Glen Becks Counterfeit Movement the 912 Project and What’s Behind it.

The time is coming rapidly when the truth movement will go main stream and the controlled media will be forced to talk about our information. This is why the NWO is getting desperate right now and if you look it seems they are trying to buy shares in the truth movement to take back some control. Glen Beck is leading the way for them at the moment and doing a bang up job of it right now. Most of the movement can see through his convoluted half truth act but he’s got the new “disenfranchised” Americans hooked on his emotional nonsensical looking out for the little guy value based propaganda.

One of the biggest things I noticed with his 912 Project is obviously his use of "912" the day after 9/11, 2001. He’s using the original cover story of 9/11 to provoke an emotional response while at the same time using the misdirected well intentioned patriotism of the day after 9/11 to rally people around his project. He is clearly using what is known as fake patriotism to temporally puff up his project knowing anyone who is privy to the truth about 9/11 or the NWO is out of his propagandist reach already making them unavailable for his grab for power in the truth movement. He is mostly recruiting those people looking for answers to this financial crisis and how it was created. Beck is fishing for people hungry for truth like Chuck Norris a well meaning outstanding American and taking misdirected patriotism and directing it into poorly advised zero impact action. A campaign for better values is going to do little to nothing to change our situation here in America. Instead of being enslaved homeless valueless Americans living in a tyrannical police state you will be enslaved homeless moral and value driven Americans living in a tyrannical police state, do you see the difference because I don’t.

Glen Beck’s Counterfeit movement is nothing more than a desperate attempt to marginalize the 9/11 truth movement directly. Most notably he has picked 9/12/09 as the date for his anniversary special to see how much time he has wasted or rather how well his Op has worked. It’s the enemy’s standard operating procedure to first discredit then mimic our successful operations. As many of you know on 9/11 each year we have a gathering at ground zero hold signs and note the success of the previous year. Beck has copied everything about the 9/11 truth movement so closely that he uses the day after we meet, our grassroots unorganized style and the issues and subjects we cover just weeks later with half truths.

We know that he’s watching the enormous growth of the 9/11 truth groups and “monitoring” the militias which can translate out to the patriot movement in general and Alex Jones. What we don’t know is weather Beck is just trying to cash in on a hot movement or weather he’s doing this for some other nefarious reason. My guess is that the hands behind strings brought Beck onto FAUX to specifically orchestrate this Counterfeit movement made of angry Americans. The Elite need to direct some of the heat they’re getting cooked with right now into useless directions and create a valve to vent built up steam to stall as long as they can with their professional front man Obama. The longer they can stall and calm the fires in the hearts of angry Americans the lesser of a chance they have of being thwarted before they have checkmate on the world’s population. As of right now at the pace the truth movement is going by the end of Obama’s first term it will be too late for the Globalists to ever see the world order they have envisioned.

by -TheLasersShadow

His project is a large undertaking and very dangerous in a lot of ways mostly because it mimics us so closely and is a change in enemy tactics. It looks like they are trying desperately to waste peoples time with this "project".

this is something that requires a real discussion.

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James aka adap2k said:
This is one of the most visited pages on the network. Funny, many are looking for how to join G Becks movement only to come here and see entirely different point of view. This post is in the top 5 on google when searching for 912. Awesome !

Haha that's awesome, I hope people do some in depth research into Beck and what exactly he's "debunking"!!

Does anyone really believe someone on FOX would be trying to "save" the country? Let alone give you the whole story?
12pm-4pm eastern standard time click the listen button, get the un-doctored no spin truth about whats going on today.

Watch the Obama Deception Join this network. Don't join a corporate media whores "project" history shows anyone in his position doing and saying as he is doing is a fake. It's meant to waste your time the one thing you can never get back.

