Flashback -Alex Jones goes bat sh-t crazy on BBC Sunday Politics show

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on himself on TV.

There seems to be a conspiracy to get Alex Jones to make a fool on
himself on TV. On Sunday morning he appeared on the BBC’s Sunday
Politics to talk about the Bilderberg Group – as you can see in the
video above. It starts fairly quietly enough but, over the length of the
interview, Jones gets wound up and up and finally explodes. It comes at
4.40, after Andrew Neil politely requests that his guest “shut it” for
the umpteenth time. That’s Jones’ cue to throw a bananas rant about how
the Euro is a Nazi plot, the government is killing us with water and
“You will not stop freedom!”

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

Alex Jones Full Interview - BBC One Sunday Politics

The frustrating thing about Jones is that his clowning around makes
it harder to take the questions he raises seriously. And some of those
questions are important. We’re currently going through the biggest big
government scandal since Watergate, with revelation after revelation of
mass surveillance and political harassment. It’s actually not
unreasonable to ask if government is out of control and whose interests
it really serves. The problem is that Jones takes reasonable questions
and provides bat sh*t crazy answers that then discredit the questions.

more @ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk

David Icke Addresses Thousands at Bilderberg protest

'This year’s Bilderberg 2013 meeting has witnessed and extraordinary culture of secrecy surrounding the security operation, at a time when the public are told that austerity is the order of the day. But that’s not all…
Police officials are maintaining that the reason for such secrecy in advance of the event, and the extraordinary security measures has all been done in order ‘to combat the threat of terrorism’.


Bilderberg 2013 -Live Streams - News

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We know what the BBC are and don't forget they reported on the collapse of Building 7 BEFORE it actually collapsed. AJ was not there for tea and crumpets or to praise the queen and play nice. He held his own against this den of vipers and their efforts to make him look crazy will not work. Those who are unfamiliar with him will be curious and will want to find out what he's talking about.

Not only that, but if I picked up on how they kept interrupting him before he could finish a sentence, then others may well have picked up on it too and its  why he went off.   If this had been my first view of him, my thought would have been, "What is he trying to say that these reporters do not want out there?"  And then I would have gone to his site to find out.  So, their tryng to redicule him isn't working since they are the ones that caused it all and the  Brits are not stupid.  They will pick up on the interruptions and preventing him from finishing his answers and that is more frustrating if you don't know what he was going to say. I know, I was married to a brit for 15 years.  He was subtle and caught all the manipulations the British press tried to do.  I was American so I missed it, and he had to explain it to me.

I support Alex's intention to move the public to use its democracy right to Truth, legality ...So if in America (USA) the democracy has being borne, or at least exported to the rest of the world, it has it's logic of the process to be continued to bring others the real democracy way: discover and make it public. Are not the Brits a bit too much tied to their Crown to be open democratic as other anglics? I am a Slavic.

He is paid opposition. So obvious.

Please provide us with the evidence of what is "so obvious" since most of us have missed the obviousness of it.  Thanks, I await with baited breath Ms. Neuhaus.

Yes, at least he is a real person and he is sincere. The kind of stuff he reads about, the NWO projects on GMO, population control and how they implement it, Nano tech, killer robots, and the like is enough to stress any real human being out to fear for their families future. But it's even more stressful when people don't believe you and you have the facts on paper in your hands and people won't even look.

I never said you were inappropriate :)!

I know. *I* was saying that. :)

I got rid of my fear of death when I was 7 a real sense of freedom. Most people don't want to  acknowledge the NWO because they fear death.

They have controlled forever. Now they are going to kill billions and changing their tactics. In order to kill billions you have two options You use food or vaccines. I heard they will do it with vaccines. Of course if they don't give out seeds billions starve, They have run into a problem. If you have hundreds of millions you needs hundreds of millions coming behind them to pay their benefits and it's an endless cycle. But they can just eliminate billions and end the cycle. In China and many parts of Europe they have a shortage of people.

I've seen Alex Jones go bat shit crazy before and this definitely was not bat shit crazy.  I dont think it discredits anything.  It is simply Alex Jones on a BBC show with some goofy man being himself.  


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