Copenhagen: the AGW druids at Copenhagen know they are on a losing wicket and it shows

By Gerald Warner

Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen – or is it? For AGW fanatics this was supposed to be the climactic moment, the Machtergreifung that would initiate global government and penal taxes through which the hard-earned money of Western citizens would become a burnt holocaust to the religion of Global Warming, the few remaining heretics would be anathematised and the New World Order would commence.

But it is not working out like that. True, the thousands of parasites – politicians, safely bought scientists, civil servants, myth-compliant journalists and other free loaders have duly converged on the Danish capital. But, for the Climate Moonies, it has turned into a Barmecide feast. Even they know that something is wrong. They are frothing and foaming at the mouth more hysterically than ever – but the world is not listening.

Climategate is the elephant in the room, the skeleton at the feast. Scepticism was supposed to have been eliminated by now; instead, it has captured majority opinion. It is untrue to say that Britain is split 50-50 – though that, in itself, would be a defeat for warmists – close study of all the surveys shows that scepticism was running at closer to 60 per cent – before Climategate even broke. The script said that man-made global warming was to be regarded as an established fact, that sceptics should not even be given the courtesy of an argument.

Now the warmists are on the back foot, thoroughly on the defensive. Even six months ago, who ever thought that Energy Secretary Ed Milliband would be conceding, on the opening day of Copenhagen, that convincing people of global warming remains a “huge challenge”? Yet it goes beyond even that. I would be the last person on earth to minimise the importance of Climategate or to deny credit, in any way, to those scientists and journalists who have so tirelessly exposed it. And, of course, it has had an important effect.

But there is more than that to the irreducible scepticism of the public. Even before dodgy e-mails emerged, the public was realising that this was a scheme, not to save the planet, but to make Al Gore a billionaire. Gore was trying to charge $1,200 a time for people to shake hands and be photographed with him at Copenhagen. Is that the conduct of a man who urgently believes the planet is about to be scorched to a cinder? Is the United Nations a trusted institution?

The evidence is all around us. Take last weekend’s global warming demonstration in London. It was attended by 20,000 people. In today’s climate of internet communication to organise protests, is that a credible figure reflecting public concern over a global crisis? The Countryside March attracted 407,000 people, the Anti-War in Iraq march 750,000. Subtract from the climate change marchers the smellies who will turn out to bang tin cans to protest against globalisation or global warming indifferently, how much of the British public was galvanised by planetary concern?

“They have science and momentum on their side,” lied a supposedly neutral, but blatantly biased, BBC commentator. In reality, they have neither. Copenhagen is the high watermark of the AGW scam: after this it has nowhere to go but down. The fall of Malcolm Turnbull in Australia and the voting down there of the kind of laws being demanded at Copenhagen shows that electorates are beginning to have their say. Politicians’ rodent whiskers are twitching with fear.
We (I mean by “we” the sane, the scientifically informed, the defenders of freedom, the opponents of socialism and world government) must fight on to victory. We must attack, discredit, harass and, if necessary, disobey climate laws and refuse to pay AGW taxes, until this evil pseudo-religion is thrown into the dustbin of history. Even the mere passage of time disproves global warming. There is an unexpected defensiveness and lack of confidence detectable behind the blowhard utterances at Copenhagen. There is a change of pulse. They are on a slippery slope. We are going to win this one.

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Comment by Ron Cesek on December 10, 2009 at 2:35pm
I posted Alex's vid earlier from the 8th on my page.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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