I agree with you Glen Beck is a fake, and his goal is to confuse the people that or just waking up to the truth. We need to roll up our sleeves, and expose this scumbag for what he is an operative who works for big corporate America. He's cash in, while we are loosing future Patriots to his twisted half truth propaganda! I believe God has the darkest, hotest place in Hell reserved for people like him.
so, does that mean you'll join?
Ok I think Beck is naive on some fronts, regarding NWO agendas. I think to bash him and start some conspiracy theory that he's in it with them is kinda sad. For you guys... I by no means believe I know everything about what is happening now in the Obama days. I know it is not by accident, it is not Change for the better, it's following a fascist road, and the only one really claiming these things on NATION WIDE TV is Beck. Who is to your liking on a MAJOR network that beams to MIllions a Night on TV, Radio, in prime time ... Is it for the Money? he's got a grip, and I wont bemoan someone making it in this country if he's at least getting people to think about things. Maybe they find some truth with the Main stream exposure he putting out. Its career suicide if nothing happens in 5 or 10 years so he's taken a stand for what I feel is the closet thing on TV is my side. The Govt is not on our side, their is an agenda, and we need to stop it. If he starts talking about the real Dark closets in our World he'd be either discredited or yanked of the air. Then he'd be like you guys, on a website, but I'd hope he wouldn't waste his time ripping the patriot above him, no matter what the differences in a few matters. He wants the same thing you do a safe world free of power behind closed doors. The NWO is getting their way instead of uniting all the splinters were all being lil pricks.
He is clearly playing the same old right/left game. Obama's approval rating is at 14%, bang! He's gonna be right there with candy for all the pissed off Americans .It's on a TV network , and if you're watching and buying in to it without a critical thought, then you're brainwashed already. All the fools who Voted for 'Baama , just cause he was black , thinking he wouldnt rob the little guy.You know who they are, the ones who wouldn't listen to you before the election when you tried to warn them. haha, now he's "layin' pipe" in all the "joe the plumber's" and fuckin' the wife and kids too. and while he's got their pants off ,might as well reach in everyone's pockets and take 'em for every last cent. well ,there are obviously alot of gullible voters out there . Even if Obama won with only 51% of the votes,he'd only have 14% of the votes today.and these are now Glen Beck's children. hindsight's a bitch,aint it?so now they think they're not being fed kool-aid flavored bullshit by following a comedian who works for a "entertainment"news network? If Beck were to expose the the truth he'd be out of a job, and his followers would not have many friends at the office watercooler. which would probably lead to them being out a job themselves.Even Alex Jones stops short on alot of issues. either to protect himself and his family or because he is funded by a darkeer ,deeper ,more occulted sect of the NWO . I mean why would he really want to win the war on the global elitists and their plan of a NWO? He'd be out of a job. If war is your business, you don't want it to end. just look at all the fights America has picked throughout history...Not trying to discredit alex,his work is the great catalyst and he Does a great job .
Well I think this is serious enough that every Body should be working together to get Peoples eyes opened to what is going on here... lots and lots of people I know Have never heard of Alex Jones nor do they listen to Talk Radio... lots of people do not use a computer except for E mail ... so Tea party's .. Radio .. TV... Glen Beck... or this site... I think this is important enough that we should use all means possible to get People to doing something.. I am the Only person I know that even knows who Alex Jones is .. so we have to reach them all and if everybody goes in a different direction .. and bad mouths everybody else.. I have been to the tea partys .. I have been to orgizational meeting and I dont know about the rest but this one works strickly on donations and are Local Grassroots .. neighbors, friends ,people I know and at this point it the only thing I have seen anybody actually do except talk about it whats the problem with that .. ?? They are saying the same things !! look at the signs they are carrying ?? sounds like to me they are saying the same things you are.. To be bad mouthing the people saying the same things you are doesn't help ..just sounds like sour grapes. I now Know people watching Glenn beck who never even watched the news at l;east they know more than they did .. and if he says just one thing to get them to thinking .. hats off to him or anybody else... this will take millions and millions of people not a few hundred... We need them ALL !!!

artcarran said:
I believe it. I saw some tee vee coverage of Cincinnati's. Jean Sch(m)idt, the most horrid piece of filth in congress spoke. It was clearly a firmly divided left/right, rebub/democrat, white/black, etc, orchestration, with blacks carrying obama signs and shouting his name. This, along with beck, could be the beginning of the staged riots that will bring in martial law.

James aka adap2k said:
Bloggers charge 'Tea Party' anti-stimulus protests are corporate front

Laser- Thank you for your very interesting viewpoint on Glenn Beck. I thought that "9-12" was picked with a connection to 9-11 but you have now confirmed that.

Many Americans have forgotten what happened, Click Underlined Link:

