12160 will be closing soon - Unless!

Hello guys and gals, for reason to numerous to name  atm, I must end my connection with this site.

If you folks want the site to continue we will need some one to take over, this includes paying the bills with a paypal account . Current cost around 500 a year, with expected cost to nearly double the following year.

To make sure you whom ever takes over is serious about this I would require to see the first year paid for in advance.

Seems a tad of a commitment eh? Well it is, and now it falls on one of you 5000 plus members to either take this on solely or as a group.

I will make last payment in May,  after that only fate will tell.


 I guess despite what I see as horrible over priced  hosting service, the question I submit is it worth it to everyone here to keep going on and how will this be done?

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"Let the body cool why don't ya :)"

THAT was directed at me. And you're absolutely correct, I DON'T have to be here. I've spoken to others about the issues between you and I and so have you, so don't act like I'm just the crazy guy imagining shit. Told you, spare me the gaslighting bullshit. It's petty, and childish.

If you want to man up and discuss it call me. You know how to get a hold of me. The sad part is, I really am your friend and always was. Now you've got a bunch of noobs to blow smoke up your ass with their superficial charm cuz you hold the keys to this place. I on the other hand, am going to be straight up with you as I always have. Just like a real friend would instead of falling at your feet with a brown nose and puckered lips.

You wanna bury the hatchet? Cool. If not, then fine, that is your choice and good luck to you.

 I can not prove a negative, the comment was general - not personal.

end of the discussion from me.

If we can chip in say 5$ a person can we save this site?

Hey, just wanted to throw this out there.

If you want to move off of ning and onto something else, whether its custom or another social platform, I can write a bot to crawl 12160 and copy all of the old info, transform the data to match the new database schema, and voila, old data is kept. Techies call it ETL (Exchange, Transfer, Load). I'll do it free and post the source code if you really need it.

Awesome, will be in touch.

My suggestion is to make 12160 bigger, better, and more bad ass.

Maybe 1 person can pull a few strings and get some free hosting. Another person can get the design beefed up with ajax and css hax. Another person can code a sick social media backend platform. Another can copy old data. Etc.

I know 12160 has some talented users that surely would be willing to contribute their skills.

I'd be willing to supply a full redesign of 12160 for free if someone can reskin the website.  It might tidy this place up a bit.

(I'm a web designer, I'm just not a great developer)

Will be in touch, be patient -again sorry :) and thanks!

A lot of worthwhile credible alternatives are being proposed you seem to have a lot of support James seem to be a lot of viable options at your disposal, or just keep it going yourself you created this this is your baby

I'd like to join the others, in extending my appreciation of James, for having created a great website - it has been my favorite ever since I came across it.

You've obviously put countless hours of personal time into the formation of this site and, the maintenance of it - I commend you on your talent and hard work - it would not be an easy job to take the reins on this one, and I would not want to try either.

Like others here; I'm hoping that you may reconsider staying at the helm, if we can solve the issues surrounding the cost, to upkeep the site.

Best wishes either way.

Folks, I hoped that the group as a hole would make this choice thats needed. I can not say I will even be here so...I may go gold mining in Alaska for the summer :)

For now, I guess I will coordinate gathering info from those who offered and than again post it here for you all to decide on.

Donations can be always be made with link on top of every page main menu area.

James, sounds like you are ripe for a Death/Rebirthing.

(i.e. cleansing).

Surrender. Forgive & Go With The Flow, bro.

To quote the distilled Essence

of what all mystics who littered Time

have always echoed:

"All is well"

(all is well)


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