The news of JADE HELM 15 has caught the internet on fire. Now, coming out of the woodwork are the nay sayers, propagandists, and straight out liars. Yes, I am calling them exactly what they are, liars. Political Correctness stops here. The truth may hurt, but it is the truth. If you don't like that, then either go to a different site or change your behavior.

There have been individuals from "trolls" to others that "claim" they are ex-Special Operations Command stating "this is not a real drill," Or that "the documents have been modified." These statements are not true, and are only being used in another "PSYOP" upon the American People. I will prove to you beyond the shadow of a doubt this operation is, in fact, true, and call these people out for what they are, liars! Anyone who tells you this is not a planned drill is lying to you either blatantly or by complete ignorance, neither of which is acceptable.

JADE HELM 15 is a (SOC) Special Operations Command (RMT) Realistic Military Training planned drill for the South Western United States covering seven states which broke in alternative media almost a week ago. Freedom Outpost's Joe McMaster covered this on March 20, 2015. I will not sit idly by and allow our alternative media to be portrayed as "conspiracy theorists" by those that are ignorant or liars. I stand in defense of all the alternative media that have reported and helped to expose this very real "exercise/drill," JADE HELM 15, to the American Public. I challenge the propagandists, liars, and PSYOP's to debunk this! You have been caught with your pants down and now you are trying to do "damage control." It's not going to work.

On OFFICIAL: February 10, 2015 the Brazos County Commissioners Court held a meeting about "JADE HELM 15". Ref: #4

OFFICIAL: Thomas Mead the JADE HELM Operations Planner/MSEL address... Including them planning "surgical strikes", while the county commissioner makes a joke of it. Listen below:

OFFICIAL: Howard County Commissioners Court Stamped Copy of their a... showing JADE HELM 15 as one of the topics of discussion.

Standard Times covering JADE HELM 15 on November 1, 2014. Scroll down until you see Eldorado.

WTAW covering JADE HELM 15 on February 26, 2015. Green Berets are Coming to Aggieland. This article includes the "presentation" both in audio and the actual document for JADE HELM 15 which was provided to the county commissioners.

MySouTex covered JADE HELM 15 three months ago titling it "Military Exercises to be held in County." "Army SpecOps Command Pushes Back Against Alarmist Claims on Exercise" states:

Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a USASOC spokesman, confirmed that there is an upcoming exercise called Jade Helm 15 which is scheduled to take place this summer at locations in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, California and Nevada. But he denied the event is preparation for some sort of military takeover.

"That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USASOC conducts training exercises," he said in an email. "This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment’s notice."

He said the only thing unique about this particular exercise, which is slated to take place between July 15 and Sept. 15, is "the use of new challenging terrain" which was chosen because it is similar to conditions special operations forces operate in overseas.

Really? And just when are they planning on taking LEO's, DHS, FBI, and other "Inter-agency Partners" to go overseas at a moments notice? Does that even sound plausible?

Now that we have established that JADE HELM 15 is REAL, and it was previously covered before it broke all over the alternative media. Let's look into some of the other questions that have been asked surrounding this drill.

What could (SOC) Special Operations Command possibly mean within their insignia of "MASTERING THE HUMAN DOMAIN"? According to an unclassified document written by Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell D. Franks of the United States Army
titled "USAWC "Civilian Research Project" ref: pg 15

Major General Sacolick and Brigadier General Grigsby address how viewing this challenge through the lens of the human domain will contribute to answering the Chairman’s question, “the human domain is the totality of the physical, cultural and social environments that influence human behavior to the extent that success of any military operation or campaign depends on the application of unique capabilities that are designed to fight and win population-centric conflicts. It is a critical and complementary concept to the recognized domains of land, air, maritime, space and cyberspace.”

This concept and the addition of a human domain are important because the other domains insufficiently address the human dimension of conflict, although it is deemed a critical component to land power.

Further, the addition of a human domain, similar to a 7th war fighting function, will ensure that, “we’re providing a framework to support and employ the complementary capabilities of special operations and conventional forces.

What is considered "Unconventional Warfare" by the United States Army, especially involving Special Forces? According to U.S. Army TC 18-01 Special Forces Unconventional Warfare it is to follow the "President's National Security Strategy". ref: 1-2 Which strategy would that be? Escorting criminals across country and dropping them off across the nation, or targeting American citizens that are standing up against President Obama's tyrannical and unlawful actions?

Chapter 1 1-2 TC 18-01 30 November 2010
Figure 1-1. Unconventional warfare terminology

Three documents capture the U.S. national strategy: the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy, and the National Military Strategy. The National Security Strategy states the President’s interest and goals. The National Defense Strategy is the DOD contribution to the National Security Strategy. The National Defense Strategy also provides a framework for other DOD strategic guidance, specifically for campaign and contingency planning, force development, and intelligence. The goals and objectives of the President’s National Security Strategy guide the National Military Strategy. In addition, the National Military Strategy implements the Secretary of Defense’s National Defense Strategy. The National Military Strategy provides focus for military activities by defining a set of interrelated military objectives.

I don't know about you, but this surely doesn't make me feel any better about this "Operation/Drill." For years now, our veterans, Christians, patriots, gun owners, constitutionalists, pro-life advocates, small government supporters, small businesses, real journalists in the press, anti-corruption activists, anti-UN Agenda 21 advocates, anti-global warming supporters, anti-war patriots, anti-criminal immigration supporters, have all been targeted by this administration as enemies of the United States, even within government documents. Are we supposed to trust that they have pure intentions now? I surely don't, especially when they will be training "Interagency Partners." It's those "interagency partners" that have been targeting the American People for years. On 11/15/2012 Forbes covered such "drills" in an article titled "How the U.S. Military Would Crush a Tea Party Rebellion" What part of WE SHALL HAVE NO STANDING ARMY don't you understand?

