Most informed Americans know that Joe Biden was illegally installed into the White House. What many Americans might fail to comprehend, however, is the extent of decimation his usurpation has had on what’s left of the American infrastructure and why.
Is Joe Biden the American President? Well, that’s what it says on his business cards.
Biden is President like Colonel Sanders is running KFC or Ronald McDonald owns Micky-D’s. The reality is that Ronald McDonald is a chain-smoking pervert who lives week to week, Colonel Sanders is dead, and Joe Biden is the surgically enhanced figurehead of the United States.
It’s obvious that the media can’t conceal Biden's cognitive degeneration, and Joe routinely struggles to connect two sentences together. That said, who the fuck is running the country?
The disturbing reality is that we aren’t governed by an elected leader or his administration, but rather an omnipotent cabal, NEOCONS, and the Military Industrial Complex.
The provocative question is...
What will be different next election, no matter who faces Biden?

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This very same revelation got JFK killed. Muricans are so fkn dumb and cowardly they ra ra that loud mouth trumpy bear who just keeps on saying be peaceful and "law abiding" and protest. They are nothing but blind sheep baa baa baaing their way to the slaughter house being ever so slowly killed off by their own cowardice. I have been "protesting since those  sacrificial twin towers fell into their own basements at freefall speed taking their minds off rumsfeld missing trillions speech 2 days prior.


Couldn't agree more.

steve is clearly referring to the Hive Minded Americans in the discussion here ( the 30% brain washed and the 40% Go with the flow crowd ) by his description. Then as those majorities identify and isolate themselves by their blatant actions of stupidity the 30% of real Americans are Revealed. One things for sure steve's right about their loud mouths except all Americans are brashly vocal. In a multi cultural setting outside of America you Will see and hear them Loud and Clear above and beyond all other cultural groups even in their silence. For example they have no problem erecting giant American flags outside their residences when no other foreign groups do, so they can't be missed in the national pride they equally share. This leads me back to the 30% who seem to well dwell in our local Freedom chat groups, There is clearly a disproportional number of load local Americans contributing there relevant to the size of their small population group. Every day without hesitation they are the ones who carpet the internet with the most explosive truth bombs and the most hidden of info that anyone has ever seen. Even better than that they call out the other 30% of the local Americans who show up to deceive the sheep. Perhaps the funniest thing they did outside of freedom movements was run a hoax with the city council to commemorate the "widely celebrated" American Appreciation Day - a yearly occasion that recognised industry development in the USA. The following week we saw entire tracks of the motorways lined up in the Stars and Stripes for all to see before even one of the other 40% Americans thought to mention there was no such thing as AAD. - outside of the 4th of July which was independence day but that one was in July. The spontaneous "celebration" had the whole city wondering and trying to guess what on earth was going on. A right crack up. ( just thought I would comment on my observations of the real Americans left that we see, from an outsiders view and to give credit to the 30% that provide us with humour and truth like only they can do. So chin up.)

You know Kea you are pretty right but there are still a lot of LOUD MOUTH DUMB SHITS  who listen to blow hards and bend over for fags in ukraine, suk asses is what we call these foolish sheeple. They are so fkn dumb they willing pay taxes which is just a pretty  word for THEFTand support loud mouthed BILLIONAIRES who say lock her up til elected then say bill and hillary are fine people, heard it from orange mans mouth on inauguration night,this same orange haired loud mouth pissed away trillions bombing innocents while crowing about defunding nato of a couple billion .We intelligent folks call this old magicians trick SLIGHT OF HAND. Then these same dumb asses mistake knowledge for hate when those of us who can think dont support either thievin ass politiciian/business man.  Both are run by different juw factions .


Trump operated outside the Deep State probably because they thought hwe had no chance of winning. I will say this once again to all the Never Trumpers who did what they were told and that was to hate Trump. Cognotove dissonancew is keyu in the stupidity of Americans. I ask who since Reagan gave Americans a huge tax break, that stimulated an economic recovery, Trump's policies created recod jobs for all races of Americans, Trump brought 40 billion back from NATO making them pay for American military support, Tump donated his presidential salary to charity, he reneotiated the trade deals with China so American companies benefited, and he secured the southern border something the Democrats as well as the GOP refused to even address! Trump forced the federal government to serve the people for once and for all and they hated him for it just as the fools who say stupid things like Trumpy Bear! 

The left wing in power is a definition of democracy by the democrats. Everybody else is far right, extremist, homophobe, racist, antibeliever of their illusions.


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