kind of pricey but well worth the money.
Great list! Also if you've got the extra pocket change, buy a defibrillator. Most run on a single 9v battery and will easily fit in a backpack. I bought a defibtech for about $1,100.00
Get two cheap socket/ratchet sets (Metric-Standard) for fix-it situations, along with screwdrivers, hammer, pliers, pipe wrench, carpenter's saw, hack saw,etc. Electrical tape. Wedges were on the big list, meaning wood splitting wedges, which would require a sledge hammer as well. Minimum of two wedges.
101 Ropes.
It has recently came to mind also that one could do with a goodly amount of salt.
Not only as a seasoning but also as a meat preservative, not to mention a trade good.
I happen to have the perfect opportunity to check on large amounts of salt the other day and it is still very reasonable in priced to me. The bags I looked at were 25 lb. bags for around $4.00.
Now back to the meat preservative. You can put one cup of salt to one gallon of water in a wooden barrel and as long as the meat stays submerged it will remain preserved. Take out what you need submerge the rest again, wash off what you out and cook. Almost any kind of meat can be done this way.
I plan on about a thousand lbs.
Oh and by the way if your wondering how do you store that much salt? My way is to put it in five gallon buckets. Make sure you have a tight fitting lid and inside make a tunnel in whatever is in the bucket. Inside the tunnel put some tin foil made in the same tunnel shape. Then inside this tin foil tunnel put a tea candle lit.
Now close the lid tight, when the flame goes out all of the oxygen is gone. Wala. Do this each time the bucket is opened and your stuff will be dry any air free.
Here at our local farm store: salt can be purchased in 50# blocks or bags for less than $4. Same salt as in the grocery except not iodized, but will work fine for most salt usages. There are a lot of uses for salt even beyond what's listed. An absolute necessity.
Beware because in many brands salt has been fluorized
Dear friends. It's useless. Don't waste time and money trying to save something not worth it (your carcass). Rather pray hard to Yeshua for the salvation of your soul.
Are you part of the 40 Days of Prayer For The Nation?
I am asking the Christians and Jews of America to join us in 40 days of prayer for this Presidential election.
These 40 days of prayer will begin on September 28, 2012, and end on ELECTION DAY.
You can do it individually or in groups, but prayer is the most powerful force God has given us to bring our nation back to righteousness. Mark it on your calendar, and start telling your family, friends, and church members NOW about the 40 days of prayer.
Pastor John Hagee
Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, TX.
If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray, seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear
from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
"Destroying the New World Order"
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