Karen De Coster
October 16, 2011



The flu paranoia season is upon us, and, as usual, the government-medical complex is ramping up its fear mongering over … the flu. Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, diarrhea, fever, and other simple stuff has been elevated to life-and-death status. When I was a child, no one thought much about the flu – no one wanted to be sick, but if you got the flu you did your best to plow through it and get over it. Sure, the flu can kill some folks whose immune systems are not prepared for the onslaught, as can many other minor seemingly minor events, but healthy people also die falling off of porches and ladders in an unexpected manner.

I wrote about this issue at great length during the 2009-2010 scare campaign, pointing out that the whole crusade – first the swine flu, and then the seasonal flu – was driven by special interests (Big Pharma rent-seeking) and government control (growing federal power/bureaucracy and promoting collective health as superseding the individual). Additionally, the whole campaign was undergirded by scientific misinformation (studies promoted and funded by the beneficiaries of flu shots) and media acceptance of the falsehoods and folly.

Back in August, when the flu shot fear mongers began to flaunt the propaganda, USA Today produced this article: “CDC: Don’t Skip This Year’s Flu Shot.” “Don’t skip” points to the fact that after the swine flu hysteria fail of the 2009-2010 season, a declared pandemic that was nothing more than a spit in the wind, the general public caught on to the dog-and-pony show. Overall, in spite of those folks who still live their lives on sounds bites from the government-media propaganda machine, many people began to reject the nonsense, and therefore they spurned the flu shot. The government did not expect that after all of its purposeful misinformation and spin, people would “skip” the all-important flu shot because they began to question the hype. The perfidious pandemic and its propaganda promotion quickly became a bust, a flop, a non-pandemic.

For the 2011-2012 flu season, the flu shot promoters will have to line up a better campaign to overcome the skepticism and brush-off from much of the general public. The article from USA Today notes that the CDC says it is not okay to skip your flu shot this year.

“All people aged 6 months and older should be vaccinated,” said Dr. Carolyn Bridges, an associate director for adult immunization at the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Protection wanes over the course of a year, so “even people who got a flu vaccine last year should get one again to make sure they are optimally protected,” she said.

Since at least August, all of the drug stores – Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid – have had advertisements plastered all over their stores and outdoor signs, luring people in for flu shot bargains.

Dr. David Brownstein, from the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan, has published a blog – “Should You Get a Flu Shot?” Dr. Brownstein points out the various studies showing that flu shots are not effective, but he really adds value when he tells you why you should not get a flu shot.

Before you vaccinate for the flu, you should understand what is in the vaccine. The flu shot contains a mixture of egg proteins including bird contaminant viruses. It also contains polysorbate 80 (associated with infertility in animals), formaldehyde (a known carcinogen), Triton X100 (detergent), sucrose (sugar), and thimerisol (50% mercury by weight). The multi-dose flu vaccines still contain mercury which is the third most toxic item known to mankind. You should not ingest or inject any mercury containing products. Looking at this cornucopia of toxic ingredients should make it clear that it is best to avoid injecting the flu vaccine in any living being.

Flulaval, the most commonly prescribed flu vaccine on the market, contains 25ug of mercury per dose along with formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde, as stated above, is a known carcinogen. In fact, this dose of thimerosol exceeds the EPA’s safety limit of mercury exposure by over 250 times. Mercury is a known neurotoxin and is the third-most toxic element known to mankind. Injecting mercury into any living being should be outlawed.

Yet public health officials, who have their own interests to move forward, keep repeating that the benefits of the flu shot (not getting the flu for a few days?) outweighs any potential risk (destroying your body and/or brain due to nerve cell damage, neurological damage, immune function impairment, damaged DNA etc). I would expect that any reasonable human being blessed with a head upon his shoulders can understand that this is a twisted rationale, and only someone with some very heavy skin in the profit-and-power game would dare to make such a pronouncement.

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Replies to This Discussion

I am not saying this will cure or stop the flu because I don't wan't anyone coming after me, so anyhow, fill a jar 3/4 way with equal proportions of grated horseradish root, garlic, ginger and any kind of hot peppers.  Fill with unfiltered cider vinegar, cover and let sit for a couple weeks in a dark spot.  If you feel like something is coming on, take a tablespoon in water.   Like chicken soup, it can't hurt.

Yep, the flu paranoia season is upon us and upon us with a vengeance. I can't go anywhere without seeing the flu shot propaganda plastered everywere whether on TV, billboards, newspapers, magazines, in retail establisments, ect. In the last few years, even my work place has gotten on the flu shot band wagon. I can even get a flu shot for free through my employer. How nice of them...... NOT. 


I haven't had the flu since I was a child, never died of it as you can see and can happily say that I have never ever received the dreaded stick of toxins in a flu vaccine. I'd be crazy to even think about it. I'm very healthy without it, probably more so. So they can stick their mother loving flu shot up their arse.


Unfortunately, there are still people standing in line for the stick of toxins to cure them from getting one strain of the flu. It baffles me still. They're such obedient slaves to their own demise. I still hear so many stories of people receiving these shots and getting the flu after taking them but they keep on going back for more year after year. They just don't get it or maybe don't want to get it because they still believe in the illusion that the government, those that wear fancy clothes or have a degree on the wall know better than the rest of us. What a shame!

Same thing here Tara.  I had the flu once as a child and never had it since without taking any flu shots ever.  My mother who is very well up in age never gets sick and doesn't even go to the doctor! 

I can speak my mind about the powers that be, but you ladies seem to know.  The one thing that you will never hear about is MMS.  MMS is a low oxidizer that consists of 2 liquids Sodium Chlorite and Citric acid.  Combined,  the solution put out a Chlorine Dioxide gas, but it is not chlorine, it is an oxygen (NaCl) salt.  It is the best.  It purifies water (especially the body, which is 90% water)  It is used in the form of a gas to purify hospitals and is also used to clean slaughter houses, same difference wouldnt you say?  

   Here is what your  so called "Modern Medicine" trillions of dollars a year does to people...

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up! 



MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a simple compound that kills the pathogens in your body in what it can do and then turns into a few grains of common table salt after the solution runs its active course.  Please watch this mini documentary on what MMS is and is not.

Straight Talk on MMS - Guest: Andreas Kalcker



   Jim Hunble was the rediscoverer of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) and you can find much information on him and even how to make your own, very simple.  It is very good to have this around the home for almost everything. 


  My 84 yr old landlord fell and has diabetes and her feet got infected and swelled up, puss blisters set in and that is not good.  She was using a popular cream for the infection and it was doing absolutely nothing.  After one day of her using a spray that I created using MMS in water, the blisters popped and cleared up and the skin turned a healthy pink again.  At least her feet are healing on a woman that is in her 80s, thats pretty darn good.  It would be no problem to stop a flu dead, or any other cold, infection, deep cuts etc...


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