Germany and Italy want to take control of Libya-Niger border to stem flow of migrants

Germany and Italy want to take control of Libya-Niger border to stem flow of migrants

Published time: 14 May, 2017 23:59

Edited time: 15 May, 2017 00:01

The interior ministers of Germany and Italy have written to Brussels urging the creation of an “EU Mission” at the border between Libya and Niger “as soon as possible,” after over 40,000 people traveled through the North African country into Europe this year.

The first months of this year have shown that our efforts up to this point have been insufficient. We must prevent hundreds of thousands of people who are in the hands of smugglers from risking their lives in Libya and the Mediterranean,”said a letter penned by ministers Thomas de Maiziere and Marco Minniti, dated May 11, but reported by news agencies citing Italian officials on Sunday.

The letter reportedly states that by the middle of last month, some 42,500 newcomers had been registered in Italy, a figure 40 percent higher than last year. Ninety-seven percent said they had come through Libya.

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Bullshit - its so they bring them into Europe in a more efficient manner...

When Gaddafi was in charge of Libya the invaders were stopped before they could get in Europe. Now the invader shipping is a big business.

How is it that people like us (considered of low intelligence and no experience by 'the honorable Mr So and So's') figured out the immigration 'problem' is, has been and will continue to be created by the Western Empires. The 'dark forces' feed on chaos, mayhem, murder, confusion, and a deep seated hatred of 'man', our spirit, and our peace.

If the EU or the UN are involved it is always to our demise and blessed by the UNITED STATES CORP.

AE - I've been aware of the NWO agenda for over half my life, I hoped we could see a peaceful awakening and change -  now I am not so sure.

Peaceful awakening, not likely. Look at France or any other western country, and the rest of the world does not seem any better. The mind control is too deep seated. People are reduced to mindless Zombies divided and conquered to fight for trifles and to ignore the real problems.

I agree completely- although I now wonder how many people walking around are actually real.


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