Culture WOW! Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist: Transgenderism a ‘Mental Disorder;’ Gender Reassignment ‘Biologically Impossible’

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A prominent psychiatrist, and former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R McHugh, claims that transgender individuals suffer from a form of mental illness, and that people who endorse gender reassignment are in fact supporting a mental disorder.

According to CNS News:

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”

There is a growing number of people who are endorsing this point of view, highlighting that people who feel the need to “do things differently” are in fact suffering from a mental condition.

There are also groups of people who attack anyone who thinks that being transgender is not normal.

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The truth, whether liberals like it or not, is that homosexuality was considered and classified as a mental disorder according to all the medical journals, until political pressure made them take it out. The same people who want it out of the journals are the same people that claim global warming is a fact and that science on the issue is settled. While this concerns human beings and their mentalities and anatomies, making it a much more serious and complicated issue, to these people who blindly advocate for it, only politics matters, not people.

The issue of promoting transgenderism as a mainstream acceptable social phenomenon has been atop the liberal agenda for decades now.

This doctor makes a HUGE claim here. Which side are you on?

SHARE this everywhere, and debate the doctor’s statements in the comments below!

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The gentle "Camp" individual of yesteryear has been Weaponised to fit into todays sick world. The new potently enhanced Power given to Queerness has attracted mental psychopaths like bees to a honey pot. They promote it like a new trend and target vulnerable people, luring them into utter madness. Just look around you at Who's doing the promoting, and the agenda becomes clear. (The odd rare 'Camp' guy was in general, a likeable chap with good humour, a touch of flamboyancy, and out to hurt nobody. -those real ones are gone) 

WTF  thats Gayfraud ! Clark you fuckin sick cunt you need the shrink , or you letting you mrs control you fool you pussyqueer.

Have heard numerous testimonials on AFR radio about transgenders who had reassignment surgery and regret it, of children who are going through temporary confusion being given anti-maturity drugs and then being encouraged to get surgery! This shit is insanity and the kind of dialogue that further creates chaos in our society, the very thing that the Bolsheviks did to disorient Russian society and achieve their goal destroying the family.

Fucking sick shit!

Respect for the Dr. that dares to speak the truth. To bad he'll probably have to look for another job now.


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