British Goverment BBC TV Licence Goons Get Owned By YouTube

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Although they don't use violence, the BBC effectively operates a protection racket targeted at every household in the UK. Their method of operation is very simple but has worked successfully in the UK for over 60 years. They rely solely on the inducement of fear. They use a company called Capita to send out threatening, auto-generated letters to UK addresses that do not have a TV Licence. These letters state that their records show that the address doesn't have a TV License and that failure to buy a TV License will result in a £1,000 fine. If after several attempts this fails to worry the occupier into purchasing a TV License, they then send a "TV License Inspector" from their "Enforcement Team" to your address to scare you into compliance and/or to obtain information from you - such as your name and your admission that you are receiving live TV broadcasts on the premises. Once they have this, they can then threaten you with imminent court action.

If they fail to get any compliance from you at all, then they'll continue to send out threatening letters and a "TV License Inspector"will be sent out periodically to remind you of what could happen if you don't buy a TV License. Regardless of whether you have a TV, this will continue until you agree to pay up for a TV License. Once the occupier has paid up, the TV License Inspector receives their commission and the doorstep harassment and threatening letters stop for 12 months. After the 12 months has elapsed, the threatening letters and the doorstep harassment starts again.

This extortion process has kept the BBC in business for the last 60 years and has yielded over £3 billion a year, which is far in excess of what a broadcasting company like Sky survives on through advertising and subscription revenue. The only people who profit from this immoral enterprise are the establishment who benefit from the propaganda that the BBC puts out, and also the greedy executives of the BBC and their enforcement companies who line their pockets with money extorted from the poor, the elderly, and the naïve.

Clearly, Capita's purpose is to simply extort money from as many households as they can on an annual basis by sending goons out to non-licenced addresses to harass the occupants. If you don't have a TV, they hope that by harassing you enough with threatening letters and home visits, you'll be coerced into buying a Licence just to stop the harassment. But of course, what's the point of having a TV licence if you don't have a TV? So of course you'll then buy a TV just to get your money's worth. And as long as you're watching TV, they can manage your perception of reality via the propaganda that pours out of it, especially from the BBC. So it's a win-win situation for them.

But you can turn the tables on them, legally and lawfully... Here are some simple rules to follow when dealing with these people:

Never reply to any letters that they send to you. If you do feel the need to reply, only reply once and state your position clearly. Tell them that you do not need a TV Licence and you do not wish to buy one. Keep all of the letters they send you, as they constitute harassment under the law, and you can use them as evidence should you decide to take them to court.

Never provide them with your name or any other personal info, never admit to anything, and never allow them into your home.

Make sure you have a video camera ready to film them when they come to your door. This will enable you to capture evidence of any intimidation or threats that they might try to use.

Make sure you hand them a copy of a "Removal of Implied Right of Access" notice. This will mean that they will be committing a criminal offence of "aggravated trespass" if they come to your door again in the future. Also, print out a copy of a "Fee Schedule" and have it ready to hand to them when they come to your door. This schedule will outline how much you will be charging them each time you are harassed or inconvenienced by them. This schedule has legal standing so you will be able to invoice them each time they send you a letter or visit your home. You can obtain the template letters from various sites, such as:

And finally, never be scared of these racketeers, as they prey on your fear. They have no rights whatsoever to enter your property and they will be trespassing if they continue to come to your door after you have removed their implied right of access. Even if they know that you have a TV, they cannot obtain a warrant to enter your home unless you have admitted that you are receiving live TV broadcasts and that you require a TV Licence. As long as you don't provide them with any information, there is nothing they can do.

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The biggest con the BBC play is with the whole 'we can't advertise see our charter/ but we do advertise on UK commercial TV/ radio networks and BBC Worldwide Limited (previously BBC Enterprises)' game.

The very existance of BBC Worldwide Limited - a wholly owned commercial subsidiary that exploits BBC brands and programming for broadcast outside the UK. The UK license payers get fed the line that this is to supplement the license fee income received by the BBC - the real question is how much of that money IS actually put back into BBC production of TV/ radio, and how much ends up in executive and other corporate pockets.

Seems they can have it both ways, and can continue their extortion racket.

Thanks DTOM , imagine CBS or ABC knocking on your door asking for money and if you dont give it to them they will put you in prison


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