Here is the Goliad County Commissioners webpage with contact information if you would like to contact them on this matter. They are responsible for "approving" JADE HELM 15 in Goliad County, TX.

Pete Santilli has started a petition on "WE THE PEOPLE" website to try and stop this "drill".

When Pete Santilli called SOC Public Affairs Officer to inquire about JADE HELM 15 he refused to answer questions and hung up on Pete. The greater question we should ask is, if this drill is no big deal, then why is SOC trying to keep it quiet?

George Orwell stated it best when he said, "Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies."

My video response to the "Propagandists, Nay Sayers, Liars, and PSYOP's" as well as a special message to SOC and Special Forces that will be involved with this drill.

Operation Jade Helm 15:

JADE HELM 15 is REAL & Here's the Proof:

Two More States Added To JADE HELM 15:

OPERATION JADE HELM: Mr. Thomas Mead JADE HELM Operations Planner/MSEL speaking with county commissioners.


Howard County Commissioners' Court Agenda 3-9-15


Brazos County, Bryan Texas Notice of meeting and agenda.

Standard-Times West Texas Briefs 11.2/2014

WTAW 1620 Green Berets are Coming to Aggieland. "Military Exercises to Be Held in County"

Goliad County Texas: County Commissioners

Unconventional Warfare US Army Manual:
US Army Special Forces (Green Berets)


US Air Force Special Operations Command

USMC Marine Special Operations Command

USMC Expeditionary Units

82nd Airborne Division

Resurrect The Republic Radio: Under Attack and their response.

Crossing the Rubicon:





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Alleged "Drill" ends Sept 11 2015....imagine that ;)

Well now, isn't that interesting. Stupid commie Zionist lackeys are so predictable. 

Thanks Hollywood,  sharing this.

Special forces set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians in massive military exercise

  • Operation Jade Helm will see 1,200 service members including Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines in July
  • Soldiers armed with blank rounds will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado for 8 weeks
  • The so-called Realistic Military Training has some residents fearful the drill is a preparation for martial law

Seven Southwestern states will soon be infiltrated by 1,200 military special ops personnel as part of a controversial domestic military training in which some of the elite soldiers will operate undetected among civilians.

Operation Jade Helm begins in July and will last for eight weeks. Soldiers will operate in and around towns in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado where some of them wil drop from planes while carrying weapons loaded with blanks in what military officials have dubbed Realistic Military Training.

But with residents of the entire states of Texas and Utah dubbed 'hostile' for the purposes of the exercises, Jade Helm has some concerned the drills are too realistic.

Hostile: An unclassified military document reveals the states involved in a controversial multi-agency training exercises that will place 1,200 military personnel into 7 Southwest states--with residents of Utah, Texas and part of Southern California designated as 'hostile'

Hostile: An unclassified military document reveals the states involved in a controversial multi-agency training exercises that will place 1,200 military personnel into 7 Southwest states--with residents of Utah, Texas and part of Southern California designated as 'hostile'

Special ops: Operation Jade Helm will involve Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines starting in July and lasting 8 weeks

Special ops: Operation Jade Helm will involve Green Berets and SEALs and special forces from the Air Force and Marines starting in July and lasting 8 weeks

Headlines like Freedom Outpost's 'Operation Jade Helm—military trains for martial law in American South-west' abound across the Right-leaning blogosphere and Info Wars warns that Jade Helm is simply 'an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques' on the American public.

'They're having Delta Force, Navy SEALS with the Army trained to basically take over,' Info Wars' Alex Jones said Sunday. 'Texas is listed as a hostile sector, and of course, we are...We're here defending the republic.'

The Houston Chronicle reports that, among the planned exercises, soldiers will attempt to operate undetected among civilian populations.

Residents, in turn, will be asked to report suspicious activity in order to gauge the effectiveness of the soldiers.

Military officials say they've gotten the go ahead for the operations from local authorities such as mayors and county commissions. 

And sheriff's deputies told the Houston Chronicle they would ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired.

Jim Stewart with the Brazos County, Texas Sheriff's Office told the Chronicle that such exercises are far from anything new. 

'Special ops for years have trained off-post for years, where they go out and have folks that are role players out on the economy,' said the Army intelligence veteran. 'They'll have a scenario they'll be following and they'll interact with these role players as if they're in another country.'

However, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command themselves say Jade Helm is different.

Reassuring? Sheriff's deputies say they will ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired [FILE PHOTO]

Reassuring? Sheriff's deputies say they will ensure residents living near where aircraft were slated to create disturbances and drop soldiers, civilian and military vehicles will barrel through and where blank rounds would be fired [FILE PHOTO]

Texas, which the military has designated as 'hostile' for the purposes of the training, was chosen to be a hub of the unprecedentedly large program because 'Texans are historically supportive of efforts to prepare our soldiers' writes the USASOC

Texas, which the military has designated as 'hostile' for the purposes of the training, was chosen to be a hub of the unprecedentedly large program because 'Texans are historically supportive of efforts to prepare our soldiers' writes the USASOC

'The size and scope of Jade Helm sets this one apart. To stay ahead of the environmental challenges faced overseas, Jade Helm will take place across seven states,' the USASOC wrote in a March 24 release.

'The diverse terrain in these states replicates areas Special Operations Soldiers regularly find themselves operating in overseas.'

The military has also reacted to widespread fear of the operation by calling some ultra-conservative coverage of the 'martial law' drills alarmist and inaccurate.

How can this serve our military to infiltrate civilian populations abroad when they are zero like our civilian population? So this is only going to train for working in this society. This is a lie absolutely that it helps them train for working elsewhere it is only useful to deal with us and we are not to have a standing army come against us.


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