This is one of the most visited pages on the network. Funny, many are looking for how to join G Becks movement only to come here and see entirely different point of view. This post is in the top 5 on google when searching for 912. Awesome !
I believe it. I saw some tee vee coverage of Cincinnati's. Jean Sch(m)idt, the most horrid piece of filth in congress spoke. It was clearly a firmly divided left/right, rebub/democrat, white/black, etc, orchestration, with blacks carrying obama signs and shouting his name. This, along with beck, could be the beginning of the staged riots that will bring in martial law.
James aka adap2k said:
I think he probably is an agent or officer of some sort. Now that you know most anchor's are actors with a journalism college credit, Why not use agents for the anchormen? they do and it really makes allot of sense on their part.
While I don't consider myself an expert on any of these scenerios, I do have a unique perspective. I DO follow Alex' website and ideas, but I also listen to talk radio during the day and George Noory at night. As a small business owner and a father of 6 young children, our nation's problems impact me, as they do everyone in their own specific ways. I have an open mind, but I believe the government(especially the current administration) is the most dangerous our country has ever experienced. Why do I believe this? Obviously from all the research the above-mentioned people have done, but also because I am a personal friend of Glenn Beck. Let me tell all of you that Glenn is not owned by anyone. He tells everyone everyday who he is, what he has been, what he would rather be. Is he ashamed of his wealth? No. He has worked hard to get to this point. He got here really starting 3 years ago by unveiling radical muslims to America. Groundbreaking at the time, the most stress Glenn had faced professionally. That was the beginning of this new life for Glenn and for what he holds most dear- his family. Since then, he has had regular death threats toward him and his family, which have spiraled in the past couple months. He is a capitalist and a businessman who likes making money so his family has a better life than he had. He also loves his country and is doing what he can to save it. Again, he would love to go back to 3 years ago to discussing mediocre problems and joking around. Tell me, though, how does he do that now with the current Czars in place who are about to silence talk radio and free speech? When Alex and other people try to debunk Glenn Beck because he doesn't say everything Alex wants to hear, they think he's part of the system or bought off. This only hurts our entire movement because Glenn does actually have some educated people in his audience who also are Alex Jones' fans. Glenn is a real person, put in a unique situation. Because of constraints, and safety for his family, he only is able to tell us maybe half of what his researchers uncover. When he receives calls from the "higher ups", to stop or else, he has to make a decision each and everyday that will affect him and his family. Instead of bashing him, let's pray for him and his family and be thankful he has the staff he does to uncover these things and the voice he does to help unite us in the scariest time that we all face.
Dewk said:I think he probably is an agent or officer of some sort. Now that you know most anchor's are actors with a journalism college credit, Why not use agents for the anchormen? they do and it really makes allot of sense on their part.
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