On A September Morning
While I don't consider myself an expert on any of these scenerios, I do have a unique perspective. I DO follow Alex' website and ideas, but I also listen to talk radio during the day and George Noory at night. As a small business owner and a father of 6 young children, our nation's problems impact me, as they do everyone in their own specific ways. I have an open mind, but I believe the government(especially the current administration) is the most dangerous our country has ever experienced. Why do I believe this? Obviously from all the research the above-mentioned people have done, but also because I am a personal friend of Glenn Beck. Let me tell all of you that Glenn is not owned by anyone. He tells everyone everyday who he is, what he has been, what he would rather be. Is he ashamed of his wealth? No. He has worked hard to get to this point. He got here really starting 3 years ago by unveiling radical muslims to America. Groundbreaking at the time, the most stress Glenn had faced professionally. That was the beginning of this new life for Glenn and for what he holds most dear- his family. Since then, he has had regular death threats toward him and his family, which have spiraled in the past couple months. He is a capitalist and a businessman who likes making money so his family has a better life than he had. He also loves his country and is doing what he can to save it. Again, he would love to go back to 3 years ago to discussing mediocre problems and joking around. Tell me, though, how does he do that now with the current Czars in place who are about to silence talk radio and free speech? When Alex and other people try to debunk Glenn Beck because he doesn't say everything Alex wants to hear, they think he's part of the system or bought off. This only hurts our entire movement because Glenn does actually have some educated people in his audience who also are Alex Jones' fans. Glenn is a real person, put in a unique situation. Because of constraints, and safety for his family, he only is able to tell us maybe half of what his researchers uncover. When he receives calls from the "higher ups", to stop or else, he has to make a decision each and everyday that will affect him and his family. Instead of bashing him, let's pray for him and his family and be thankful he has the staff he does to uncover these things and the voice he does to help unite us in the scariest time that we all face.

Dewk said:
I think he probably is an agent or officer of some sort. Now that you know most anchor's are actors with a journalism college credit, Why not use agents for the anchormen? they do and it really makes allot of sense on their part.
Nope - pure 100% unadulterated evil moron without a genuine bone in his entire body. His 912 is purely designed to distract potential patriots from the true movement and retard it's momentum. The best lies have to be based around some amount of truth after all.

Jeffrey said:
While I don't consider myself an expert on any of these scenerios, I do have a unique perspective. I DO follow Alex' website and ideas, but I also listen to talk radio during the day and George Noory at night. As a small business owner and a father of 6 young children, our nation's problems impact me, as they do everyone in their own specific ways. I have an open mind, but I believe the government(especially the current administration) is the most dangerous our country has ever experienced. Why do I believe this? Obviously from all the research the above-mentioned people have done, but also because I am a personal friend of Glenn Beck. Let me tell all of you that Glenn is not owned by anyone. He tells everyone everyday who he is, what he has been, what he would rather be. Is he ashamed of his wealth? No. He has worked hard to get to this point. He got here really starting 3 years ago by unveiling radical muslims to America. Groundbreaking at the time, the most stress Glenn had faced professionally. That was the beginning of this new life for Glenn and for what he holds most dear- his family. Since then, he has had regular death threats toward him and his family, which have spiraled in the past couple months. He is a capitalist and a businessman who likes making money so his family has a better life than he had. He also loves his country and is doing what he can to save it. Again, he would love to go back to 3 years ago to discussing mediocre problems and joking around. Tell me, though, how does he do that now with the current Czars in place who are about to silence talk radio and free speech? When Alex and other people try to debunk Glenn Beck because he doesn't say everything Alex wants to hear, they think he's part of the system or bought off. This only hurts our entire movement because Glenn does actually have some educated people in his audience who also are Alex Jones' fans. Glenn is a real person, put in a unique situation. Because of constraints, and safety for his family, he only is able to tell us maybe half of what his researchers uncover. When he receives calls from the "higher ups", to stop or else, he has to make a decision each and everyday that will affect him and his family. Instead of bashing him, let's pray for him and his family and be thankful he has the staff he does to uncover these things and the voice he does to help unite us in the scariest time that we all face.

Dewk said:
I think he probably is an agent or officer of some sort. Now that you know most anchor's are actors with a journalism college credit, Why not use agents for the anchormen? they do and it really makes allot of sense on their part.
"personal friend"? or paid P.R.? Television is one big deception in its entirety. The most reality i find on TV are cartoons, seriously.
Its great to see that this article i wrote is still alive and as up to date as when i wrote it March 15, 2009 almost 6 months ago now. Glen Beck has really shown his fake patriot colors and has been trying desperately to copy Alex Jones in a way that will get him ratings without giving any real information about the ruling class / the men holding the marionette strings. Our opposition is intelligent enough at this point to know the only way to hold on to a portion of the control they once had is to befriend the new patriots coming in.

I think pretty soon beck and the rest of the gang at FOX are going to come to a wall where they will have to decide to commit to the MSM NWO agenda hard line or just run a muddy muddy path of quazi truth and non-opinionated news presentation. The real patriots are soon going to be able to distinguish themselves and break away the heard. To once again be in the front leading the charge where all the new patriots and tea party goers can instantly see the difference between he controlled opposition and the men with the real blade cutting into the enemy.
News Flash!

Obama funds ACORN 52 million dollars to support and set up child sex ring and even TAKE THEM AS TAX DEDUCTIONS!. You like that kind of stuff? See these girls at ACORN, Baltimore…..

And Part Deux

C’mon all! Let’s ALL get into the performing arts!

ACORN gets US tax dollars to support this………. Is this the truth that you seek?


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