Radio Shack and other places do not want to sell their digital scanners under $300.00. If you are lucky you might find them on Ebay or Craigslist under $300.00 You know why they are selling these radios to the rich? Cause they know that the poor are the ones that are under attack. I am getting tired of searching and waiting for prices to go down. I am about get my mothers Pro 96 from her house and happy with that. Shoot, I have a PRO-95 that I had since 2000 and I only bought it for $149.99 and it was
not even a Clearence item. Well if anyone can help me and others find a digital scanner please let me and others. I know, Happy F&cking Hunting! Hunt for what? This economy is not getting any better. I am wondering if Alex Jones and his crew has digital scanners they use for documentries. The only city that I know that is digitized is Chesapeake, VA
before they went digital they used to be on the simple to find VHF frequency 155.130 MHz, a frequency that could be found on a cheap ass VHF portable radio. Now they migrated to digital 800 MHz them and their Police State selves and Alien Bases in Chesapeake VA. Virginia Beach, VA is using 800 MHz type II motorola which is good I can still hear them even the fire dept and rescue. Norfolk, Portsmouth, same thing. Its Chesapeake I want to hear, but I am NOT going to pay $500 to hear them! Maybe $200 to $300 or less. Radio Shack is out of their crazy minds selling such Chinese made garbage for so much. They came out with APCO 25 after 9/11 and it was very expensive, Radio Shack used to sell them on sale for $375.00 last time I seen it, I was trying to get my money gathered up, but I had bills to pay and food to buy. Damn freaking economy!
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9/11 was an inside job. controlled demolition. building 7 which was never hit by an airplane get demolished, you can see flashes of demolition charges going ...